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Victorious Daily Devotional by Pastor Benedict James

Victorious Daily Devotional Pastor Benedict James

    • Religion & Spirituality

Victorious Daily Devotional by Pastor Benedict James

    Smile! 😃. "One Who Smiles Rather Than Rages Is Always Stronger."| Ps. Benedict James | June 13, 202

    Smile! 😃. "One Who Smiles Rather Than Rages Is Always Stronger."| Ps. Benedict James | June 13, 202

    Welcome to this Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most amazing and loving name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic : Smile! 😃. "One Who Smiles Rather Than Rages Is Always Stronger." - Anonymous.

    Keep Smiling 😃.

    Some people are the saddest people in the world by the expressions they show. Their faces tell the world to leave them alone.
    "I don't want to be bothered. Leave me alone." They suffer all alone. But, as a God’s child you and I can bring that sunshine and smile in their lives.

    Bible says in Prov. 15:13. A joyful heart makes a cheerful countenance. But heartache brings depression or crushes the spirit.

    Numb. 6 :25-26 says, May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.

    Sarah laughed in unbelief, Abraham laughed in wonder, and lastly both laugh in Joy after the birth of Isaac.

    Bible says, "A cheerful heart is more than a medicine 💊, more than an antibiotic which still has side effects.

    Let me share few thoughts once again on Smile, the universal language understood by all.

    "When you can't find the sunshine be the sunshine."

    "Your smile is the healthy dose of sunshine for others."

    "Nothing shakes the smiling heart."

    "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth."

    "A warm smile is the universal language of kindness." William Arthur.

    "A smile is the universal welcome."

    "Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you." - Peace Pilgrim.

    "A smile is the curve which sets everything straight." - Phyllis Diller.

    Smile, it is the key of everybody's heart. - Anthony Angelo.

    "One who smiles rather than rages is always stronger." - Unknown.

    You want your smile to be genuine, begin the smile at home; without a smile at home, that smile doesn't become significant and it doesn't last long altogether.

    "Smiles are little rays of sunshine that brighten lives."

    As a child of God. Smile is an outward sign of joy, peace, appreciation, amusement, excitement and contentment to the world.

    Help us Lord to show the Peace and tranquility that we have in you by expressing it outwardly with smile instead of fretting, murmuring and grumbling. ....

    If you are blessed by these devotions, you may daily click the like button "👍". And Please forward to your friends and other groups. God loves a grateful child of God. God bless you!

    Benedict James

    • 4 min
    Moral values And Character Building | Ps. Benedict James | June 12, 2024

    Moral values And Character Building | Ps. Benedict James | June 12, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most amazing and wonderful name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic: Moral values And Character Building..

    Mt. 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good that they may glorify your father in heaven."

    If we ought to reflect the light of Christ, we need to inculcate good and healthy moral values.

    Moral values are defined as "guidelines that assist a person or a growing child to adulthood in deciding between what is right and wrong in order to create honest, credible and pure healthy relationships in daily life." It's crucial for character building.

    Few of the moral values for character building and reflection of light of Christ are:

    Honesty, Integrity,
    Respect, Honor,
    Unselfishness, Sharing,
    Generosity, Gratitude,
    Compassion, Hard work,

    Without imbibing these moral and godly qualities individuals are destroyed, familes are destroyed due to immoral values, Organisations and churches are destroyed and even nations are destroyed.

    Let us see how a strong nation was invaded inspite of taking due care, but without character building.

    A true incident:
    When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the great wall of China. They thought no one could climb it due to its vast height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. And every time, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall... because each time they bribed the guards and came through the doors.

    The Chinese built the wall but forgot the character-building of the wall-guards. Thus, the building of human character comes BEFORE building of anything else in life.That is what our students and young people need today.

    Help us Lord to be an example and reflector of thy light in our words, in our conversations to be healthy in purity, and in respecting and honoring elders, pastors, parents, teachers and obey authorities in Christ. In ....

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! 🙋🏻‍♂️💐💐💐

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 3 min
    Reputed Brand Companies Select Brand Ambassadors Very Carefully | Ps. Benedict James | June 11, 2024

    Reputed Brand Companies Select Brand Ambassadors Very Carefully | Ps. Benedict James | June 11, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most sweet and loving name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic: Brand Ambassador: Reputed Brand Companies Pick Up Brand Ambassadors Very Carefully.

    Mt. 5:13. Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth." Means, you represent as ambassador of Christ.

    Reputed companies pick up brand ambassador carefully, often, a celebrity or a high profile person whose values of excellence, determination and integrity is high.

    For a government, Ambassador acts as a representative of a nation; lives and works in a foreign land; and builds relationships with them them with his own country. He becomes a mediator....

    Similarly person of excellence and integrity are brand ambassadors representing several brands.

    Let's take the example of Sachin Tendulkar. He is a well respected person not only in India for his onfield cricketing performance and feats, but all over the globe - for his discipline, excellence of performance,
    integrity, and
    clean public life.

    Though Tendulkar stopped playing cricket long back, still he holds the demand even today.

    He represents several reputed Indian and international products as the ambassador of their company. Few of the Reputed brands he represents as an ambassador is -
    BMW, Pepsi, Adidas, Appolo tyres, Jio cinema are few among many.

    Just his name itself sells in the market. His very name promotes the brand.

    Do you and I represent the kingdom of Christ, I excellence kingdom of love, peace and redemption?

    Christians who carry the name of Christ serve as Christ's ambassador represent the King of Kings. All of these ambassadors live and work building the kingdom of God by building relationships.

    Few important qualities of a Christian ambassador:

    Attitude: it is the important quality of a Christian ambassador.
    Is he or she building the kingdom of God or doing to get something for them or from them?

    A good ambassador fosters and builds relationships. If we are able to first build relationships at home with every family member, next step is, he or she can build similar relationship for the kingdom of God as an ambassador. The purpose of a Christian ambassador is to build relationship in building His kingdom.

    A good Christian ambassador has the heart of Evangelism, without which he or she can never become a Christian ambassador.

    If we go through book of Acts, we see several people have become great Ambassadors because of their qualities of right attitude, having good relationships, and heart for Evangelism. Apostle Paul, Barnabas, John Mark, Timothy, Titus, Titus, Justin, Aquila and Priscilla, Tycheus are few..

    Help us Lord to have right attitude to be an ambassador and not to look for what we get if we do something. And to have the heart to build relationship so that it truly blesses the fruit of Evangelism...

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! 🙋🏻‍♂️💐💐💐

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 4 min
    Being A Role Model And An Ambassador Has To Be Everyone's Dream | Ps. Benedict James | June 10, 2024

    Being A Role Model And An Ambassador Has To Be Everyone's Dream | Ps. Benedict James | June 10, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most loving name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic: Being A Role Model And An Ambassador Has To Be Everyone's Dream.

    The world will not remember after we leave this world, how much rich and how wealthy we are, or regarding our success, but they will surely remember how we touched the lives of others by our day to life.

    2 Corin. 5:20. "We are therfore Christ's Ambassadors...

    A person who has competence and also lives his life to be Role Model for others to emulate will be remembered for long long time. In the world of Tennis, Jimmy Connors, John Mecenro, Andrew Aggasi, Peter Sampras, Roger Fedrer, Rafael Nadal, the ever graceful Chris Evert and Steffi Graf all these players have been all time great Tennis players, and most importantly, they were great Ambassadors of this sport for their clean and dignified onfield and off field life. Of course, except few players like John McEnroe who no doubt is an all time great skilful player but a bad Role model to emulate, because of his onfield tantrums and frequent outbursts on the field against referees.

    Today let's have a glimpse our own Indian most popular footbal player and legend, Sunil Chetri. The iconic football ⚽️ player and captain of Indian football team for last 12 years has played his last international game on 6th June this month.

    The moment was quiet poignant for the multitudes who thronged to Calcutta stadium to see Chetri donning the national colors for the last time in his glittering international career.

    Emotions ran 🏃‍♀️ high in the stands too where his family and fans all over the stadium could not hold back their tears, as he walked away into the sunset.

    He has played for about 19 years and last 12 years as I said, as the captain of Indian 🇮🇳 team scoring 94 international goals against 33 different countries. He started playing for India since 2005.

    During his tenure Sunil Chetri's relentless pursuit has elevated Indian football standard and our team now has become a tough opponent to crack against fancied teams of Asian continent.

    Most important aspect I wish to say about him is - he was not only the greatest footballer India has produced but has been an absolute Role model and exemplary with the rival international players too even in the heat of the moment.

    Along with his dazling skills, he has become an heart throb of Millions of fans in India and other countries for his excellent onfield and off field conduct and his human ethical relationship with his team mates and with players of other football playing nations. He is no doubt an Ambassador for sports fraternity.

    Are we a role model and Ambassador for Christ and His kingdom?

    When we call ourselves God's children washed with His blood and represent Christ, we too ought to be Ambassadors for Christ being a role model.

    No country will send a doubtful character as their Ambassador lest the country's image gets spoiled.

    So, are we a role model? At home, office, amongst friends, relatives, in church... ? Or are we known to be controversial people always creating friction and bickerings everywhere we go?

    Great Ambassadors of God's Kingdom according to my leading first comes, Daniel, then comes Joseph, Jeptha, Job, Deborah, Paul, Peter, Aquila and Priscilla are few... David though has done great feats and has bern one of the greatest kings of Israel, he cannot be called a role model.
    Lord .....

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! 🙋🏻‍♂️💐💐💐

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 5 min
    Grief! Nothing Wrong In Going Through A Period Of Grief, But..| Ps. Benedict James | June 8, 2024

    Grief! Nothing Wrong In Going Through A Period Of Grief, But..| Ps. Benedict James | June 8, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most amazing and loving name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic: Grief! There Is Nothing Wrong In Going Through A Period Of Grief. But Must Not Stay There For Long.

    Words cannot explain the pain of Grief. Loss of a job, sudden major accident, sudden death of loved one, shame, abandonment, broken relationship, hurt and injustice meted to you. These are always painful and brings in Grief. If you lose someone dear, there is certain a time of grieving which is certainly not wrong. Jesus Himself said in beatitudes Mt 5: 4, "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."

    If we know the person who passed away was a believer, it's a temporary loss, but we still grieve the separation ftom this earthly world. It has to be and it must not be suppressed and avoided.

    A good first step forward is Recognise God still cares for all of us.

    If you are overwhelmed by grief do remember, Jesus Christ is the "Sustaining Saviour." He will Sustain you with His grace and mercy. Pl read 2 Corinthians. 12: 8,9, 10. Jesus said to Pail, "My Grace is sufficient for thee." In distress He said he will be there.

    Death is an enemy. But, Jesus conquered by His death on the cross and His resurrection. Until Jesus returns, Death And Grief are realities, but for all of us In Him, the Christ we are nothing to be afraid of...

    Grief is a healing process. A time of sadness and reflection allows God to heal our hearts from the pain of loss.

    Staying in a season in grief for too long can be just as harmful as avoiding it. We are not designed to live in mourning forever living in low spirit and life of anguish. For a God's child, it's seasonal.

    We as Christians know that God is with us, and His wisdom and His grace and love will carry us through any situation in our lives.

    Heavenly Father! Thank you for your great love. Thy Word teaches us that you are the God of ALL Comfort.

    We pray for your love and peace to comfort our heart, mind and spirit. Sustain us with your everlasting love, grace and mercy. In....

    If you are blessed by these devotions, you may daily click the like button "👍". And Please forward to your friends and other groups. God loves a grateful child of God. God bless you!

    Benedict James

    • 4 min
    Pride-Arrogance Vs Humble-Gentle. Position&Powers Not Permanent | Ps. Benedict James | June 7, 2024

    Pride-Arrogance Vs Humble-Gentle. Position&Powers Not Permanent | Ps. Benedict James | June 7, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most wonderful and loving name of Jesus Christ! 🙋‍♀️💐💐💐

    Topic: Pride And Arrogance Vs Humble And Gentle. Positions, Chairs And Powers Are Not Permanent..

    Especially, when someone is arrogant and abhorrent.

    Prov. 11: 2. Pride leads to disgrace and humility leads to wisdom.

    Pride and arrogance of the giant killer Smrity Irani led her own downfall to disgrace, humiliation and dishonor.

    Whereas the simple humble and lovable by Amethi people, Kishori Lal Sharma God blessed him with huge victory over Smrity Irani. She realised very late that positions, chairs and powers are not permanent, especially when a person is proud and arrogant.

    The arrogant proud controversial person Smrity Irani thought she is invincible. Sitting in the chair in power she scoffed and mocked at Rahul Gandhi when he did not contest from Amethi.

    Even earlier whenever Rahul Gandhi spoke all these years, she used to counter him with arrogant and derogatory words as pride and arrogance occupied her to the tilt.

    When K.L Sharma a simple, humble and gentle Gandhi family loyalist and prominent and dedicated congress worker who served since 1980 was pitied against Smrity Irani, like Goliath, she laughed against congress saying "a peon is fighting with her in the Amethi elections."

    Kishori lal Sharma with his simplicity, humility and love towards the people of Amethi slayed and stunned Goliath like Smrity Irani and the party defeating her with a whopping majority of 1.66 lakhs.

    Simplicity, humility and honesty always pays off though it might take time. Especially as Christians those will be rewarded, blessed and elevated.

    I'm reminded of little unknown David defeating the most powerful and popular Goliath.

    Prov. 29:23. Pride will ultimately humble a person. Like how she was disgraced - her own doing.

    Prov. 22: 4. Humility will lead to godly fear.

    Mocking others is a reflection of "excessive pride."

    Pride leads ultimately to a downfall. Prov. 18:12.

    Humility leads to honor. 15:33.

    Pride brings in self righteousness, critical and fault finding where as humility brings compassion and forgiving heart.

    Pride focuses and always points on others' failures and shortcomings but humility looks for the best in others and seeks to win people .

    Lord help us to be humble and compassionate not to argue, justify and win arguments but to win others...

    • 4 min

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