58 min

Episode 14: Bridget Baldwin, Electric Light Orchestra, and the Nostalgia Factor Talking about music with friends

    • Musique : analyses

Bloody mental! Bridget Baldwin graces us with her virtual presence while she resides in the United Kingdom. She exposes us to Electric Light Orchestra, a 70's band who sounded and operated like a rock-disco-symphony in the same way that Queen sounded like the cast of a pop-rock-opera. We also talked about listening to nostalgic albums through the pandemic and our favorite Radiohead albums.

Bloody mental! Bridget Baldwin graces us with her virtual presence while she resides in the United Kingdom. She exposes us to Electric Light Orchestra, a 70's band who sounded and operated like a rock-disco-symphony in the same way that Queen sounded like the cast of a pop-rock-opera. We also talked about listening to nostalgic albums through the pandemic and our favorite Radiohead albums.

58 min