31 min

#6 : Scott Binder EVP of Medical Sales college takes us behind the scenes discussing the MSC advantage and their story , importance of a multifaceted training program, the reality of a medical device sales rep and much more Med Device Unleashed

    • Careers

In this episode we get to go behind the scenes at Medical Sales College which has become a staple among both companies and representatives looking to break into and get educated in the vast field of orthopedic implants and technologies. Scott has been with them since the start and gives great insight into how , what and why behind what they do at MSC.

In this episode we get to go behind the scenes at Medical Sales College which has become a staple among both companies and representatives looking to break into and get educated in the vast field of orthopedic implants and technologies. Scott has been with them since the start and gives great insight into how , what and why behind what they do at MSC.

31 min