21 min

Episode 30: Parent Advocacy Bette Fetter

    • Education

Back-to-school season is upon us! Parents have done so much to get children ready for the new year, so what's next? In my early years as a parent, I felt that I had done a great job in preparing my kids for school; they were in bed on time, had a healthy breakfast, finished their homework, and I was involved at the school. There is always the fine balance between preparing our children and being the notorious "helicopter parent". During my oldest daughter's second grade parent-teacher conference, Mrs. Johnson gave me a bit of a course correction and reminded me to "pay more attention". She nicely reminded me that school systems are big with many challenges to meet the needs of different kinds of students. In Episode 30, I share my story and encourage you with ways to prepare your children but to always pay close attention! As parents, it is our job to make certain that our children are getting their needs met, especially those visual learners who may not fit the mold of the left-brain learner. For notes and resources from Episode 30, please visit www.bettefetter.com.

Back-to-school season is upon us! Parents have done so much to get children ready for the new year, so what's next? In my early years as a parent, I felt that I had done a great job in preparing my kids for school; they were in bed on time, had a healthy breakfast, finished their homework, and I was involved at the school. There is always the fine balance between preparing our children and being the notorious "helicopter parent". During my oldest daughter's second grade parent-teacher conference, Mrs. Johnson gave me a bit of a course correction and reminded me to "pay more attention". She nicely reminded me that school systems are big with many challenges to meet the needs of different kinds of students. In Episode 30, I share my story and encourage you with ways to prepare your children but to always pay close attention! As parents, it is our job to make certain that our children are getting their needs met, especially those visual learners who may not fit the mold of the left-brain learner. For notes and resources from Episode 30, please visit www.bettefetter.com.

21 min

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