219 episodes

Welcome to Profitable Joyful Consulting, where you'll discover how to
multiply revenues without exhaustion, working with perfect clients on
transformational engagements. Host Samantha Hartley shares how talented and ambitious women consultants–just like you!–can build profitable and joyful consulting businesses.

Samantha’s practical and motivating weekly episodes draw on her background in international marketing with The Coca-Cola Company, her 20 years as an independent consultant, and her work with successful women consultants in a wide variety of industries.

Subscribe and make Profitable Joyful Consulting your go-to resource!

Topics you care about:
How to increase revenues without exhaustion. You already know how to grow by working long hours, but that’s not sustainable—or joyful! If you’re
tired of the Revenue Roller Coaster, we’ve got proven strategies to help
you double your revenues while avoiding burnout.

How to work exclusively with Perfect Clients on “Transformational
Engagements.” Bad-fit clients are neither profitable nor joyful. We dive
into how you can attract, nurture, and retain perfect clients. You'll gain
valuable insights about how to break the cycle of short-term projects that keep you living in the land of one-offs so you can create the high-impact, long-term, retainer-based consulting arrangements we call transformational engagements.

What are the fundamentals for having both profit and joy in your
consulting business? Samantha shares strategies for how to get started as a consultant, how to create a consulting brand and compelling messages that will help you to attract clients consistently, how to grow your consulting business with referrals and strategic alliances, how to scale with team and subcontractors, how to set fees for your services, how to write proposals that get accepted, how to leverage your impact with tools and technology, how to sell with integrity, and to make delivery more efficient while still getting results your clients will want to talk about
in testimonials and case studies that will sell your services for you.

How to cultivate a mindset for success. Samantha brings concrete
examples, client consulting success stories, and actionable tools to
overcome limiting beliefs with powerful intentions, affirmations, and
spiritual practices aligned with your values.

The show’s format respects your time and attention with concise

Most episodes in the themed 12-episode seasons feature Samantha sharing practical training taken from her work with clients that you, too, can implement right away in your consulting business. A few times each season, guest experts and fellow consultants stop by to keep you updated on the latest trends and innovations in areas like marketing strategy, pricing, or

Hosted by: Samantha Hartley

Like many of her clients, Samantha worked in a corporate environment we’d now call psychologically unsafe or even toxic. Even though creativity was “encouraged,” new ideas were considered threatening, and casual misogyny and harassment were ubiquitous. Nevertheless, she built a bridge from there to her first consulting clients and has been self-employed, working remotely, ever since. She remembers her lean years and how she used the exact strategies she teaches on the show to begin to attract clients consistently and learn to get results without overworking. In recent years, Samantha has followed her passion to focus on women consultants and female founders. When
we lift up women, everyone benefits!

Learn more here: https://samanthahartley.com/

If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant,
increase your profits, and experience the joy of a thriving consulting
business, subscribe and turn on notifications. Join us for ideas and
inspiration at Profitable Joyful Consulting. Your success story begins

Download the free Definitive Guide to Winning 6-Figure Clients at 6FigureClients.com.

Profitable Joyful Consulting Samantha Hartley

    • Business

Welcome to Profitable Joyful Consulting, where you'll discover how to
multiply revenues without exhaustion, working with perfect clients on
transformational engagements. Host Samantha Hartley shares how talented and ambitious women consultants–just like you!–can build profitable and joyful consulting businesses.

Samantha’s practical and motivating weekly episodes draw on her background in international marketing with The Coca-Cola Company, her 20 years as an independent consultant, and her work with successful women consultants in a wide variety of industries.

Subscribe and make Profitable Joyful Consulting your go-to resource!

Topics you care about:
How to increase revenues without exhaustion. You already know how to grow by working long hours, but that’s not sustainable—or joyful! If you’re
tired of the Revenue Roller Coaster, we’ve got proven strategies to help
you double your revenues while avoiding burnout.

How to work exclusively with Perfect Clients on “Transformational
Engagements.” Bad-fit clients are neither profitable nor joyful. We dive
into how you can attract, nurture, and retain perfect clients. You'll gain
valuable insights about how to break the cycle of short-term projects that keep you living in the land of one-offs so you can create the high-impact, long-term, retainer-based consulting arrangements we call transformational engagements.

What are the fundamentals for having both profit and joy in your
consulting business? Samantha shares strategies for how to get started as a consultant, how to create a consulting brand and compelling messages that will help you to attract clients consistently, how to grow your consulting business with referrals and strategic alliances, how to scale with team and subcontractors, how to set fees for your services, how to write proposals that get accepted, how to leverage your impact with tools and technology, how to sell with integrity, and to make delivery more efficient while still getting results your clients will want to talk about
in testimonials and case studies that will sell your services for you.

How to cultivate a mindset for success. Samantha brings concrete
examples, client consulting success stories, and actionable tools to
overcome limiting beliefs with powerful intentions, affirmations, and
spiritual practices aligned with your values.

The show’s format respects your time and attention with concise

Most episodes in the themed 12-episode seasons feature Samantha sharing practical training taken from her work with clients that you, too, can implement right away in your consulting business. A few times each season, guest experts and fellow consultants stop by to keep you updated on the latest trends and innovations in areas like marketing strategy, pricing, or

Hosted by: Samantha Hartley

Like many of her clients, Samantha worked in a corporate environment we’d now call psychologically unsafe or even toxic. Even though creativity was “encouraged,” new ideas were considered threatening, and casual misogyny and harassment were ubiquitous. Nevertheless, she built a bridge from there to her first consulting clients and has been self-employed, working remotely, ever since. She remembers her lean years and how she used the exact strategies she teaches on the show to begin to attract clients consistently and learn to get results without overworking. In recent years, Samantha has followed her passion to focus on women consultants and female founders. When
we lift up women, everyone benefits!

Learn more here: https://samanthahartley.com/

If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant,
increase your profits, and experience the joy of a thriving consulting
business, subscribe and turn on notifications. Join us for ideas and
inspiration at Profitable Joyful Consulting. Your success story begins

Download the free Definitive Guide to Winning 6-Figure Clients at 6FigureClients.com.

    What’s an Escalation Clause?

    What’s an Escalation Clause?

    “An escalation clause assumes that when the value you bring your client increases, your rates also increase.”

    A viewer writes, “Have you ever priced your engagements with an escalation clause that allows you to raise the price as the business grows, with your assistance, of course?”

    I love this question! An escalation clause is a sophisticated pricing strategy, so this is an advanced episode. I break down what an escalation clause is (and is not), why you want to use one, and how you present an escalation to clients. I also cover some frequently asked questions (so stay ‘til the end, for sure).

    If you’ve listened to Profitable Joyful Consulting before, you know I teach consultants to do value-based pricing, meaning we don't charge by the hour or by the project, but based on the value you bring your client. Similarly, an escalation clause assumes that when the value you bring increases, your rates also increase. It’s an advanced strategy that requires you to have a track record of success, an incredible reputation, and the ability to be selective with your clients and to be able to communicate confidence in getting results. 

    Are you ready to increase your revenue through an escalation clause?

    Discover how to incorporate escalation clauses in your business on this episode of Profitable Joyful Consulting on YouTube or your favorite podcast app.

    Related Episodes: 

    ▶️ Pricing Your Consulting Services

    ▶️ Command Higher Prices

    ▶️ How to Increase Your Revenue and Value with These Powerful Questions

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant, increase your profits, and experience the joy of a thriving consulting business, subscribe and turn on notifications. Join us for ideas and inspiration at Profitable Joyful Consulting. Your success story begins here.

    Download the free Definitive Guide to Winning 6-Figure Clients at 6FigureClients.com.

    • 11 min
    When is Enough ENOUGH?

    When is Enough ENOUGH?

    What will it take for you to align your revenue goals with personal freedom? Find out on this episode of Profitable Joyful Consulting on YouTube or your favorite podcast app: www.samanthaspodcast.com.

    Related Episodes: 

    ➡️ Financial Principles for Consultants 

    ➡️ What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

    ➡️ Self-Care for Entrepreneurs

    “My number one value in my business is freedom. I don't want to be told what to do, or when to do. I want to have options and choices available to me.”

    How much is enough money to earn through your business? When can you say “Yup, I”m done. I've hit my goal.”? My answer may surprise you. 

    Viewer Question: When is enough enough, meaning being comfortable with how much you make since it's more than you ever thought possible?

    First of all, yay! Let's celebrate that accomplishment. By the way, you’re not alone in this question – and your success. In just one week, I had clients saying to me:
    I have more money in my bank account than I've ever had before, and a client is sending me a six figure check this week, on top of all of that. This is the most money I've ever made in my life. I've gotten to $52,000 a month, so I think I'm going to take a little rest for a while.

    This is incredible, right? Maybe you feel like it's not all about the money. I’m here to tell you sometimes it is. And I think it's really important for us as women to get comfortable with it being about the money. Here’s the thing: It's important to earn a ton of money because it gives you all the things; freedom, options, choices, opportunities, access. And so knowing what's enough for you, it's a personal question and it's a really important question. 

    Before you go asking others about your personal number, hold off. If you ask your peer group, everybody's going to have an opinion. If you ask your financial planner, they'll have some ideas for you. If you ask your partner or spouse, they're definitely going to weigh in. Even your parents might have a totally different idea. And if we follow what capitalism says, there's no such thing as enough. More is more, is more, is more. That kind of thinking can drive you until you're dead, if you allow that to happen. So we have to be really super aware...

    • 9 min
    Consulting Websites: The Definitive Resource

    Consulting Websites: The Definitive Resource

    “When your perfect clients come to your homepage, I want them to say "I'm in the right place.”

    Let’s talk about websites for consultants. What do you need to include? What do you need to leave out? What does each page need to have on it? In this episode, we’ll go through exactly what you need to do to have a consulting website that will help you land clients.

    I was so excited to get this question from a viewer. 
    “How do I turn my website from an expensive online brochure into something that's actually getting me consulting clients?”

    I cannot believe that in over 200 episodes, I've never talked about websites! Websites absolutely help us get clients in two key ways: 
    Discovery. People will go into a search engine, Google you, or find a directory or a reference to you and land upon your website, and that's the way that they discover that you exist. Learn more. They've heard about you somewhere and want to check you out. So they go to your website to do that. 

    Either way, if your website isn’t optimized for current or potential clients, you could be leaving some serious $$$ on the table. Today, I’m digging into websites with my comprehensive guide. Make some of these tweaks and watch your consulting business shift in your favor. BTW you’re going to want to watch ‘til the end because I’m dropping some bonus advanced tips to catapult your success. 

    Key Takeaways: 

    00:00 Intro
    00:37 How to Get Clients through Your Website
    01:39 Outlining Your Website
    03:08 Navigation Bar Tips
    04:06 Creating a Contact Form
    06:09 Optimizing the Blog Section
    08:07 Creating a Lead Magnet
    09:52 How to Attract Clients through the Services Page
    12:43 Writing Your About Page
    16:01 The Key to a Powerful Homepage
    21:08 DIY or Outsource Your Site?
    24:28 Search Engine Optimization
    26:30 Bonus Tips!

    Discover more ways to uplevel your business by bringing in $100K engagements through your website on this episode of Profitable Joyful Consulting on YouTube or your favorite podcast app: www.samanthaspodcast.com.


    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant, increase your profits, and experience the joy of...

    • 31 min
    Land Your First 5 Perfect Clients

    Land Your First 5 Perfect Clients

    “Perfect clients give you energy when you work with them. You're more energized and excited than before you started.”

    How do I get clients and is there really such a thing as perfect clients? Not only am I answering those questions, but I will show you how to land your first (or next) five perfect consulting clients. 

    Before you dive into the nuts and bolts, my first piece of advice would be to just start. There’s someone around you with a need. What’s broken in their business is exactly aligned with your expertise. Let’s not overcomplicate it; just start helping. If you’re at the beginning of your business, will they pay you for it? Sometimes, sure. But it’s okay, believe it or not, to just start working, whether you’re employed elsewhere, launching a side hustle or you’re at the beginning of a freelance career – it doesn’t matter. 

    In this episode, you're going to learn how to get clients, if you’re new to consulting. And if you’ve been doing this work for a bit, we’re focused on the quality of the clients, because landing perfect clients is as important as landing any clients. 

    Discover how to land your next five perfect clients on this episode of Profitable Joyful Consulting on YouTube or your favorite podcast app: www.samanthaspodcast.com.

    Related Episodes: 
    How You Can Work with Perfect Clients at the Right Level
    Get More Referrals without Annoying Your Clients

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant, increase your profits, and experience the joy of a thriving consulting business, subscribe and turn on notifications. Join us for ideas and inspiration at Profitable Joyful Consulting. Your success story begins here.

    Download the free Definitive Guide to Winning 6-Figure Clients at 6FigureClients.com.

    • 18 min
    Are You a Woman Consultant?

    Are You a Woman Consultant?

    Are you new here? Welcome! Let me introduce myself: I am Samantha Hartley, and I do one thing. I help women consultants multiply revenues without exhaustion by working with perfect clients on transformational engagements.

    If you're a woman consultant listening, then I have a question for you: Are you getting the results that you want? Or do you suspect you're doing it the hard way?

    👎🏻 Are you under earning relative to your potential?
    😩Do you feel like you're already working as many hours as you possibly can and you've hit a revenue ceiling?

    Here's what you'll get from my podcast.
    🙌 Real world practical tips that I'm give to my clients:
    🙌 How to sell with integrity
    🙌 How to attract perfect clients
    🙌 How to deliver more efficiently and effectively.

    I provide action steps that you can implement immediately after you've listened to an episode. BTW, you should expect to write some stuff down. If you implement what you hear here, you'll likely not just increase your revenues, you might even double them.

    You'll also be able to:
    ⏰ Work fewer hours
    💨 Work more efficiently
    🧳 Realize a lot of the unintentional sabotage strategies that are getting in your way
    🤷🏻‍♀️How to eliminate all of the things you've been doing that aren't working for you, but you don't know why.

    Before you do anything else, favorite or follow the podcast so you don't miss a single episode. Join me, and together we can make your business a more profitable and joyful consultancy.

    • 2 min
    How to know if YOUR genius zone is what they need

    How to know if YOUR genius zone is what they need

    “How do I know my genius zone is what people need? Find out what's out there, what they've tried, and whether you have a way to solve a problem that is relevant, resonates with them and makes sense.”

    This season, I’m answering listener questions. Today’s is: How do I know my genius zone is what people need and how do I find my offerings and hone them and simplify them? 
    First of all, these are great questions. I'm going to share with you some various ways that you can figure out what your genius is, and how it aligns and compares to what’s out there. And then, specifically, share how to know which parts to turn into in-demand offerings.

    Before we dive in, I want to acknowledge that your uncertainty is what makes being a consultant scary. Do people need what I do? Does the market need it? Are there gaps? Figuring out what's available in the market from others is a natural part of self-discovery and also market research. 

    Take time to network with other consultants to find out who's out there and what they're offering. That will help you get not just an eye into what the market is and what's available, but also connect you to other people who are doing the work. They’ll reflect back to you what’s possible, as well as the unique part of your genius to tap into. 

    Pro tip: If you meet someone doing something completely different, it doesn’t mean your idea is wrong, it means there's space for you to do your thing. You might meet others doing what you do, but they'll never be doing it how you're doing it. There's no one else who is you! So press play on this episode and get the support you need.

    Get clear on your Joy & Genius Zone™ in this episode of Profitable Joyful Consulting on YouTube: https://youtu.be/E6F9lHBXO2w or your favorite podcast app: www.samanthaspodcast.com.

    Related Episodes: 

    Leverage Your Hidden Strengths
    Should You Compare Yourself to Others?

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a woman consultant, increase your profits, and experience the joy of a thriving consulting business, subscribe and turn on notifications. Join us for ideas and inspiration at Profitable Joyful Consulting. Your success story begins here.

    span style="background-color: transparent;...

    • 13 min

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