100 episodes

Iggy Odighizuwa is a founder of Systems By Design 7-figure fitness business that that aims to help fitness professionals grow their business to 7-figures. Iggy’s passion is helping coaches improve the quality and efficiency of their program delivery. He loves getting more done in less time and making what he calls “lazy money”. He is the author of The Ultimate Client Acquisition System. This system was designed to automate the process of attracting ideal clients whilst filtering out the bad fits.

7 Figure Fitness Business Podcast Iggy Odighizuwa

    • Business

Iggy Odighizuwa is a founder of Systems By Design 7-figure fitness business that that aims to help fitness professionals grow their business to 7-figures. Iggy’s passion is helping coaches improve the quality and efficiency of their program delivery. He loves getting more done in less time and making what he calls “lazy money”. He is the author of The Ultimate Client Acquisition System. This system was designed to automate the process of attracting ideal clients whilst filtering out the bad fits.

    How to Beat Your Competition

    How to Beat Your Competition

    Welcome back, fitness enthusiasts, to another exhilarating episode of the 7-FFB!Today, we're diving deep into the realm of fitness entrepreneurship, where we'll unveil the secrets to "How to Beat Your Competition." Whether you're an aspiring fitness coach or an established pro, this episode is a goldmine of wisdom you simply can't afford to miss.In this episode, we're going to unveil the secrets to crushing your competition and propelling your fitness coaching business into the seven-figure stratosphere.Remember, it's not just about being good at what you do; it's about being great at building your business. Take these invaluable lessons to heart, create your unique value proposition, and watch your fitness coaching empire soar.Stay tuned for more tips!Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast00:33 Building a profitable online coaching business.1:07 The power of social media marketing: How to build a successful business? 2:04 How to systematically scale your business.3:34 Stop focusing on the competition.4:11 How to create a unique value proposition.If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, tune in and share this podcast.Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!📌Subscribe:  ○ Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@7FigureFitnessBusiness/featured      📌 Follow Us On Instagram ​​https://www.instagram.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/       📌 Like Us On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      Full episode available to listen to on:📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33Qea5gc8FUYF1zxjX04Mn       📌Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3kzrHmz         
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    • 5 min
    How to Find Joy in What You Do?

    How to Find Joy in What You Do?

    Finding joy in what you do…The harsh reality is that when you’re a business owner or an entrepreneur, you're not always going to enjoy what you're doing. So it is necessary to know the right framework on how to find happiness especially when running a business. In my case, one of our core company values is being big picture focused. Hence, we are more pleased with the long term satisfaction of bringing the big picture to life and making the vision a reality. That’s why when I'm stuck doing some tedious stuff, or doing things that I don't particularly enjoy, I think about how these things help me, and us get towards the big picture. As for me, I just enjoy and trust the process.I've learned to find joy in the shit eating knowing and trusting that we’re heading towards achievements and milestones. That's how I frame it. And that's how I am conditioned to train our team to look at the difficulties and the challenges that we run into in the business.So let’s deep dive in, and know more about how you see the beautiful things when running a business. See you on the inside!Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast0:59 Core company values, big picture focus, and sh*t eating.2:46 The importance of big picture focus. 4:21 Why does Iggy have a hard time finding joy?5:59 Figure out where you're trying to go and get direction correct.

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    Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!

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    • 6 min
    Failing Forward: Embracing Setbacks on the Road to Success

    Failing Forward: Embracing Setbacks on the Road to Success

    Welcome to the 27th episode of the 7FFB podcast!In today's fast-paced world, success often seems synonymous with perfection. The Fear of Failure. ✅📍Failure is a topic that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Many individuals are held back from pursuing their goals and dreams because they are paralyzed by the fear of failure. They dread the possibility of looking foolish, feeling inadequate, or disappointing those who care about them. This fear can be all-consuming and keep us from taking the first step toward our ambitions.In our podcast today I, myself, was once a victim of this paralyzing fear of failure. For a long time, I hesitated to start a business due to this fear. The uncertainty surrounding success, the fear of making mistakes, and the doubt about whether his endeavors would work out held me back.However, the turning point came when I decided to confront this fear head-on. I realized that I had two choices: to continue living unhappily and watching others pursue their dreams or to face my fear and put myself out there. I chose the latter.However, the road ahead wasn't smooth. Reaching out to potential clients resulted in numerous rejections. I faced rejection after rejection, with a growing number of "no's" stacking up against me.Embracing Imperfection. ✅📍In conclusion, the importance of failure cannot be understated when it comes to achieving success in business. It's the willingness to embrace imperfection, to risk looking foolish, and to learn from mistakes that propels us forward. Failure is not the end; it's a lesson on the path to success.Remember, failure is not the opposite of success; it's an integral part of the journey to success. So go out there, take risks, and don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself. You might just find that success lies on the other side of your fear.See you all on the inside!Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast1:43 Failing the test of uncertainty. 3:08 Getting no response from clients. 4:11 It was worth the effort and fear.6:17 Redefining the way I approach business.

    If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, tune in and share this podcast.Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!

    📌Subscribe:  ○ Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@7FigureFitnessBusiness/featured      📌 Follow Us On Instagram ​​https://www.instagram.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/       📌 Like Us On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      Full episode available to listen to on:📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33Qea5gc8FUYF1zxjX04Mn       📌Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3kzrHmz         
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    • 7 min
    Go-To Tactics To Expand Brand Awareness

    Go-To Tactics To Expand Brand Awareness

    Generating brand awareness is essential for building a strong and memorable brand that resonates with your target audience. In uncertain times of economic instability, many companies are focused on cutting—cutting jobs, cutting budgets and cutting opportunities.In today's episode, we're tackling a subject that's often overlooked but incredibly crucial in the business landscape: "Building Your Brand Awareness." You might wonder why brand awareness matters so much and how you can effectively achieve it. Well, that's exactly what we're here to discuss.Crafting a Systematic Approach.

    To effectively build brand awareness, it's essential to have a systematic approach. Here's a simplified roadmap:- Invest in Paid Traffic: Allocate a budget for paid advertising to maximize your brand's reach. Platforms like Google Ads and social media ads can help you target specific demographics, ensuring your message reaches the right people.-Create Valuable Content: Develop content that resonates with your target audience. This content can range from blog posts and videos to podcasts, all aimed at solving their problems and showcasing your expertise.-Nurture through Organic Content: As your paid traffic generates interest, nurture that interest through consistent organic content. This can include blog articles, social media posts, and engaging videos that provide value and reinforce your brand's message.-Retargeting and Building Trust: Utilize retargeting strategies to reconnect with users who've engaged with your brand before. This is where the synergy between paid and organic efforts shines. Use this opportunity to deepen their trust by showcasing your expertise and understanding of their challenges.

    Stay tuned for more insights on how to grow your business!Until next time, stay proactive and keep building your brand!Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast0:11 Building Your Brand Awareness1:21 Why is organic marketing a long-term strategy?2:06 Creating organic content consistently.3:24 How to put your marketing strategy on steroidsIf you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, tune in and share this podcast.Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!

    📌Subscribe:  ○ Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@7FigureFitnessBusiness/featured      📌 Follow Us On Instagram ​​https://www.instagram.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      📌 Like Us On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      Full episode available to listen to on:📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33Qea5gc8FUYF1zxjX04Mn       📌Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3kzrHmz 
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    • 5 min
    Start a 7-Figure Business From the Scratch

    Start a 7-Figure Business From the Scratch

    Hey there, podcast fam! 🎙️ Welcome back to another exciting episode of The Seven-Figure Fitness Business Podcast.Today, we're diving into the thrilling roller coaster ride of growth, learning, and success that has been our business story. I'm about to pull back the curtain and share some insider secrets that have taken us from zero to a multi-seven-figure run rate in just a handful of months. Yeah, you heard that right!A Small Beta and a Big Vision 🚀Picture this: It all started with a tiny beta launch back in March. We tossed a line out to our network, and eight awesome people jumped on board. But let's be real, it was more of a proof-of-concept move than anything else. The Lightbulb Moment: Where Marketing Magic Happens 💡But hey, it's all about growth, right? And growth means learning – even if it means learning from our own blunders. April was our wake-up call, a nudge from the universe to level up. So, we got to work – April showers bringing May revelations.AI-Powered Marvels and June Surprises 🤖Now, here's where the magic really ignited. We enlisted the power of AI to script our messaging, and voila! Suddenly, we were setting things ablaze. May wasn't just a month; it was a fireworks display! Our revenue danced its way to a rocket-propelled success story that we were more than ready to double in June.The highs, lows, and everything in between. We're sharing our playbook with you, because we believe the sky's the limit when you're fueled by passion, honesty, and the willingness to learn.So stay tuned, keep rocking those dreams, hustling, and chase that multi-seven-figure dream. Stay awesome, and I'll see you on the inside! ✌️🎉Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast1:16 The importance of demonstrating how you can solve problems.2:25 How do you make the leap from idea to offer? 3:50 Focus on the right creatives4:27 The team has been eating a lot of shit.

    If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, tune in and share this podcast.Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!📌Resources:$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi: https://www.amazon.com/100M-Offers-People-Stupid-Saying-ebook/dp/B099QVG1H8  📌Subscribe:  ○ Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@7FigureFitnessBusiness/featured     📌 Follow Us On Instagram ​​https://www.instagram.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      📌 Like Us On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      Full episode available to listen to on:📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33Qea5gc8FUYF1zxjX04Mn      📌Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3kzrHmz       
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    • 5 min
    Why This Decision-Making Framework is Reliable to Achieve Business Milestones?

    Why This Decision-Making Framework is Reliable to Achieve Business Milestones?

    Welcome to the 24th episode of The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast.Recently, I had a conversation about a decision-making framework that will prioritize the highest leverage activities in the business, get what needs to get done, and focus your time on the most important things. Picture this: you're at a pivotal point in your business journey. You've got tasks flying at you left and right, and you're wondering if you're truly focusing on what matters. Well, worry not! In a recent chat with the team, we stumbled upon a decision-making framework that's like a magic wand for productivity. It's helped us unleash our business potential, and it can do the same for you.First things first, let's take a bird's-eye view of your business. Jot down everything you're currently doing, everything you should be doing, and those crucial tasks that keep your business running like a well-oiled machine. Yes, we're talking about the should-dos that often end up as the could-wait-till-laters.Now, you need to sort these activities into four distinct categories, making your life easier and your business more efficient.

    1. Low Effort, High Impact Activities2. High Effort, High Impact Activities3. Low Effort, Low Impact Activities4. High Effort, Low Impact ActivitiesNow, what's your roadmap to success? How will you execute these game plans? Remember, your time is precious. Don't get bogged down by low-impact tasks that can easily be handled by others. Because by mastering this decision-making framework, you're paving the way for business growth and unlocking your true potential. And guess what? Soon enough, you'll be ready to build your dream team, delegate like a pro, and watch your business flourish!Remember, with this empowering decision-making framework, you can reshape your business journey and achieve your milestone!See you on the inside!Episode highlights:00:00 Welcome to The Seven Figure Fitness Business Podcast2:22 Categorize your activities into four buckets.3:32 The importance of prioritizing high-effort, high-impact activity, and how to think through ways to reduce the effort in those activities.5:03 Categorize your activities into three7:12 Dealing with low effort and low impact tasks

    If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, tune in and share this podcast.Remember, Stay Calm, Change Lives, and Have Life On Your Terms!

    📌Subscribe:  ○ Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@7FigureFitnessBusiness/featured     📌 Follow Us On Instagram ​​https://www.instagram.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      📌 Like Us On Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/7figurefitnessbusiness/      Full episode available to listen to on:📌 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/33Qea5gc8FUYF1zxjX04Mn      📌Apple Podcast: https://apple.co/3kzrHmz      
    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    • 9 min

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