136 episodes

Listen to sermons from Pastor Bret Yaeger at any time and anywhere! At Temple Baptist Church, we believe that the Bible is God’s Holy Word that not only transforms lives for the better, but provides relevant principles for enjoying life today, when seen through practical teaching.

For additional information you can visit our website at www.templebaptist.church.

Weekly Sermons by Pastor Bret Yaeger Temple Baptist Church - Dalton, GA

    • Religion & Spirituality

Listen to sermons from Pastor Bret Yaeger at any time and anywhere! At Temple Baptist Church, we believe that the Bible is God’s Holy Word that not only transforms lives for the better, but provides relevant principles for enjoying life today, when seen through practical teaching.

For additional information you can visit our website at www.templebaptist.church.

    Depending On God In Rough Times

    Depending On God In Rough Times

    Today as we continue our focus on Life Can Be Tough, But God Is Good!, Frank Williams will be sharing about some tough times in his life as he speaks on “Depending On God In Rough Times”.

    It’s during the tough times in life that we come to learn to depend on God and His strength to get us through. It’s during these tough times that we demonstrate how genuine our faith is.

    Let’s look along with Frank at 1 Peter 1:3-9 NKJV and Phil. 4:10-13 NKJV to see what we can learn about depending on God during rough times.

    * We have a living hope in Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead gives us hope in our lives during tough times.

    * We all have trials or tough times that we go through.

    There are tough times that happen in our lives, but God gives us the joy of knowing that these trials are only for a little while.

    * We demonstrate that our faith is genuine during tough times.

    When your life is in line with God’s word, it’s His word that increases your faith.

    * We have joy in knowing that God will reward us in the end.

    The joy of the Lord is our strength during tough times. Our faith keeps us in the assurance of the joy of our salvation.

    • 35 min
    Even If

    Even If

    Today in our series on “Life Can Be Tough, But God Is Good”, we are going to be challenged from the scriptures to remain faithful to God, even if our circumstances are bad and God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers the way we want.

    One of the hardest situations for some Christians to remain faithful to God is when things are not going well and God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we are asking Him to. When God has a different plan than what we want. It’s during those times that our faith has to say, I’m staying faithful to God “Even If” He doesn’t choose to answer my prayer, my way.

    The expression “Even If” means we’ve already decided to stay faithful to God even before we know what the outcome is going to be.

    Today we are going to see three young Hebrew men who are put in a pressure situation, but they chose to stay faithful to God, even if God didn’t choose to save them from the punishment that they were going to be facing. Their decision had an outcome that was not just a matter of losing their job, but losing their life.

    Let’s look at Dan. 3:8-30 NKJV and see what we learn about the decision to be faithful to God “Even If”:

    * Even If means, I put God first even when others are not. V.12.

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego refused to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, made of gold. Even though it seemed that everyone else was bowing down to the idol, these three young men refused to do so. They were going to face more than losing their jobs, but they were in a high position that meant a lot to them. It’s a challenge to ask ourselves to see if we are putting God first before our jobs, our success, and our recognition.

    * Even If means, I refuse to give in to the pressure of others. V.13-15.

    King Nebuchadnezzar was furious about their disobedience to bow before his idol. He brought them in, gave them a good talking to, and put the pressure on to bow or face the furnace. The three young men did not hesitate that they would not bow to the idol, no matter what the king said or did. Sometimes we face peer pressure or the pressure of those over us to give in to what they are doing. It’s a challenge to us today to see if we refuse to give in to the pressure of others and waiver in our faithfulness to God.

    * Even If means, I trust God to take care of me, no matter the consequences. V.16-18.

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego quickly answered the king that their God was well able to deliver them, but even if He chose not to, they still would not change their stand with God. We sometimes face situations where giving in for the moment seems a lot easier, but these three would not change their stand. It’s a challenge for us to ask ourselves if we will stand for God no matter the consequences at the moment.

    * Even If means, I trust God when He doesn’t answer my prayers, my way. V.19-23.

    I’m sure that these three Hebrew men were praying that God would deliver them from the fiery furnace, but in what seemed like an instance, they were thrown into the furnace at a temperature 7 times normal. At that moment, it seemed like God was not answering their prayers. We face a lot of situations in life where we desperately want God to answer our prayers a certain way, but sometimes God has other plans. It’s a challenge to ask ourselves if we will still serve God even if He doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want Him to.

    * Even If means, I believe that God works all things together for my good. V.26-30.

    This story ends with an amazing miracle of the ...

    • 38 min
    When Good Doesn’t Seem Good Enough

    When Good Doesn’t Seem Good Enough

    Have you ever felt like you were trying to be good or do good and things didn’t seem to turn out good despite your goodness? It’s as if good wasn’t good enough.

    Today, in our series of Life Can Be Tough, But God Is Good, I want to speak from 1 Kings 17:8-24 on the thought “When Good Doesn’t Seem Good Enough”.

    When I was growing up there was one thing that I learned quickly in my family and that was the fact that my dad made all the decisions and his word was not just the final word, it was the only word. My dad did a lot of work from our house and around our house, so I always had to help him with whatever he was doing. Since I knew my dad expected everything to be done right and his way, I always tried to do good and to be good. There was one problem I kept experiencing and that was my good didn’t seem to be good enough. Sometimes in life, that seems to carry over to our relationship with God.

    Let’s look at 1 Kings 17:8-24 NKJV and see the experience of a widow during the drought that occurred with Elijah and what we learn about why we feel like being good doesn’t seem good enough.

    * We Focus On What We Don’t Have Instead Of What God Can Do. V.12.

    The widow responded to Elijah about what she didn’t have and that was her main focus. Many times when things are not going well, we focus on what we don’t have instead of what God can do.

    * We Finalize Our Story Before God Is Finished On His Side. V.12.

    The widow not only focused on what she didn’t have, but she had already written out her story end in her mind. She was only seeing the negative and not considering what God might have going on His side of her story. Do you tend to do the same in your life?

    * We Fear The Moment While God Is Preparing For A Miracle. V.17-18.

    When everything went wrong relating to the widow’s son, she feared the moment and didn’t consider that God may be preparing a miracle in her life. We lean towards fearing the moments in our lives that look bad and don’t consider that things have to be bad for God’s miracles to be evident. Maybe God is preparing a miracle in your life now.

    The widow tried to do good for Elijah, but it seemed that her “good” was not good enough and she experienced the worst with her son dying. In the end, she actually experienced a miracle. Why do we get to the point that we think our good is not good enough? It can be because of the roller coaster of good and bad, the weariness of physical exhaustion, or the emotional stress.

    When things seem like they’re not going well, remember that God may be bringing something good or even miraculous into your life. Don’t give up, but keep your faith and trust in God.

    • 21 min
    Purpose In Our Pain

    Purpose In Our Pain

    2 Cor. 1:3-11 NKJV

    Series – Life Can Be Tough, But God Is Good

    Today we are beginning a new series of messages called, “Life Can Be Tough, But God Is Good”. In this series we will be looking at and hearing testimonies of some tough times that people have been through, but how God has been good through those tough times.

    Jim Cudd experienced the death of his mom at the age of 14. I think we would all agree that is a tough thing for a 14-year-old boy to go through, yet today we see Jim and he is always laughing with joy in his heart. He’s probably one of the most jolly men that I know, outside of Santa Claus. His testimony is one that God brings us through painful times in our lives and gives us a joyful outlook in the end.

    Today I want us to look at 2 Cor. 1:3-11 NKJV and see what God’s word has to tell us about the “Purpose In Our Pain.”

    * God Knows The Pain We All Go Through.

    In Paul’s writing in 2 Cor. 1, he addresses the pain that he has gone through as a way of relating to others and the pain that they are going through. God reveals to us in Ps. 56:8 that He puts our tears in His bottle and our pain is recorded in His book. It’s a reminder that God is aware of every pain that we experience. God even sent His son Jesus to walk through pain on this earth, so He can know the pains that we experience in life. God knows and understands all the pain we feel. You are not alone.

    * God Doesn’t Always Take Away The Pain, But He Is Our Comforter In The Pain.

    We usually think of the word comfort to suggest soft, easy, and relaxing, like a soft pillow or a cozy blanket. The word comfort in these verses actually means to call along beside me. God is the one that comes along beside us during our times of pain. He’s there not to take away every pain, but to encourage us and show compassion that will help us through our pain. If God took away every pain in our lives we would be spoiled Christian babies. He wants more for us than that.

    * God Wants Us To Become Stronger Through Our Pain.

    We usually think of pain as bringing out weakness, but God looks at pain as bringing about strength. Pain is a means of putting our spiritual muscles to work and bring out the strength that rests within us. Just like increasing our physical muscles where we have to put them under the weight of exercise equipment, to increase our spiritual strength, we have to put it under the weight of pain.

    * God Strengthens Us For The Purpose To Help Others.

    In these scriptures, Paul tells us about how he was under such pain and pressure that he didn’t know if he would even live. Paul doesn’t say that to get sympathy, he says that to say he knew his pain had a purpose to help others in their pain. A person doesn’t think you understand their pain unless you have been through the pain yourself. There are some people that do not know the Lord and they need our painful experiences and faith to help them through their pain. They need our faith to lead them to put their faith in the Lord. God doesn’t just give us comfort to keep us from passing out, but to pass it on.

    • 38 min
    If I Can?

    If I Can?

    Mark 9:14-29 (NKJV)

    Today, as we look to Mark 9 in the story about the demon-possessed boy, we learn how to put some possibilities into our prayers concerning what may seem impossible. What we learn in these scriptures, we also find in the testimony of Mary Beth Wheat as she prayed for her husband to be able to not work on Sundays and to be able to come to church as a family. A prayer that she not only prayed herself but a prayer that her children prayed and her church family as well.

    In the scriptures, we see that the demon-possessed boy had been brought to the disciples for healing, but they were unsuccessful. The possibilities of change for this boy looked impossible until the father asked Jesus to do something, and he used the words “If You Can?”. Jesus responded with, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

    The father asked Jesus “if you can,” but Jesus reminded the father, it’s not if I can do it, it’s if you can believe it.

    Here’s what we learn for us to make the impossible, possible:

    * If I can have more faith. & believe, it can be possible.

    Jesus addressed them as a faithless generation. Maybe I can make the impossible possible if I have more faith and believe in God’s ability to make it happen.

    * If I can have more desperation & anticipation, it can be possible.

    The scriptures tell us that the people came running to Jesus. There was a sense of desperation and anticipation in the people that caused them to run to Him. Maybe I can make the impossible if I have more desperation and anticipation in God’s ability to make it happen.

    * If I can have more resistance & urgency, it can be possible. Jesus asked how long the boy had been this way and his father said since he was a child. When Jesus saw the people running, He immediately rebuked the demon out. This boy had dealt with this demon for a long time. Isn’t it time we said enough is enough and resist the devil with urgency?

    * If I can have more intensity & commitment, it can be possible.

    Jesus said that this kind only comes out through prayer and fasting. The fasting added more intensity and commitment to making the impossible to become possible.

    When Jesus got involved, the demons couldn’t handle it anymore. Isn’t it time that you rebuked some demons and defeats out of your life?

    • 37 min
    I’ve Learned I Can

    I’ve Learned I Can

    Phil. 4:8-20 (NKJV)

    Many of you are familiar with and maybe even fans of the Mission Impossible TV series from 1966 starring Peter Graves as Jim Phelps or the film series starring Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. Both are focused on a secret government agency called the IMF or Impossible Mission Force. For practical purposes to everyone else, this agency does not exist, because they take on secret assignments that would be considered impossible.

    Today we start on a Mission, a mission called “Mission I’mPossible.” It’s a mission for you to believe in God and yourself. To believe in God’s ability to make the impossible to become possible.

    We are going to start this mission in Phil. 4 where the apostle Paul reveals that he has learned that things he once would have thought were impossible, are possible. What he thought he could not do, he learned he can. These things that he has learned and practiced, he wants us to learn from him as well and to do it in our own lives.

    Let’s see in Phil. 4:8-20 (NKJV) what we can learn that we can do:

    * I can be content where God wants me. (v.10-12)

    * I can be content or find sufficiency even when my circumstances change. Paul said that he could be content in whatever circumstance he was in. It’s a great reminder that our circumstances are always changing, but that doesn’t mean that our attitude has to change as well. We can keep a positive, stable attitude even when our circumstances change to the worse.

    * I can be content even when my comfort level changes. Paul said that he has lived with plenty and he has lived in want. It’s naturally more comfortable to live with plenty than to live in want or need. How comfortable we are can change quickly. Our economy had been doing quite well until the coronavirus started spreading. When that occurred, the Dow dropped in one day the most it had ever in history. Well, that made things a lot more uncomfortable! We can still be content knowing that God is going to take care of us, even when the economy looks bleak right now.

    * I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. (v.13)

    * The action taken to do what is needed is dependent on us. Notice that Paul said, I can do. God expects us to move forward by taking action even in difficult circumstances of life. God moves as we move.

    * The ability to do is what is needed is dependent on Christ. When we take the action, Christ strengthens us to continue to move forward. Christ gives us the power and knowledge to do whatever is needed in our circumstances.

    * I can get all my needs met. (v.14-19)

    * Sometimes God uses special people to meet our needs as he did with the Philippians for Paul. God positions people in our lives to help us along our way in life. Those special people may be people already in your life or it may someone that God brings into your life unexpectedly.

    * Sometimes God uses His spiritual power to cause things to happen in us and for us. God has all the resources to meet all our needs in life. So it doesn’t matter what he can see or calcula...

    • 28 min

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