46 episodes

REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE!

The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼

Hosting provided by SoundOn

REALFAKE Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, Kai Lin

    • Comedy

REALFAKE is a bilingual podcast that brings together people from all walks of life. In an era marked by heightened sensitivity, hosts Daniel Chen, Sean Peng, and Kai Lin are on a journey to cut through the world’s BS with hilarity. We ask the questions YOU want answers to. If you’re a real one, get ready for the unfiltered truth with REALFAKE!

The REALEST time with the Taiwanese bros 🇹🇼

Hosting provided by SoundOn

    學生時期最大的遺憾?! 畢業季要送什麼給畢業生? 高中未能開花結果的青澀愛情... | REALFAKE 46

    學生時期最大的遺憾?! 畢業季要送什麼給畢業生? 高中未能開花結果的青澀愛情... | REALFAKE 46

    🎓 畢業季即將到來,Pinkoi 將於 5/14 - 6/5 舉辦「再見吧!畢業 100 種遺憾」檔期活動。畢業尚未圓滿的種種,就上 Pinkoi 用畢業禮物與遺憾一決勝負吧!🎓

    ✨5/20 - 5/31 使用 APP 消費輸入「@realfake100」滿 NT1,200 現折 NT$100 (每帳號限用一次;限量 500 張)✨

    ➡️ 活動連結: https://pinkoi.me/FSYDf3

    隨著畢業季將至,剛步入職場的我們 aka 新鮮的肝回憶起高中和大學時期,和畢業相關的奇聞軼事以及探討各個國家不同的畢業習俗,其中最讓我們感動也推薦大家一定要試試的就是送禮的環節。特別感謝 Pinkoi 的鼎力相助,讓我們有機會在平台上挑選送給彼此的畢業禮物,並且直接在節目現場開箱!! 像個小孩子一樣興奮地拆禮物的同時,也和大家聊聊畢業禮物的重要性以及它是如何扮演感情的催化劑。極度溫馨的這集中,除了 Daniel 講述高中畢業那年的超瘋狂故事、Sean 證實南湖四帥的都市傳說、Kai 感嘆高中畢業的最大遺憾等等之外,我們也根據自身經驗各自送給今年的畢業生一段最真誠的祝福。希望在未來能一路順遂、一步步更靠近自己的目標,也鼓勵大家在這畢業的這一年毫不吝嗇地向身邊的朋友及家人表達心中的感謝,不要留下任何遺憾!!
    As grad season approaches, the boys reflect on their high school and university experiences. Thanks to Pinkoi, they also get to discuss the significance of grad gifts, exchanging gifts live on the show! Daniel shares some wild stories from his high school graduation year, Sean reveals the tale behind the 4 studs of Nanhu High, and Kai relives his biggest high school regrets. In an episode packed with high school memories, they also offer advice to this year's graduates, encouraging them to leave with no regrets.

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/kHlI0XKXltY

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 INTRO
    01:37 你還記得你的畢業歌嗎?
    06:27 謝謝 Pinkoi! 畢業禮物要送啦~
    10:07 直男互送畢業禮物!
    13:47 畢業禮物送這個項鍊就對了啦!
    18:34 這畢業禮物保證你職場上加分!
    26:45 Pinkoi 畢業季! REALFAKE 專屬優惠!!
    28:56 Daniel 在高中當間諜?!
    32:22 Kai 的恥度是有訓練過的!
    34:44 高中玩遊戲特別認真
    36:26 高中畢業終於可以穿正裝
    38:55 Daniel 高中的畢業語錄…
    40:59 Kai 在高中未能開花結果的青澀愛情!
    48:18 國外高中生都辦這種募捐活動?
    52:23 Sean 是南湖第二帥
    57:10 Kai 在高中的遺憾
    59:31 要怎麼邀請女生去畢業舞會?
    1:02:41 RF 直男各自給畢業生一小段祝福
    1:09:42 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 12 min
    殘酷二選一害直男們質疑自己?! 不吃美食我可以忍,但放棄音樂就不行!! 交往三年後發現另一半是 ladyboy?! | REALFAKE 45

    殘酷二選一害直男們質疑自己?! 不吃美食我可以忍,但放棄音樂就不行!! 交往三年後發現另一半是 ladyboy?! | REALFAKE 45

    由於 Sean 錄影當天飽受腸胃炎摧殘導致他只能在馬桶上待命,幸好我們有一個強力外援 – Daniel的大學同學 Victor 也來到了現場。今天直男們要挑戰的是大家耳熟能詳的遊戲 – Would You Rather!! 從入門款【奶茶加豬血糕 vs. 奶茶加冷凍三色豆】,到令人絞盡腦汁、眉頭深鎖的 【交往三年才發現你的女朋友是 ladyboy vs. 交往三年後才發現你跟你女友有血緣關係】!! 隨著遊戲進行,直男們也開始質疑自己的道德良心與價值觀…
    In this episode, the boys are joined by Victor (Daniel's university classmate) as Sean is out with food poisoning. They dive into a challenging game of WOULD YOU RATHER.Starting off light with questions like "Frozen veggies in your milk tea OR Pig's blood cake in your milk tea," they gradually escalate to mind-bending dilemmas such as "Learning that your partner is a ladyboy after 3 years of dating OR Finding out you are related to your partner after 3 years of dating"!! As the game progresses, the boys are left questioning their own morals and values.

    Victor 的 IG: @vicxie30

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/gghjVMSo-aE

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 INTRO
    04:39 奶茶加三色豆 vs. 奶茶加豬血糕
    12:28 大便跟壘球一樣大 vs. 大完便永遠擦不乾淨
    18:07 頭髮變成牙齒 vs. 牙齒變成頭髮
    23:12 正常穿衣但永遠都吹著寒風 vs. 裸體但不論天氣都能很舒服
    29:05 世界上每一種語言都會 vs. 可以跟動物溝通
    37:47 用舌頭洗衣台車 vs. 一年不能洗澡
    42:24 交往三年後發現對方是 lady boy vs. 交往三年後發現你們有血緣關係
    48:59 永遠戴著耳機 vs. 永遠戴著口罩
    53:13 永遠不再享受音樂 vs. 永遠不再享受美食
    59:23 味蕾長在肛門上 vs. 要從嘴巴上大號
    1:06:06 襪子當內褲穿 vs. 內褲當襪子穿
    1:11:24 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 12 min
    MBTI 人格測驗為什麼會爆紅? 四個字母憑什麼判定我的能力! MBTI 透露的是你的盲點而不是缺點? | REALFAKE 44

    MBTI 人格測驗為什麼會爆紅? 四個字母憑什麼判定我的能力! MBTI 透露的是你的盲點而不是缺點? | REALFAKE 44

    ✨ 台灣最強 MBTI YouTuber 暨國際認證講師雪力老師的書《內在自癒:設計你想要的人生》購書連結 👉🏻 https://linktr.ee/sherrysnotes

    這應該是直男有史裡來表現最正經的一集,難得 Kai 一句諧音梗都不敢提。 畢竟今天請到的是 MBTI權威 – 雪力老師來幫大家上課!! 老師一步一步帶大家探討什麼是 MBTI、為何近幾年爆紅、以及 MBTI 在自我提升和人際交流中扮演的重要角色等,老師也非常有禮貌的譴責用 MBTI 來面試員工的這個行為,同時強調往人身上貼標籤會為人生降低多少可能性。當然直男們不可能放過這個機會,馬上透露自己的MBTI並和雪力老師來場療癒人心的心理諮詢!! 最後老師也藉這個機會和大家分享她新發行的書《內在自癒:設計我想要的人聲》,鼓勵大家思維上跳脫 MBTI 的框架來活出自己的價值,在人生這條路上繼續奮鬥。
    In their most nerve-wracking and serious episode yet, the boys are honored to have Sherry join the podcast to delve into the immensely popular personality test, MBTI! Sherry begins by explaining what MBTI is, why it has gained such widespread popularity, and its significance for self-improvement and our daily relationships. She also argues against using MBTI for job recruitment, highlighting how the labels we assign to each other can limit our experiences in life. The boys then reveal their own MBTI personality types, receiving on-the-spot therapy from Sherry. Finally, Sherry shares her new book, challenging the boys to think beyond their MBTI and motivating them to continue striving forward!

    雪力老師的 IG: @sherrys_notes

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/4xItV6rOq80

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1TksE7y9IMfQ260RIphbVZ?si=1c2e29c11998439d
    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 INTRO
    03:42 MBTI 到底是什麼東西?!
    06:11 為什麼 MBTI 這麼紅?
    10:03 不要貼標籤啦
    13:09 拜託各位主管不要用 MBTI 來徵才
    16:05 MBTI 可以幫你看到自己的盲點
    20:43 懂了 MBTI 可以更好的對待別人?
    22:49 我的 MBTI 會變嗎?
    29:33 這世上每一種人都是被需要的!
    31:05 MBTI 猜猜猜!!
    37:41 MBTI 真的猜不了啦!
    42:36 公布 RF 臭直男的 MBTI
    47:09 DANIEL 就是愛交朋友
    49:29 SEAN 有點不確定自己 (的MBTI
    53:41 KAI 是個外星人
    57:16 INFP 你們真的很棒!
    1:03:59 老師 我很懶~
    1:06:12 雪力老師現場治療直男們
    1:10:42 25 歲就是要衝
    1:14:11 雪力老師出新書了!!
    1:16:50 RF 這團體能不能做下去?
    1:18:52 I AM MORE THAN MY MBTI
    1:26:11 直男直到彎??
    1:29:10 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 31 min
    你如果想做 Podcast 一定要趁現在! 直男都是沒頭腦的在講幹話?! 我們錄音室的都市傳說…? | REALFAKE 43

    你如果想做 Podcast 一定要趁現在! 直男都是沒頭腦的在講幹話?! 我們錄音室的都市傳說…? | REALFAKE 43

    既 MicMind 前台一朵花小辣椒之後,今天我們直接請到了 MicMind 的幕後首腦查理來分享全台北最美錄音室的成功秘訣!聊聊創業的過程從來不是一帆風順以及為何選擇 podcast,據說還有這間錄音室的都市傳說…? 此外老闆大談 podcast 的未來走向還順便點評了 REALFAKE 創立至今的表現 🤙🏽 究竟成功的 podcast 需要具備哪些特質,而 REALFAKE 又具備哪些呢? 我們還發現 Charlie 跟Kai 一樣都是充滿故事的男人,到底誰會在埃及跟當地人吵架? 挑戰各種體能競技活動就因為自己是體力怪?(順帶一提,REALFAKE 的週邊商品… 有人有興趣嗎 👀)
    In this episode, the boys are joined by Charlie, the BIG BOSS of the MicMind recording studio, who shares the story of creating one of Taiwan's most successful podcast recording studios! Charlie discusses his humble beginnings, why he chose the podcast industry, and some of the weird encounters he's had in the studio. He also talks about the future of podcasting and analyzes whether REALFAKE is a good podcast, breaking down the elements of a "successful" podcast. Charlie also shares his past experiences, including getting into an argument in Egypt and his love for challenging himself with physically demanding activities. (P.S REALFAKE merch…. would anyone want?)

    Charlie 老闆的 IG: @charlie81918
    想創業的朋友們!! 這邊聽: https://portaly.cc/charlies.insight

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/3iBzaFwf4hw

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 INTRO
    04:05 我們節目到底做的好嗎?
    08:42 為什麼會開 podcast 錄音室?
    12:23 真的是台北最美錄音室!
    16:52 開錄音室自己也要有 podcast 吧!
    20:17 一個 "成功" 的 podcast 是什麼?
    23:03 Podcaster 可以當正職嗎?
    29:36 國中生也會來錄 podcast!
    31:33 MicMind 成功的原因…?
    34:18 錄音室的怪事可多呢
    38:58 以前在信義區酒吧打工
    45:18 在埃及大馬路上用破英文吵架
    50:44 就是要挑戰自己!
    1:02:21 要開始賣周邊商品?!
    1:05:44 在創業的朋友們,加油啊!
    1:09:02 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 11 min
    直男談戀愛後說話聲音都變了?! 如何順其自然的跟曖昧對象講電話? 在交友軟體上遇到蒙面歌王?! | REALFAKE 42

    直男談戀愛後說話聲音都變了?! 如何順其自然的跟曖昧對象講電話? 在交友軟體上遇到蒙面歌王?! | REALFAKE 42

    ✨Goodnight App 的下載連結:https://smart.link/3ypwg4xeej3yw

    Goodnight daddy… 你想的沒錯,本集的乾爹就是 Goodnight!! 今天直男們開聊交友軟體和曖昧 and熱戀期的小故事、E 人和 I 人面對講電話的天壤之別、應該傳訊息還是奪命連環摳? 過往的感情故事當然少不了,像是該找什麼理由講電話? 遠距離戀愛的視訊約會,直男們甚至犧牲色相來演示跟現任女友講電話的可愛口音… 但總是聊過往豐功偉業也沒啥意思,直接在路節目現場用 Goodnight 隨機電話聊天!! 咦,有人在交友軟體上遇過蒙面歌王的嗎?
    In this episode sponsored by Goodnight, the boys get down to discussing dating apps and the early stages of relationships. They compare introverts and extroverts on the phone, and debating texting vs. calling preferences. They also share stories from past relationships, including flirting and talking stages, finding reasons to call, and the dynamics of long-distance video calls. They even reveal HOW they talk on the phone with their current girlfriends! To add some fun, they use the dating app Goodnight to talk to some strangers and they even meet a hidden singer?!

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/-9WDjHw7ZI8

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 INTRO
    01:46 謝謝 Goodnight!
    03:13 I 人很討厭打電話
    10:03 曖昧到什麼階段才會打電話?
    15:25 跟曖昧對象打電話有什麼注意事項?
    21:23 你在曖昧的時候會這樣嗎?
    25:41 平常多常跟另一半打一次電話?
    27:48 打過最長的一次電話
    35:01 直男們直接上 goodnight 聊天
    38:55 玩交友軟體經驗
    42:19 Goodnight 第一位聊天對象
    50:21 Goodnight 第二位聊天對象
    54:01 Goodnight 第三位聊天對象
    1:01:03 失敗的直男
    1:03:39 Goodnight 上驚見好歌喉
    1:08:31 這個人也太會唱了吧!!
    1:11:51 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 16 min
    命中注定我愛你?! 我和前女友無法解釋的緣分! 你如果相信一見鍾情,那你就是外貌協會...? | REALFAKE 41

    命中注定我愛你?! 我和前女友無法解釋的緣分! 你如果相信一見鍾情,那你就是外貌協會...? | REALFAKE 41


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    不含PFAS、PFOA、PFOS、鐵氟龍等有毒物質 ,專利認證多功能鍋具

    ✨REALFAKE 聽眾52折專屬優惠:https://s.add.one/5u89fb
    (品牌限定優惠,請使用 FB 或 Line 登入,即可看到專屬優惠價)

    萬萬沒想到幹話滿滿的 RF 竟然開啟了認真模式!! 命運、緣分、自由意志到底是什麼? 仔細想想,我們的人生一路走來都非常幸運。Kai 分享和前女友的命運相識、以及分手後的各種超不合理大型起雞皮疙瘩現場。Daniel 和 Sean 也回顧了在當兵認識彼此的契機,是多難能可貴更說明何謂天時地利人和。隨著直男們越聊越起勁話題也越來越深,包含緣分在愛情中的角色、一見鍾情、是否相信自由意志等等… 眉頭深鎖,救命,Sean 的抬頭紋要越來越深了。
    In this episode, the boys show their "serious" side as they delve into complex topics like destiny, fate, and free will. They reflect on their lives and come to the realization that they are all truly blessed. Kai shares a compelling story of fate with his ex-girlfriend, highlighting numerous unexplainable coincidences between them. Daniel and Sean also look back on how everything seemed to align perfectly for them to meet in the military. However, the discussion goes deeper as they explore topics like fate in love, love at first sight, and their beliefs in free will.

    WATCH ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/sWxCKOJrFyc

    ADD US ON:
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/realfakepod
    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@realfakepod

    APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/realfake/id1696494723
    KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/tw/channel/4kLuUmtJAAS0srSYvP

    📩 合作邀約請來信: realfakepodcast87@gmail.com

    00:00 感謝 ROICHEN
    02:56 INTRO
    05:48 進擊巨人沒這麼單純 (暴雷)
    06:56 《天能》自由意志
    09:49 覺得自己是運氣好的人嗎?
    11:23 Kai 是被老天爺眷顧的人
    19:34 Daniel is BLESSED
    22:39 有些人就是運氣特別好!
    24:49 我們很有緣分欸
    27:46 感情裡所有的巧遇都是另一方的處心積慮
    29:51 愛情裡相信緣分嗎?
    34:45 Kai 跟前女友很可怕的緣分
    44:45 大家可以去看看教會!
    45:41 這女生是被派來的人
    50:12 Sean 真的過得蠻順的
    50:46 你相信一見鍾情嗎?
    59:37 我們擁有自由意志嗎?
    1:07:26 命運已經定好了
    1:11:03 自由意志太複雜了啦
    1:13:08 ENDING
    Hosting provided by SoundOn

    • 1 hr 16 min

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