48 min

ASHES FALLEN, Goth instant Classic!!! A chat with James Perry, Vocals & Guitar‪.‬ Back To Blackest

    • Musique : les interviews

A 30 min. chat with James Perry of Ashes Fallen, New instant Classic Goth. I love how much Ashes Fallen just leans into this and owns it. It has a lot of the raw feelings exposed in the lyrics, but a throwback feeling to big sounds and Marshall stack mentality that I think sometimes bands in this genre secretly like but shy away from embracing. Go listen and embrace it with them. Check out Ashes Fallen band camp. https://ashesfallenmusic.bandcamp.com

A 30 min. chat with James Perry of Ashes Fallen, New instant Classic Goth. I love how much Ashes Fallen just leans into this and owns it. It has a lot of the raw feelings exposed in the lyrics, but a throwback feeling to big sounds and Marshall stack mentality that I think sometimes bands in this genre secretly like but shy away from embracing. Go listen and embrace it with them. Check out Ashes Fallen band camp. https://ashesfallenmusic.bandcamp.com

48 min