183 episodes

Leadership positions in corporations are overwhelmingly held by men. Women who want to advance their careers and have equal representation at the table face enormous obstacles in today's society. They are frequently viewed through the lens of stereotypes, making it difficult for them to demonstrate their worth. In response, it's only natural that they keep their heads down and wallow in their insecurities. Don't you wish there was a guidebook for women to use as they enter the workforce? With this, they could have a much easier time navigating the complex environment.

Since there isn't anything like it out there, Jen Pestikas created a podcast called Brave Women at Work to fill the void. This show encourages women to believe in themselves and take charge of their professional lives so that they can progress to the next level.

Each episode is devoted to a different set of issues that prevent professional women from reaching their full potential and obtaining the leadership positions they seek. Burnout and imposter syndrome are two common causes of self-sabotage. Learn to break free of the victim mentality and the distractions that prevent you from speaking up, and you will have taken the first step toward removing those obstacles. Get out of your comfort zone and into the path to achieving much larger objectives. Use the information you gain from this show to help you realize your full potential, then stand firm against the unjust demands of the business world.

Listen in on discussions that teach you how to advocate for yourself and let others recognize the value you bring to the workplace. Don't let the long hours you spend at work make you feel bored or unappreciated. Find out when it's appropriate to negotiate your salary, your hours, and your position to get the most out of your job. One should not put their professional success in the hands of others. Take advantage of your unique abilities to make significant strides in your career.

For over twenty years, Jen has worked as a Certified Career and Leadership Coach in the business world, and now she's bringing that knowledge to the podcast audience. She'll show you how to succeed professionally without sacrificing your personal life or putting on a false front. Gain self-assurance and knock down roadblocks to success with the help of Jen's insightful advice.

In addition to her extensive expertise, Jen shares uplifting takeaways from her own corporate experience. Both burnout and the "imposter syndrome" have affected her. She struggled with many self-limiting beliefs and experienced her share of professional dissatisfaction. After spending many years in the predominantly male investment services industry, Jen learned what it takes to stand out as a strong, career-focused woman. She overcame adversity and is now the Senior Vice President of Business Development at a thriving financial institution. She is a shining proof of how far one can go in their careers by playing to their strengths and removing any self-doubt that may have been holding them back.

On the podcast, Jen not only discusses her own life but also features interviews with other remarkable women. Find out how they overcame the obstacles they encountered in the business world and how they turned their setbacks into opportunities. These outstanding individuals were once in your shoes, and now you can benefit from their experiences and insights as you propel your own career to new heights.

As long as men dominate the corporate world, it will be difficult for women to advance. Don't let the gender gap stop you from pursuing your professional goals. Acquire the resources you need to fully realize your potential by following Jen's guidance and the examples of her amazing guests. Luck will not make you a good leader. Instead, make people listen to what you have to say, become your own advocate, and take bolder action in everything you do.

Listen to Brave Women at Work at https://bravewomenatwork.com/.

Brave Women at Work Jen Pestikas

    • Business

Leadership positions in corporations are overwhelmingly held by men. Women who want to advance their careers and have equal representation at the table face enormous obstacles in today's society. They are frequently viewed through the lens of stereotypes, making it difficult for them to demonstrate their worth. In response, it's only natural that they keep their heads down and wallow in their insecurities. Don't you wish there was a guidebook for women to use as they enter the workforce? With this, they could have a much easier time navigating the complex environment.

Since there isn't anything like it out there, Jen Pestikas created a podcast called Brave Women at Work to fill the void. This show encourages women to believe in themselves and take charge of their professional lives so that they can progress to the next level.

Each episode is devoted to a different set of issues that prevent professional women from reaching their full potential and obtaining the leadership positions they seek. Burnout and imposter syndrome are two common causes of self-sabotage. Learn to break free of the victim mentality and the distractions that prevent you from speaking up, and you will have taken the first step toward removing those obstacles. Get out of your comfort zone and into the path to achieving much larger objectives. Use the information you gain from this show to help you realize your full potential, then stand firm against the unjust demands of the business world.

Listen in on discussions that teach you how to advocate for yourself and let others recognize the value you bring to the workplace. Don't let the long hours you spend at work make you feel bored or unappreciated. Find out when it's appropriate to negotiate your salary, your hours, and your position to get the most out of your job. One should not put their professional success in the hands of others. Take advantage of your unique abilities to make significant strides in your career.

For over twenty years, Jen has worked as a Certified Career and Leadership Coach in the business world, and now she's bringing that knowledge to the podcast audience. She'll show you how to succeed professionally without sacrificing your personal life or putting on a false front. Gain self-assurance and knock down roadblocks to success with the help of Jen's insightful advice.

In addition to her extensive expertise, Jen shares uplifting takeaways from her own corporate experience. Both burnout and the "imposter syndrome" have affected her. She struggled with many self-limiting beliefs and experienced her share of professional dissatisfaction. After spending many years in the predominantly male investment services industry, Jen learned what it takes to stand out as a strong, career-focused woman. She overcame adversity and is now the Senior Vice President of Business Development at a thriving financial institution. She is a shining proof of how far one can go in their careers by playing to their strengths and removing any self-doubt that may have been holding them back.

On the podcast, Jen not only discusses her own life but also features interviews with other remarkable women. Find out how they overcame the obstacles they encountered in the business world and how they turned their setbacks into opportunities. These outstanding individuals were once in your shoes, and now you can benefit from their experiences and insights as you propel your own career to new heights.

As long as men dominate the corporate world, it will be difficult for women to advance. Don't let the gender gap stop you from pursuing your professional goals. Acquire the resources you need to fully realize your potential by following Jen's guidance and the examples of her amazing guests. Luck will not make you a good leader. Instead, make people listen to what you have to say, become your own advocate, and take bolder action in everything you do.

Listen to Brave Women at Work at https://bravewomenatwork.com/.

    Be A Boundary Badass: Create A Healthy And Fulfilling Relationship Personally And Professionally With Jan And Jillian Yuhas

    Be A Boundary Badass: Create A Healthy And Fulfilling Relationship Personally And Professionally With Jan And Jillian Yuhas

    Do you ever feel like you're constantly giving in to others' needs, but your own go unmet? Are you tired of conversations that leave you feeling unheard and undervalued? Boundaries are the key to creating healthy, fulfilling relationships. Today, Jan and Jillian Yuhas, the authors of Boundary Badass: A Powerful Method for Elevating Your Value and Relationships, discuss the different faces of boundaries and how they evolve. These identical twins are Relationship and Boundary Experts who can guide you into navigating into creating healthy and fulfilling relationships. If you are ready to become a Boundary Badass, tune into this episode now! Join Jan and Jill Yuhas to help you build the respectful relationships you deserve.
    During my conversation with Jan and Jillian, we chatted about:
    What are boundaries?
    The many faces of boundaries
    How can you spot when boundaries are violated?
    Boundary Badass: A Powerful Method for Elevating Your Value and Relationships
    Boundaries vs. ultimatums
    Can a disrespected boundary be repaired?

    • 38 min
    Servant Leadership In The C-Suite With Carrie Hansen

    Servant Leadership In The C-Suite With Carrie Hansen

    When I was coming up in the ranks of corporate, I didn’t know what I was doing. I faced inordinate amounts of Imposter Syndrome and fear. I didn’t have the mental capacity to make purposeful decisions to put self-care at the forefront of my routine, to know what to say yes and no to, to have boundaries, and to determine what type of leader I would become. 
    Well, buckle up for a beautiful master class in leadership today with my esteemed guest, Carrie Hansen. As you will hear in a minute, Carrie is the Chief Operating Officer at Assetmark and was named COO of the Year at the 2023 OnCon Icon Awards. Carrie openly and authentically shares so many leadership lessons in this show that I would encourage you to listen to this one twice. Or make sure to take notes. Or both!
    During my conversation with Carrie, we chatted about:
    Her rise to the C-suite at 30 years of age, and she’s been there ever since.The conscious and unconventional decisions Carrie made with her spouse to support her career path.The challenges she faced in different cultures as a senior leader.How her history in sports helped her to have steady and unwavering confidence throughout her career. Her principles of strategic leadership.Why servant leadership and making real connections with our employees and what is important to them is what it is all about.And why authenticity and vulnerability are so important as a leader.

    • 55 min
    Closing The Power Gap: Growth Opportunities For Administrative Professionals With Jamie Vanek

    Closing The Power Gap: Growth Opportunities For Administrative Professionals With Jamie Vanek

    Let’s start with a story. Many years ago, I started as an operations specialist to support a team of financial advisors. (If you are new to Brave Women at Work, I have been in the financial services industry for over 20 years.) 

    After my first day on the job, my husband asked me where I was sitting in the building. To this day, I don’t know what prompted him to ask, but I told him that I sat with all the other administrative assistants. He told me to move immediately because I wouldn’t be seen as having “more potential” or the ability to move up in the organization.

    I didn’t want to rock the boat, so I didn’t ask to move. And you know what? My husband’s prophecy came to pass. It was difficult for me to advance in the company and during talent management reviews, I wasn’t seen as leadership material.

    When I met Jamie Vanek, my guest today, I knew I had to have her on the show. The fear of being perceived as “just an admin” is wrong and the myth that administrative assistants are not capable of more needs to be debunked. 

    During my conversation with Jamie, we chatted about:

    Her career history and why she is so passionate about helping administrative professionals.What led her to write her book, Buried in Business: Find Freedom by Unlocking the Power of Your Admin Team?The gap between administration and leadership.Why being an admin has been considered “a dirty word” for so long.Why administrative staff are the heartbeat of the company.And more.
    This show is dedicated to the almost 2.5 million administrative professionals in the U.S. today, of which over 87% of them are female. Let’s give our admins the opportunities for growth they deserve!

    • 54 min
    The Secret To Building A Productive Workplace With Lori-Ann Duguay

    The Secret To Building A Productive Workplace With Lori-Ann Duguay

    Are you ready for this statistic?
    On average, we spend 90,000 hours at work throughout our lives. This represents over 1/3 of our lives.
    If we spend that much time at work, I’m sure you would agree that we want to be happy while doing it. But many times, we stay in jobs because we are comfortable, we have golden handcuffs, and more. We may not factor our happiness into the equation. My guest today, Lori-Ann Duguay, believes we should. By focusing on creating happy work environments, we will be more productive as a result.
    During my conversation with Lori-Ann, we discussed:
    How Lori’s book, The Happiness Factor: How to Create a Positive and Productive Workplace, came to be.What is the happiness factor culture check?Why 1 in 4 people are looking for another job at any given time?Positive vs. negative work environment signs and if they are overt or not always perceivable.The 10 needs of a happy worker.How much of this is the responsibility of management vs. the individual employee?What role do feedback and recognition factor in positive work environments?

    • 1 hr
    In Defense Of Gen Z Employees: Bridging Generational Gaps With Stephanie Joong

    In Defense Of Gen Z Employees: Bridging Generational Gaps With Stephanie Joong

    As a mid-career professional, what has your experience been working with or leading Gen Z employees? How would you manage and work with Gen Z employees? My guest today, Stephanie Joong, is a friend and colleague who shares her experiences with Gen Z employees and co-workers. Since Stephanie is a millennial and I am Gen X, I thought it would be helpful to hear her perspective. I learned a thing or two from Stephanie during our conversation!
    During my chat with Stephanie, we discussed:
    1. Her work history and experience as a Millennial.
    2. The differences Stephanie has seen between Millennials and Gen Z people.
    3. Gen Z expectations for work and how they differ from Millennials and Gen X.
    4. How Stephanie has flexed her leadership style to support her Gen Z employees.
    5. The stereotypes of Gen Z and how we can defend and even learn from this generation.

    • 49 min
    Claim Your Vixen Voice: Schedule Less, Achieve More With April Roberts

    Claim Your Vixen Voice: Schedule Less, Achieve More With April Roberts

    Hello everyone! How are you doing out there?

    I wanted to provide you all with a personal update. It’s been a whirlwind so far this year. We’ve done some remodeling on our house after having some water damage issues for the last several years. I traveled to Las Vegas in February to co-host a women’s leadership retreat. And now, I am about to go to Europe with a dear friend for two weeks.

    Two weeks! I have not been to Europe this long without my family, well, ever. The last time I went to Europe without my husband and family was 16 years ago. To tell you I’ve had a little bit of travel anxiety and mom guilt would be an understatement. I have gone through all the feelings. What kind of a mom am I to leave my kiddos that long? Ouch. That Imposter Syndrome and shameful voice has been loud. I’m sharing this with you because I’m not immune to this work. I have to do it too. And I’ve had to let all that go because if I fill my cup, I know I will be a better mom to my girls. I will also be a better wife, daughter, friend, podcaster, and the list goes on.

    I would like to thank my friend, Jennie, for inviting me on this trip. If you are curious about where we are going, we are traveling to Croatia, Montenegro, and Portugal. I’m collecting those passport stamps this year! I would also like to thank my husband, John, for encouraging me to do this. And of course, a thank you to my girls for being excited for me too.

    So, let’s switch gears. During the show today, I speak with my guest, April Roberts, about time freedom and having a Vixen Voice. I don’t know about you, but anything to do with time freedom, and owning my voice interests me. I’m a free spirit at heart, obviously with the upcoming trip to Europe. I like the idea of having as much autonomy as possible over my time and life.

    During my conversation with April, we chatted about:
    What drove April to do the work she does todayHow we can structure our calendars to achieve time freedomWhat you should be adding and removing from your calendarHow time and energy management are directly relatedWhat the Vixen Voice is and how we can claim it for ourselves

    • 1 hr 2 min

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