17 min

Questions and Updates The Epic Trip

    • Performing Arts

Hey y’all! It’s been a minute right? So today I wanted to talk about some questions that should be ask when you are dating and it’s starting to get serious. I also asked YOU what are some questions that you think should be asked! I went on ahead and added an update on my life because it’s been forever! Thanks for your support!! Please leave your questions and topic requests. I love hearing from you! Xo, Alley B

Hey y’all! It’s been a minute right? So today I wanted to talk about some questions that should be ask when you are dating and it’s starting to get serious. I also asked YOU what are some questions that you think should be asked! I went on ahead and added an update on my life because it’s been forever! Thanks for your support!! Please leave your questions and topic requests. I love hearing from you! Xo, Alley B

17 min