288 episodes

What can you do with a PhD? Do you wonder what career you can aim for with a graduate degree? Do you fear you'll be unemployable as a PhD or after a postdoc? If these are questions you ask yourself, Papa PhD will help you dispel them by bringing you the career journeys and insights of MSc and PhD graduates around the world on job searching, skills development, networking, entrepreneurship, mental health, and more.

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Beyond the Thesis With Papa PhD David Mendes, PhD

    • Business

What can you do with a PhD? Do you wonder what career you can aim for with a graduate degree? Do you fear you'll be unemployable as a PhD or after a postdoc? If these are questions you ask yourself, Papa PhD will help you dispel them by bringing you the career journeys and insights of MSc and PhD graduates around the world on job searching, skills development, networking, entrepreneurship, mental health, and more.

PapaPhD.com | Patreon.com/PapaPhD | Twitter.com/PapaPhDpodcast | Facebook.com/PapaPhD

    Best Practices For Paper Writing With Anna Clemens [Rerun]

    Best Practices For Paper Writing With Anna Clemens [Rerun]

    Are you preparing to write a paper? Do you get anxious, not knowing what the outcome of this long process is going to be? Today, I'm sharing with you a treasure from the Papa PhD vault: my conversation with Anna Clemens, whose specialty is to coach researchers on how to write for journal articles. During our conversation, Anna talked about how to systematize article writing, she talked about the importance of how to communicate with editors, and she also talked about what mindset to have while writing, even if English is not your first language.This episode is a Season 4 favourite and is filled with gold nuggets for you, if you are starting the writing process. Be ready to take notes!Reach out to me or to Anna using the links below, if you have any feedback or any questions for us.Also, I'd love to get to know you better. If you have 60 seconds please fill out the listener survey in this link.

    Dr Anna Clemens is an academic writing coach with a PhD in Chemistry. In her online program, the Researchers Writing Academy, Anna helps researchers get their papers published in their target journals without procrastinating on the writing.

    Thank you, Anna Clemens!

    If you enjoyed this conversation with Anna, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her a message on LinkedIn:Send Anna Clemens a thank you message on Twitter!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David!

    This episode’s resources:

    Anna Clemens | LinkedinAnna Clemens | WebsiteFree Training on writing structure with Anna | Register now

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    You might also like the following episodes:

    Lexa Graham – Using Comedy in ScienceAndy Churchill – Presenting for ImpactAmani Said – How to Make impact with Your CareerStephani Mason – Promoting Diversity in FacultyAs always, if you find value in Papa PhD and in the content I bring you every week, click on one of the buttons below and send some of that value back to me by becoming a supporter on Patreon or by buying me a coffee :)

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    • 1 hr 2 min
    Comment se rendre visible et attractif dans le secteur privé avec Julie Lopes

    Comment se rendre visible et attractif dans le secteur privé avec Julie Lopes

    Dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD, découvre comment devenir visible et attractif dans le secteur privé. Avec mon invitée, Julie Lopes, explore des stratégies comme la visualisation, la présence sur LinkedIn, et le développement d'un mindset positif quand à la recherche d'emploi.Ne manque pas nos conseils pour mieux communiquer avec les entreprises et développer ton réseautage professionnel dès maintenant !

    Julie Lopes est docteure en microbiologie reconvertie dans l'entrepreneuriat, puis dans le conseil auprès des étudiant·e·s, doctorant·e·s et docteur·e·s.Sa mission est de les accompagner dans leur développement de carrière après le doctorat.

    Points à retenir :

    Valoriser ses ressources intérieures et extérieures : Julie insiste sur l'importance de connaître et de mettre en avant ses propres compétences et expériences, mais aussi de bien comprendre les besoins de l'entreprise pour proposer une véritable valeur ajoutée.Cultiver un réseau professionnel solide sur LinkedIn : La visibilité sur LinkedIn est essentielle, surtout pour les chercheurs. Julie mentionne qu'il y a environ 6000 embauches par jour sur la plateforme ! Il n'est jamais trop tard pour peaufiner votre profil et élargir votre réseau.Prenez le temps de la réflexion et du feedback : La prise de recul, le contrôle du stress et la recherche de feedbacks constructifs sont essentiels pour ajuster son approche et mieux répondre aux attentes des entreprises.Quelles stratégies mettras-tu en place pour améliorer ta visibilité et ton attractivité sur le marché de l'emploi ? Partage tes expériences en commentaire !Tu aimes Papa PhD ? Laisse-moi un commentaire > ici - une courte phrase suffit ! Et inclus ton identifiant Twitter – comme ça je pourrai te remercier personnellement !

    Les ressources de cet épisode :

    Merci Julie !

    RD2 Conseil | LinkedInRD2 Conseil | Site webSi cet entretien avec Julie Lopes t'a plu, fais-lui en part en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous et en lui laissant un message sur LinkedIn :Clique ici pour la remercier sur Linkedin !Clique ici pour partager avec David le principal message que tu retiens de cet épisode !Si tu trouves de la valeur dans le contenu que je t'apporte chaque semaine, clique sur l'un des boutons ci-dessous et renvoie-moi l'ascenceur :)

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    Tu aimeras aussi ces épisodes :

    Olivier Hernandez – Du génie à l'industrie à l'astrophysique : PapaPhD.com/Olivier-Hernandez-Pt1Carine Monat - Bâtir un trajet qui nous ressemble : PapaPhD.com/Carine-MonatRémi Quirion – Projeter les jeunes chercheur.e.s dans des carrières d'avenir : PapaPhD.com/203Jean-Sébastien Provost – Accéder au domaine de la science des données : PapaPhD.com/Jean-Sebastien-Provost

    • 55 min
    Turn On, Tune In, Master Out – Using Comedy in Science with Lexa Graham

    Turn On, Tune In, Master Out – Using Comedy in Science with Lexa Graham

    Welcome to another episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD! Today, we're diving into the fascinating interface between science and comedy. Our guest – Lexa Graham – is a Toronto comedian and writer with a master's degree in chemical engineering. During our conversation, Lexa shares her journey from the lab to the stage, revealing how she struggled with the practical aspects of chemistry but found joy in teaching it, eventually deciding to "master out" instead of pursuing a PhD.In it we explore how Lexa uses humor to make science more approachable, discussing her website DNAatured.com, her 1-on-1 workshops, and her monthly live comedy show, Dirty Science, with which she aims to increase engagement and make complex scientific topics more memorable through laughter.Join us as Lexa explains her transition from academia to comedy, the role of satire in her work, and her veiw on the importance of distinguishing humor from reality in today's age of misinformation. Whether you're a scientist, comedian, or just someone who loves a good laugh, this episode is packed with insights and chuckles. Don't miss it!

    Lexa Graham is a Toronto comedian and writer with a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, and is the creator of DNAtured Journal, a satirical academic journal on academia and science.Lexa runs humour workshops for scientists and other professionals looking to increase their audience engagement, and is a popular host, performer, and panelist for science-based events, including Story Collider, The Association For Science Communicators, Spark After Dark, and The Canadian Association of Science Communicators.Lexa also runs a monthly science comedy show called Dirty Science.

    What we covered in the interview:

    Leveraging Humor  to Enhance Engagement: Lexa shares how adding humor to science communication can make intricate topics more relatable and memorable for audiences. It fosters a deeper connection and makes learning enjoyable.Navigating Career Paths: We discuss Lexa’s inspirational journey from studying chemical engineering to making her mark in the comedy world, highlighting the importance of flexibility and finding fulfillment in one's career.Challenges of Science-based Satire: We talk about how the pandemic raised the bar in terms of choosing scientific topics and making sure science-based comedy is clearly humorous and not mistaken for real news.🔗See the resources section below for links!

    This episode’s resources:

    Website: LexaGraham.caFacebook: Facebook.com/DNAturedjournalX: @denaturedjournal 

    Thank you, Lexa Graham!

    If you enjoyed this conversation with Lexa, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her a message on Linkedin:Send Lexa Graham a thank you message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David!

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    You might also like the following episodes:

    Vikie Pedneault – Engaging Through ComedyAndy Churchill –Presenting for ImpactAmani Said – How to Make impact with Your CareerStephani Mason – Promoting Diversity in FacultyAs always, if you find value in Papa PhD and in the content I bring you every week, click on one of the buttons below and send some of that value back to me by becoming a supporter on Patreon or by buying me a coffee :)

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    • 46 min
    Conseiller le gouvernement avec un PhD en biochimie avec Gaëlle Bridon

    Conseiller le gouvernement avec un PhD en biochimie avec Gaëlle Bridon

    Dans ce nouvel épisode d'Au-delà de la thèse avec Papa PhD intitulé "Du labo au cubicule : Conseiller le gouvernement avec un PhD en biochimie", j'accueille Gaëlle Bridon, qui a transformé son expertise de recherche en biochimie en une carrière dynamique au sein du ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation et de l'énergie. Gaëlle revient sur son parcours allant de la recherche universitaire à la vente d'instruments scientifiques, et partage comment ces expériences l'ont préparée à analyser des projets d'investissement en biotechnologie dans le contexte ministériel. Elle partage aussi des conseils précieux pour les étudiants en fin de doctorat sur la réflexion de leurs aspirations professionnelles et l'importance du réseautage.Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion enrichissante sur les transitions professionnelles, le maintien de l'identité scientifique et les opportunités inattendues au-delà de la thèse. Bonne écoute!

    Gaëlle Bridon a obtenu un doctorat en biochimie de l’Université de Montréal en 2012 en étudiant au sein de l’unité de recherche en protéomique et spectrométrie de masse bioanalytique sous la direction du Dr Pierre Thibault. Elle est ensuite devenue associée de recherche à l’université McGill pendant 5 ans en œuvrant à la plateforme de métabolomique à l’Institut du cancer Rosalind et Morris Goodman. Elle a par la suite rejoint la compagnie Agilent pendant 5 ans où elle a occupée le poste de spécialiste de produit en spectrométrie de masse pour l’est du Canada, puis le rôle de gestionnaire marketing pour le segment global de métabolisme cellulaire. Elle s’est ensuite rapprochée du secteur des sciences de la vie local au Québec en devenant gestionnaire des communications et analyste-conseil chez BIOQuébec avant de devenir conseillère sectorielle au sein de la direction des sciences de la vie et des technologies environnementales au ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie. Gaelle est une adepte de la course à pied et de djamboola, elle adore aussi faire la pâtisserie (les macarons français citron-basilic sont les meilleurs !) et jardiner.

    Avec Gaëlle on a parlé, entre autres :

    De l'importance de ne pas refuser une opportunité sous prétexte qu'elle semble éloignée de votre domaine d'expertise.De pourquoi il faut être présent et actif sur les plateformes comme LinkedIn pour bâtir un réseau solide.De combien la préparation est cruciale, que ce soit pour une présentation scientifique ou un pitch de vente.De l'importance de valoriser la pluralité des métiers dans la recherche pour enrichir notre communauté.Tu aimes Papa PhD ? Laisse-moi un commentaire > ici - une courte phrase suffit ! Et inclus ton identifiant Twitter – comme ça je pourrai te remercier personnellement !

    Merci Gaëlle !

    Si cet entretien avec Gaëlle Bridon t'a plu, fais-lui en part en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous et en lui laissant un message sur LinkedIn :Clique ici pour la remercier sur Linkedin !Clique ici pour partager avec David le principal message que tu retiens de cet épisode !Si tu trouves de la valeur dans le contenu que je t'apporte chaque semaine, clique sur l'un des boutons ci-dessous et renvoie-moi l'ascenceur :)

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    Tu aimeras aussi ces épisodes :

    Olivier Hernandez – Du génie à l'industrie à l'astrophysique : PapaPhD.com/Olivier-Hernandez-Pt1Carine Monat - Bâtir un trajet qui nous ressemble : PapaPhD.com/Carine-MonatRémi Quirion – Projeter les jeunes chercheur.e.s dans des carrières d'avenir : PapaPhD.com/203Jean-Sébastien Provost – Accéder au domaine de la science des données : PapaPhD.com/Jean-Sebastien-Provost

    • 58 min
    Promoting Faculty Diversity: The PhD Project with Dr. Stephani Mason

    Promoting Faculty Diversity: The PhD Project with Dr. Stephani Mason

    Welcome to Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD! In today's episode, I'm thrilled to have Dr. Stephani Mason join us. Dr. Mason, an associate professor of accounting at DePaul University, is renowned for her impactful work on diversity and representation in academia and beyond. Today, we dive into the transformative impact of PhD programs on career paths and the vital role of researchers in non-academic settings and into the raison d'être of The PhD Project - pomoting diversity in faculty in the accounting/economics space. Join us as Dr. Mason shares insights on preparing individuals to utilize their talents for the public good, the importance of evidence-based decision-making, and the power of mentorship through initiatives like The PhD Project. Listen in to learn how this groundbreaking project has been diversifying corporate America and academia for 30 years, helping underrepresented minorities pursue PhDs in business disciplines. Whether you're interested in educational equity, the PhD journey, or the transformative power of diversity, this episode is packed with wisdom and inspiration!

    Dr. Stephani Mason is an Associate Professor of Accounting at DePaul University, where she teaches advanced-level undergraduate and graduate courses in accounting and valuation. She earned her Ph.D. in accounting at Rutgers University, her MBA in finance and accounting at the University of Chicago, and her BS in accounting at North Carolina A&T State University. With over a decade working in investment management at JP Morgan Investment Management, the JP Morgan Private Bank, and US Trust, she conducts academic research on accounting/auditing standards, financial regulation, as well as diversity in the accounting and finance industries. Mason serves as a member of The PhD Project Advisory Council (PAC-15), the Black Alliance of Colleges and Employers (BACE) board of directors, the AICPA National Accreditation Commission, Business Valuation Task Force, and Financial Instruments Advisory Group, and the American Accounting Association Meetings Committee and Diversity Initiative. In addition, she is a long-term committee member of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, British Accounting and Finance Association, European Accounting Association, and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand; is an editorial board member of five academic journals, and founded the WonderWomen of Diversity, a group that hosts discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion in both the academic and corporate settings.

    What we covered in the interview:

    Broadening Horizons Beyond Academia: Dr. Mason discussed the critical need for researchers in non-academic roles, highlighting examples from the medical field and public policy institutions, showing how PhDs can solve complex real-world problems.Diversity and Representation: Emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making, Dr. Mason brings attention to how representation in academia and various professions can close the gap between students' aspirations and career paths, enriching education for all.Supportive Communities and Mentorship: The PhD Project, celebrating its 30th anniversary, provides a supportive network for underrepresented individuals. Mentorship, coaching, and events help individuals navigate their academic journeys and promote diversity in both academia and corporate America.🔗See the resources section below for links!

    This episode’s resources:

    Website: PhDproject.orgFacebook: Facebook.com/thePhDprojectLinkedin: Linkedin.com/company/thephdproject 

    Thank you, Dr. Stephani Mason!

    If you enjoyed this conversation with Stephani, let her know by clicking the link below and leaving her a message on Linkedin:Send Dr. Stephani Mason a thank you message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David!

    • 53 min
    Pushing Through Obstacles in Graduate School with Joe Makkerh [Rerun]

    Pushing Through Obstacles in Graduate School with Joe Makkerh [Rerun]

    In this episode of Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD I bring you a treasure from the vault from season 1 of the podcast – my conversation with Joe Makkerh, who shares remarkable journey from the rigours of academic research to the pharmaceutical industry, and ultimately to becoming a business owner. Joe shares invaluable insights on the importance of being approachable, of selflessly helping others, and on the courage to seek help when you need it.In it we delve into the romanticized perception of academia often portrayed in the media versus the actual resilience needed to overcome the failures that are part and parcel of the scientific process. During our conversation we discussed the solitary nature of academic research projects and the blurred lines between personal life and work, exacerbated by the guilt associated with taking time off work—something many graduate students grapple with.We touch upon critical skills acquired during graduate studies, such as problem-solving, rapid research, and data simulation, and their lasting impact on professional life. Joe opens up about his transition from academia to industry, the value of maintaining a strong network, and the importance of continual learning and personal growth.Stay tuned as Joe recounts fascinating anecdotes illustrating the important balance between competition and cooperation in academia. This episode is packed with advice for young graduates, emphasising employability, understanding finance, and the crucial role of relationships in career success.Don’t miss this touching conversation filled with wisdom and practical tips on navigating both academic and professional landscapes. Be sure to subscribe to "Beyond the Thesis with Papa PhD" for more inspiring stories and insightful discussions about life after the PhD.

    Joe Makkerh is a former scientist, now an entrepreneur working in high-end audio. Since finishing his PhD in cellular and molecular zoology, Joe transitioned from researcher to academic administrator to MBA student to business owner. His academic career has taken him from London to Heidelberg, to Montreal, where he now develops his business.

    What we covered in the interview:

    The Power of Asking for Help: Many graduate students struggle with seeking assistance beyond their academic work. It's crucial to realise that asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Building a supportive network can make a significant difference.Transitioning from Academia to Industry: Moving from the world of academic research to the pharmaceutical industry offered Joe Makkerh valuable lessons in resilience and dealing with failure. Embracing these challenges head-on is key to personal and professional growth.Maintaining Work-Life Balance: The blurred lines between personal life and work can take a toll on health and relationships. Prioritising self-care and setting boundaries is essential for long-term success and wellbeing.

    This episode’s resources:

    Website: baetisaudio.com

    Thank you, Joe Makkerh!

    If you enjoyed this conversation with Joe, let him know by clicking the link below and leaving him a message on Linkedin:Send Joe Makkerh a thank you message on Linkedin!Click here to share your key take-away from this interview with David!

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    You might also like the following episodes:

    Vikie Pedneault – Engaging Through ComedyAndy Churchill –Presenting for ImpactAmani Said – How to Make impact with Your CareerInes Thomas Almeida – A Winding Journey From Biology to MusicologyAs always, if you find value in Papa PhD and in the content I bring you every week, click on one of the buttons below and send some of that value back to me by becoming a supporter on Patreon or by buying me a coffee :)

    • 54 min

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