106 episodes

Learning the language of story


Story Paths Learning to think in stories

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Learning the language of story


    Finding Stories Within Your Life, and my tale of a Homecoming Monk Seeking Forgiveness

    Finding Stories Within Your Life, and my tale of a Homecoming Monk Seeking Forgiveness

    Book one-on-one story sessions here
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    Let’s open with a parable.
    A king, powerful and wise, goes into his city, moves among his people, dressed as a commoner. He wishes to see how they regard him, truly, when they do not know who walks amongst them.
    As for me, I mingle with such kings and queens each day, and I am one of them. We regard each other in our moments of weakness, awkwardness and poor decisions.
    We see how we treat each other, when we do not know each other’s true natures.
    We, who are bright as sons.
    In Stories Something Goes Wrong
    It's Monday morning here in the Pacific Northwest, and I’m back from a great story workshop. It was run by one Deb Williams from a group called The Flame. In it, she invited and guided, cajoled and encouraged people to tell stories from their own lives. Deb's been a stand-up comic for years, and that made for a direct and funny teaching style. We twenty or so participants each looked into our own lives, seeking moments wanting to be told.
    Here’s how it went. Going around the group, everybody gave two or three life stories they might tell, as though pitching the group. Then, the group voted for the ones they wanted to hear.
    ‘Ah, that sounds juicy.’ ‘Oh… that's controversial. That's the one we’re not meant to hear. That's the one.’ ‘That's the one where things went wrong. Yes, that's the story I want to hear.’
    It turns out that the most pleasant experiences in our lives are not necessarily the best stories. In a story, something goes wrong. There’s a twist. Something's learned, but the story is not necessarily about teaching.
    Stepping Stones on the River of Life
    Let's say you want to cross the river of your life. You can choose only five moments, five stepping stones. Which ones will you choose? Each combination of moments will give a different story, revealing your life in a unique way. You could choose five moments that led you to your current vocation, or five that lead you to your outlook on love.
    The moments I chose were from my time in India. It’s a huge part of my story, but I haven't been quite sure how to integrate it into this next part of my life, here in the Pacific Northwest. I haven't figured out how to bring in those years of spiritual study and practice in another land into this time, with my explorations of genetic ancestry, and building relations with the people of these lands.
    My story begins when I was twenty, and finishes at around forty. There are many different moments—stepping stones—that I could have chosen from my life, all of them truthful. It turns out that our lives aren’t just sequences of events; they’re more like fractals, with multifarious unfurling scenes hidden within them.
    Tattva and Lila
    Not everyone thinks about stories as patterns. A good story can be bawdy, gossipy, guttural, hilarious. My story thinking tends towards patterns. All that study in India got me thinking very philosophically. I’m drawn to sutras, codes, the essential parts from which all else can be understood. But other participants chose great stories about their pets and their grandchildren, about giving birth: mammalian moments.
    In the path of Bhakti that I practiced for many years, there are twinned concepts called tattva and lila. The first could be called philosophy, or fundamental truth, whereas lila means pastimes—story. These terms are usually applied to the movements of divine beings, but I find them helpful for just about everything. Tattva is the truth of things concisely spoken, and lila is the stories playing out with those truths inside them. You might also say that tattva is ontology, the givens that a story assumes are true, and that lila is the tales that play out within that worldview.
    These days, I find myself exploring the spaces between ontologies, like being a trader moving between cities. What are the stories of the in-between, that cross into a worldview, then cross int

    • 24 min
    Perspectives: How Diverse Characters Illuminate their Worlds

    Perspectives: How Diverse Characters Illuminate their Worlds

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    How do characters illuminate their world?
    We experience stories through the eyes of their people. What they seek in their world, we seek. What they find, we find. As such, to choose a character is to choose the manner of entering the story world.
    I recently watched the Studio Ghibli film The Boy and the Heron. It’s fascinating. The titular boy is a truth seeker, earnest wants to get to the bottom of mysteries. Because he has this nature, we enter into those mysteries with him. He illuminates the story world’s mysteries and brings us along.
    If he were passive, he wouldn’t delve into that same mysterious world, and we, the viewer, wouldn’t either. A character keen to discover the truth of things carries a spotlight into their world.
    In another Studio Ghibli film, Princess Mononoke, a young prince is desperate to bridge conflicted groups. This active role is beset with challenges, and gives him unique insight into the different sides in a mythical battle. Through his actions, he activates other characters, bringing out their true intentions. It's a great choice for a central character. The Princess, on the other hand, is dead set on defeating her enemy, but the prince illuminates her compassion.
    What are other ways characters illuminate their world? A detective is someone who digs into their world in a narrow, focused way. They are excavating clues to get the truth on a particular crime, and in so doing they unearth truths that are savoury, unsavoury, tactical and deeply personal.
    An explorer wants to know what is across the ocean, above the sky, beneath the earth. They seek the ruins of lost civilizations, and find forgotten wonders. Their objective is not to unearth one truth, but many.
    A scientist is also an explorer. They might be exploring through the medium of a microscope, and in so doing discover vistas that open up the story.
    Let’s say our story explores the nature of time, raising questions like: is time linear, circular, spiralling, or all of the above? Is reality a web, with time and space as its warp and weft? A scientist would bring one lens to bear. A mystic would bring another, a hybrid another still.
    A time traveler character is moving throughout time differently from the rest of us, and experiencing it in according to the rules of their fictional world. That’s quite a vantage.
    This may be very personal for them as well. Someone they love may be caught in a part of time that’s hard to reach, as though across a vast mountain range. In trying to save them, our timescape-rescuer is illuminating the temporal expanse of the story.
    If our story is about traveling through the chakras of a human body, and vertically through layers of self and cosmos, then we might choose a mystic character. Or, to make them more relatable, someone apprenticing with a mystic.
    Why Are They Doing All This?
    This brings us to what pushes characters to act: their motivations. This might be a simple wondering about what is out there, but it often helps to give them a focused desire. They may be sailing through time to find their lost child, or trying to connect to their previous life so that they can join with that old self and become whole. They're crossing the ocean in order to consult a wise elder, then bring back council for their ailing people. These motivations focus the tale.
    Whew! Could You Summarise All That?
    Sure, that would help me too.
    So there's the story world, with its particular landscapes, beings, rules, and truths waiting to be discovered. The question is, what is the journey of a character through and into those possibilities? Imagine them as a light investigating into darkness. What do they discover? How will different characters within the same story illuminate the world and each other?
    Consider the land where you live, and the disposition of the people there. Where I am, they are exter

    • 13 min
    A Meeting by the River, and an Upcoming Story Biz. Workshop

    A Meeting by the River, and an Upcoming Story Biz. Workshop

    Well met, fellow wanderer,
    I welcome your company, here at this riverside resting spot, with willows budding, moisture and pollen swirling in the air, and the sun arcing overhead.
    I must say, those are some fine tools you’re carrying in your pack. I’m curious how you learned to use them, and to hear of work that you’ve done. I’d like to know which paths brought you here, so I can get a sense of who you are. I wish to hear of your journey.
    Ahem. I was just speaking in story, but I’ll say an equivilent in non-fiction speech. You see, I’m curious about the work you do in your business. Please tell me, what brought you to this work, and why is it valuable to you? That way, I can get a sense of who your services are for.
    Back to speaking in story:
    What’s that? You want to bring others across this river to join you? Ah, but it is flowing fast and wide, ‘tis true. A traveler seeking your services might attempt a crossing at any number of places, but there’s no bridge, and they would struggle to ford those waters without help.
    Which we might say, in a non-fiction way, thusly:
    I hear that you want to convey to others the value of your work, and why you do it. Yet ultimately, so many events led you to this work. When you’re trying to explain why you do what you do, you struggle with what to include and what to leave out. You end up tongue-tied, or talking all around what you’re trying to say without solidly landing on it.
    Let’s go on with in story-form…
    Aye, it’s true! This river you’ve crossed is formidable, wide, and full of contrary currents. Small wonder that you were able to cross, let alone others after you!
    Yet just see, there beneath the surface… stepping stones! Those could let folks to come across and meet you. You say there are too many stones, no single clear way across. Perhaps, but what say we try a few ways? If you agree, we’ll walk them together, then decide which ones you’ll share with others. I say let’s try out variety of routes. What’s more, I’ll wager we can have some fun while we’re at it.
    Which is to say, in a non-fiction way:
    Let’s look at some key events in your life that led you to your work. We’re looking for events that were transformative, noteworthy. By telling this sequence of events—this story—you’ll convey the why of what you do. And that why might just be the why of your listeners too. Choosing and telling key events that led you to your vocation can not only help your people find you, it can help you yourself depeen into the why of what you do.
    Let’s have some fun discovering events in your life that were transformative, rich, and challenging, and which made you who you are.
    Now let’s merge fiction and non-fiction.
    Ah, you’re asking about how I knew to notice those stones? How did I come to be here by this river, helping folks like you?
    How kind of you to ask.
    Hi, I’m Theo. I’m a story worker by trade, which is to say I tell stories and help people tell theirs. Or you might say, I cross rivers and help others to cross theirs.
    How did moi come to this work? I fell in love with stories as a child, and gradually learned from the spells that stories cast upon me. Now I cast some upon others, and even share the spells themselves. I may be able to help you tell the tale of what brought you to this side of the river, carrying those fine tools and skills. My wish in this is for you to find kindred folks who love your work.
    And it so happens that I’m holding a free workshop for purpose-driven business runners (like your good self?). Inside, I’ll give you teachings about storytelling, and there will be lots of practice time to tell the tale of how and why you came to the work you do.
    If all that didn’t convince you, here’s the signup-style blurb:
    If your business has roots in a unique, personal journey…If you want to discover and communicate that story…If you want to expand, contract and adapt that story to fit websites, prom

    • 8 min
    Hearths & Highlands: Habitats of Scottish Stories, with Dougie Mackay

    Hearths & Highlands: Habitats of Scottish Stories, with Dougie Mackay

    Watch this episode
    Dougie’s Pacific Northwest Coast Tour
    Dougie’s website: https://storyconnection.org
    Myth as Medicine course.
    Dougie’s podcast
    Comment on this episode
    You’re in for a treat. Today I get into all the good things with traditional Scottish storyteller Dougie Mackay. He’s a skilled storyteller deeply rooted in the rich heritage of Scottish folklore, who works with nature connection and inter-cultural exchange.
    Here’s some of what we get into:
    The Scottish Cèilidh, pronounced KAY-lee, serves as a vibrant ecosystem where storytellers both get their start and sometimes find their life’s calling. Dougie shares the distinction between hearthside storytelling, a cozy exchange among friends, and performance storytelling, where professionals take the stage to enrapture audiences. He also talks about where these two overlap.
    Did you think we wouldn’t have a story? Dougie tells an old tale of a man's quest to retrieve his cow from the land of faeries. Through this seemingly simple story, we enter a narrative ecosystem, an invitation to ponder connections between nature, culture, ethics, and the mystical.
    Dougie describes his recent visit to Jordan, and how exchanging stories, food and song with the people there countered the cliched propaganda that media often uses to describe the Middle East.
    Stories shape our perspective. Where stories with good guys and bad guys foster binary thinking, many traditional tales offer a nuanced exploration of life.
    All this and more…

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit storypaths.substack.com/subscribe

    • 1 hr 20 min
    From Concept to Detail: Zooming Between Strata in a Project

    From Concept to Detail: Zooming Between Strata in a Project

    Book one-on-one story sessions here
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    Here’s a greate way to conceive stages of creative work. I learned this from a friend who used them in the hospitality industry, but they’re applicable in any project.
    Consider three layers:
    1) Big picture thinking.
    2) Big muscle moving.
    3) Detailing.
    Let’s Say You’re Opening a Restaurant
    The big picture involves choices of menu, location, audience.
    The big muscle stage is finding a location, sourcing ingredients, getting equipment, and setting it all up.
    In the detail stage we’d be arranging napkins into cups, evening out tablecloths, making sure the place smells good, and choosing appropriate music.
    You might take a moment to let this alchemist inside you, considering a project that’s alive in your mind.
    Let’s put on our swim trunks and dive in to get a better look.
    But as you’re getting those on, here’s a prompt. As we’re going through, I invite you to ask yourself which role do you tend toward.
    Of course, in any of these personality assessments, none of us are purely one type or another. We may shift between these types at different stages of a project, or in different parts of our lives. The map is not the territory, and yet maps are helpful, and this one is cool.
    So in we go.

    Big Picture
    Personally, I tend towards the big picture role, thinking about stories that we live by, spending time between stories, realizing that I'm in a story when I do that… this kind of thing. I was a monk for many years, delving into philosophy. My challenge is to bring these big thoughts into podcast, books, workshops, and into community. I need quite a bit of space and time to do this kind of thinking. That's a big part of my nature.
    I get work done too, I promise!
    How far out do we want to go? If it has been decided already that we're going to open a restaurant, we can consider the big questions that come up. But what if we haven't chosen to open a restaurant? In fact, we’re not sure what we’re going to do.
    So first let’s fly higher. Maybe instead of a restaurant, we might open a cinema, or start an app that helps people make these decisions. Or an app that makes an app that helps people make these decisions!
    In this big picture thinking we're considering which portal to open. After that, there will be many more choices.

    In Praise of Procrastination
    I want to take a moment to honour this stage of deciding. In an overculture where many seem more concerned with getting things done than deciding what work is worth doing, I pledge support for consideration, for time given to thought.
    It's not lazy. It's not avoiding work. It is the best investment.
    While we’re at it, we can take it further. Instead of wondering which project to start, as though it’s a given that we’ll start one, we might ask ourselves, should I start a project? Or shall I become a meditator and become detached from these ambitions of starting projects and making money? Should I learn to be satisfied being an observer, watching this world. My contribution may be in sharing what wisdom glean during this slow time of being present with what is.
    I might fly further out still, conceiving of myself very simply as a conscious being who can act. Further still, and depending on my cosmology, I might consider myself to be one with the world, friends with one who is in the center of our galaxy and in all things, in kinship with the creator and all other beings in their essential state. An essential state that remains within us while we express ourselves in temporal manifestations in myriad ways, from wondrous to horrendous and everywhere in between.
    Why stop there? I may let go of duality and even spectrums with dual ends. I may let go of it all and simply be whatever being is.
    Geez we’re high up! We’re out as far as I can think to go.
    Coming in from here, I see a variety of possible worldviews, so= I'll pick a worldview and enter it. I'll meet other

    • 12 min
    A song for these times, and a course for you and your relations

    A song for these times, and a course for you and your relations

    Links:Laura Burns' family constellation course.Isaac Fosl-Van Wyke's music.Welcome to Story Paths.
    Why stories? Because they help us imagine together, for one reason. They help us see possible pasts, possible futures.
    Welcome welcome, welcome.
    Today is a special issue. The audio version has music, so do have a listen. I’ll also share an amazing course that a friend and mentor of mine is putting on.
    Let's start with the music. I recently traveled southward to Kentucky to visit a dear friend. There, amongst other wonderful experiences, I met a man called Isaac Fosl-Van Wyke. He was playing his songs at a little club, along with an artist who goes by the name Mother Marrow.
    One of Isaac's songs, Coming of Age, fits so well with the theme of these last episodes, about a Third Ethics, about becoming aware of the wider world, of the times in which we live, and the gifts and responsibilities this time bestows upon us.
    This song is called Coming of Age. Have a listen in the audio version.
    Isaac’s whole album is excellent. You can it at these links.
    Bandcamp, the best way I know to support artists directly.
    Apple Music (pays artists a bit more than Spotify)
    Spotify, who don’t pay artists nearly enough!
    There’s about an upcoming course offering by Laura Burns, a friend and mentor of mine.
    Now, there's different ways that I could describe Laura, as I know her, and many other ways besides. And of course, describing a person in words is not the only way to behold them. Which is to say that Laura is an enigmatic, witchy, rooted, seeking, queerly questing, midnight-walking, daylight-jousting-sing-song-songbird-exchanger kind of lady. I'm glad to have encountered her work.
    I participated in the last course on this topic that she offered, and now she’s offering it again. It’s called:
    Lessons from the Field: Tending the Ancestral Soul
    A systemic approach to land, transformative justice and ancestral healing.
    Learn more here.
    In this course, Laura is bringing a very interesting, interwoven cluster of insights. This offers a radical way of looking at the dynamics between victims and perpetrators. This might be really interesting for people who are in the field of nonviolent communication or restorative justice, where the first goal is to stop further harm, and then to help heal the hurter, to help them become a positive agent in the world, nourishing the fundaments of life that they once harmed.
    The course starts soon! It’s on May 1st, then every Wednesday after that until June 5th.
    What’s Included?
    6 Weekly Sessions - 2.5hrs - plus recordings. Sessions are every Wednesday 6.30 - 9.00pm BST, Online via zoom.
    50min One-to-one session.
    Material to explore each week, including Guided Audio Meditations, and shared reading resources.

    In conclusion, Laura is a lovely, like, welcoming person deeply mystical, witchy and cool, and I recommend this and all of her offerings. She’s also doing really wonderful stuff with earth-soul connection ceremony and natural dye fabrics. She's just a really neat lady, so definitely sending love her way.
    Until the next

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit storypaths.substack.com/subscribe

    • 19 min

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