21 min


    • Non-Profit

Good morning. I'm Universal Peace God Allah. Today's date is the 29th or should I say, Today's Supreme Mathematics is Wisdom Born, all being born to wisdom. This morning I'm going to share my life's story with you all.

From young, I've always looked like the weakest of the weak, so people would choose me as a target forcing me to put my foot down heavily in later years.

I attended public school in Brooklyn New York but I've always managed to excel in my studies while being quiet and looking weak.
With that being said, the other kids would choose to try to bully me. I put up with alot of bullying for along time.

Not only was I bullied by other kids, I was also mistreated by those in my own family, specifically, my father's side. Because I had a speech impediment, a stutter, there was malicious rumors going around on my father's side of the family, rumors that I was dumb and was unable to read and write.

While my father was alive, the same family who slandered and spread rumors about me would always run to him for money. But, then he died and his family went into his home and bank and stole everything from us, they even came to where I stayed and stole his car. His family told me that I didn't deserve anything. All of this was said and done to me and my brother over my father's dead body.

A year later my mother passed away and my father's family held my fathers cemetery plot and tried to prevent my mother from being buried there with him. They didn't like my mother either. My mother was a professional, corporate woman, a Certified Public Assistant who had two children for one man, but my father's family would always tell me that I needed to leave my mother and go live with my father.

My father's side was not the only transgressors, my immediate family members were bad also.

Being that I was the oldest and named after my father, my father showed more favoritism towards me over my brother and my mother showed more favoritism towards my younger brother over me, which, I guess put me and my brother at odds.

My family used me for years. I sold heavy drugs which kept my family's hands extended whenever they seen me. But everytime I went to prison they didn't even send me a letter nor a dime and when I would come home, they would even provide me with a roof over my head until I got back on my feet. But when I did get back on my feet they came back to me.

I have a younger female cousin on my father's side. When I came home and needed a place to stay she tried to treat me like male Cinderella. She would have me baby sit her bae bae kids and use the money I was saving to get out on my own again and then when the money was gone, she wanted me gone too.
But then when I got back on my feet here in Virginia, she called me and asked to use my address for cheaper insurance and I let her come and do that.

I let her come into my home and use my address, and when I was out, she went behind my back and told my girlfriend all type of bullshit about my that caused conflict in my home, then she left.

Good morning. I'm Universal Peace God Allah. Today's date is the 29th or should I say, Today's Supreme Mathematics is Wisdom Born, all being born to wisdom. This morning I'm going to share my life's story with you all.

From young, I've always looked like the weakest of the weak, so people would choose me as a target forcing me to put my foot down heavily in later years.

I attended public school in Brooklyn New York but I've always managed to excel in my studies while being quiet and looking weak.
With that being said, the other kids would choose to try to bully me. I put up with alot of bullying for along time.

Not only was I bullied by other kids, I was also mistreated by those in my own family, specifically, my father's side. Because I had a speech impediment, a stutter, there was malicious rumors going around on my father's side of the family, rumors that I was dumb and was unable to read and write.

While my father was alive, the same family who slandered and spread rumors about me would always run to him for money. But, then he died and his family went into his home and bank and stole everything from us, they even came to where I stayed and stole his car. His family told me that I didn't deserve anything. All of this was said and done to me and my brother over my father's dead body.

A year later my mother passed away and my father's family held my fathers cemetery plot and tried to prevent my mother from being buried there with him. They didn't like my mother either. My mother was a professional, corporate woman, a Certified Public Assistant who had two children for one man, but my father's family would always tell me that I needed to leave my mother and go live with my father.

My father's side was not the only transgressors, my immediate family members were bad also.

Being that I was the oldest and named after my father, my father showed more favoritism towards me over my brother and my mother showed more favoritism towards my younger brother over me, which, I guess put me and my brother at odds.

My family used me for years. I sold heavy drugs which kept my family's hands extended whenever they seen me. But everytime I went to prison they didn't even send me a letter nor a dime and when I would come home, they would even provide me with a roof over my head until I got back on my feet. But when I did get back on my feet they came back to me.

I have a younger female cousin on my father's side. When I came home and needed a place to stay she tried to treat me like male Cinderella. She would have me baby sit her bae bae kids and use the money I was saving to get out on my own again and then when the money was gone, she wanted me gone too.
But then when I got back on my feet here in Virginia, she called me and asked to use my address for cheaper insurance and I let her come and do that.

I let her come into my home and use my address, and when I was out, she went behind my back and told my girlfriend all type of bullshit about my that caused conflict in my home, then she left.

21 min