Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare

Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC
Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare

Clinician, researcher, and gut-geek Dr. Michael Ruscio DC covers the ever-changing world of functional health science. From debunking trends to research deep dives to practical takeaways, Dr. Ruscio DC Radio is health science made digestible. These [podcasts] are educational and informational only and are not medical, chiropractic, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind. They do not create or constitute any professional relationship between us and you. Always consult your licensed healthcare providers and never disregard or delay obtaining medical advice based on information in our [podcast]. Please review our full terms of use and disclaimers posted on our Website at https://drruscio.com/privacy-policy.

  1. 6 DAYS AGO

    952 - Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Deficiency Is Causing Your Gut Problems

    Thiamine is a highly underrated but very important vitamin for your gut health, mitochondria, immune system, and more. However, 56% of people aren’t getting enough. In this episode, I’ll explain the important function of thiamine, signs of deficiency, health conditions associated with it and how you can add more thiamine in your diet.  Check out these great resources on thiamine by previous Ruscio Radio guests! Dr. Sarah Ballantyne’s Nutrivore website with nutrition information: https://nutrivore.com/nutrients/vitamin-b1/ Elliot Overton’s recommended thiamine protocols: https://www.eonutrition.co.uk/protocols    👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) for Gut and Mitochondrial Health - With Elliot Overton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-we9gMcdRe8&t=1692s ➡️Best Gut Supplements Recommended By Experts I Interviewed This Year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aaf9RE_lJg&t=4s ➡️Supercharge Your Mitochondria with Hyperbaric Therapy | Dr. Eleanor Womack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y9_6ygu64&t=3s ➡️The Best Anti-Aging Diet & Supplements for Mitochondrial Health: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvsjwi3XktM&t=4s   Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1 And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️ Macro vs. Micronutrients: Do You Have Enough in Your Diet? https://drruscio.com/macro-vs-micro-nutrient/  ➡️ Understand Diamine Oxidase & Manage Your Histamine in 5 Steps https://drruscio.com/diamine-oxidase/  ➡️ How to Heal Your Gut Naturally: A Clinician’s Guide https://drruscio.com/how-to-heal-your-gut-naturally/    Timestamps 00:00 Why thiamine is important 02:40 Symptoms of deficiency 03:39 How diet leads to depletion 05:51 Candida, SIBO & other conditions deplete thiamine 13:39 Treatment & testing options 17:44 Thiamine success stories 20:55 Thiamine protocol 22:37 Food sources of thiamine 23:16 Safety & troubleshooting thiamine use   Featured Studies  📉Foods, fortificants, and supplements: Where do Americans get their nutrients?: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21865568/ 📉Hiding in Plain Sight: Modern Thiamine Deficiency: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34685573/ 📉The thiamine status of adult humans depends on carbohydrate intake: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11582856/ 📉Hiding in Plain Sight: Modern Thiamine Deficiency: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8533683/ 📉Does Abiotic Stress Cause Functional B Vitamin Deficiency in Plants?: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27807106/ 📉Impact of exercise and vitamin B1 intake on hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor and spatial memory performance in a rat model of stress: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25994133/ 📉Effect of vitamin B1 supplementation on blood creatinine and lactate levels and clinical outcomes in patients in intensive care units:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37553224/ 📉Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and thiamine deficiency after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in obese patients: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19083422/ 📉Vagal dysfunction and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: novel pathways to chronic inflammation in HIV: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29596112/ 📉Thiamin: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Thiamin-HealthProfessional/ 📉High-dose oral thiamine versus placebo for chronic fatigue in patients with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33210299/ 📉Improvement of Heart Rate Variability with Benfothiamine and Alpha-Lipoic Acid in Type 2 Diabetic Patients ? Pilot Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261249122_Improvement_of_Heart_Rate_Variability_with_Benfothiamine_and_Alpha-Lipoic_Acid_in_Type_2_Diabetic_Patients_Pilot_Study#fullTextFileContent 📉Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): https://nutrivore.com/nutrients/vitamin-b1/   Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment.  Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    32 min
  2. 27 JAN

    951 - The Science of Seed Oils: Are They Really Harmful?

    Seed oils have been a controversial topic as of late.  But, are they all harmful? In this episode, I’ll present extensive research on seed oils, how they’re affecting your body, and suggest the best ways to consume them.   Videos like this 👇  Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Should Eat Every Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF5gOX-VsFY&t=81s Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1 Questions? Comment below!  Read next 👇 What Seed Oils Are & Why You Don’t Need to Be Afraid https://drruscio.com/what-are-seed-oils/   Timestamps 00:00 Intro  01:24 Linoleic acid 01:51 Do they cause inflammation? 09:07 Increased risk of heart disease? 15:06 Key heart disease studies 17:17 Omega-3 & omega-6 19:08 Processing, chemical solvents & hexane 21:24 Is refinement/hexane harmful?  25:10 Best heating uses 29:23 Hydrogenated/trans fats 32:03 Key takeaways  Featured Studies  📉Omega-6 vegetable oils & heart disease https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30364556/ 📉Increasing linoleic acid & tissue arachidonic acid content https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21663641/ 📉Long-chain conversion of [13C]linoleic acid & alpha-linolenic acid https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15576848/ 📉Omega-6 fatty acids &  risk for cardiovascular disease https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19171857/ 📉Linoleic acid intake &  blood inflammatory markers https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28752873/ 📉A diet containing grapeseed oil-based fats does not increase lipid peroxidation in humans https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11641740/ 📉Linoleic acid & heart disease https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25161045/ 📉Linoleic Acid & Type 2 Diabetes https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34417277/ 📉Linoleic acid & mortality https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32020162/ 📉Foods &  LDL cholesterol https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33762150/ 📉Oils & solid fats on  blood lipids https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30006369/ 📉Canola oil & cardiovascular risk factors https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33127255/ 📉Fats & cardiometabolic risk during weight gain https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25319187/ 📉Saturated Fat Promotes Fatty Liver& Ceramides https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31369090/ 📉Replacing saturated fat with n-6 polyunsaturated fat https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28526025/ 📉Reduction in saturated fat for cardiovascular disease https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD011737.pub3/full 📉The Omega-6:Omega-3 ratio https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29599053/ 📉Cognitive Impairment & Low Omega-3 Index https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27701160/ 📉Blood Omega-3 Index & Cognition https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26729157/ 📉Omega-3 Index & risk for coronary heart disease mortality https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28511049/ 📉Omega-3 index &  type 2 diabetes https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34740031/ 📉Hexane Content in Vegetable Oils https://openaccesspub.org/experimental-and-clinical-toxicology/article/622 📉Pressed & extracted vegetable oils https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37576238/ 📉 Cooking oils in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24625239/ 📉Grapeseed/canola-oil supplementation reduces serum lipids & liver enzymes in adipose tissuehttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25403327/ 📉Whey - From waste to a valuable resource https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266615432400317X 📉Sustainable Protein Powders https://www.foodunfolded.com/article/sustainable-protein-powders-whey-vs-plant-based 📉Protein & resistance training-induced gains https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28698222/ 📉Whey Protein & Resistance Exercise Training https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37571361/ 📉Ultra-processed food consumption & cardiovascular mortality https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33536027/ 📉Trans Fat https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/trans-fat 📉Fat hydrogenation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_hydrogenation 📉Heating & Trans Fatty Acid Content of Edible Oils https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35406103/ 📉Heating & Fatty Acid Composition of Plant-Based Cooking Oils https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35053923/#:~:text=The%20present%20data%20indicate%20that,the%20number%20of%20heating%20sequences. 📉How Long to Fry Every Food https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/deep-frying-temperature-chart/#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20normal%20temperature,right%20type%20of%20cooking%20fat. 📉Lean red meat & human evolution https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10918988/ 📉Fatty acid &  wild ruminant tissues https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11960292/  Follow Me FB - www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc IG- www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/  DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video "Modern Technology" by Andrew G https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    38 min
  3. 20 JAN

    950 - The Overlooked Parasite Causing Brain Fog & Gut Symptoms|Dr. Henry Lindner

    Today I’m joined by Dr. Henry Lindner, who has done tremendous work in researching and treating vector borne illnesses, specifically bartonella and babesia. We discuss symptoms, testing, and several treatment options that can support you in fighting the parasites that may be causing your underlying gut issues, fatigue and insomnia. Dr. Lindner also shares his personal experience with vector illnesses and what he is doing now to create more effective solutions.   👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️Why You’re Not Recovering from Tick Borne Disease ⏐ Dr. Myriah Hinchey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLsc6FQ1tJk&t=1s ➡️Chronic Infections, Overlooked Cause of Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia & Joint Pain | Dr. Amy Offutt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8_0qMWwQIo&t=3228s ➡️Hidden Signs Your Gut Issues & Fatigue Are A Vector Borne Disease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTvutYWZ9Jw&t=231s ➡️You Didn't Know This About Lyme Disease (and How to Heal) | Dr. Tania Dempsey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r_Ud5Cmp9Y&t=2456s Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1   And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️ Understanding Chronic Babesia Symptoms and How to Reverse Them  https://drruscio.com/chronic-babesia-symptoms/  ➡️ How to Build a Holistic Bartonella Treatment Plan https://drruscio.com/bartonella-treatment/  ➡️ Bartonella Symptoms: Telltale Signs of an Infectious Disease https://drruscio.com/bartonella-symptoms/  ➡️ How to Use Natural Antibiotics for Bacterial Infections: A Clinician’s POV https://drruscio.com/natural-antibiotics-for-bacterial-infection/    Timestamps 00:00 Intro  02:14 Henry’s personal experience with chronic infections 05:26 Bartonella & babesia’s affects on  the body 7:55 Why lyme treatment doesn’t work 10:26 VBI Testing 18:00 Affects on the immune system 20:17 Example of an infection in dogs 25:00 Approaching treatment & Herxiemer’s reactions 34:44 GI & other symptoms  39:26 Effective antimalarials 50:21 Antibiotics, biofilms & other options 01:03:26 Herbal treatments 01:05:29  IV & alternative therapies  01:15:40 POTS & dysautonomia  Follow Me                Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    1h 24m
  4. 13 JAN

    949 - Healing Candida Overgrowth: Dr. Mona Morstein’s 1-Month Protocol

    I’m very excited to have naturopathic physician Dr. Mona Morstein on today’s podcast to speak on treating candida! As an avid follower of her work, I was very interested in getting her insight on everything from fungal overgrowth symptoms to diagnosis, diets and treatments. Hear her take on the best testing methods and learn about her recommended treatment plan!    👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️The Best Natural Treatments for Candida (Science-based): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnc3ZkLuPzs ➡️Eat These 7 Foods EVERY DAY for SIFO & Candida: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIKgNtxC3Mw&t=265s ➡️Get Rid Of Candida & SIFO in 4 Simplified Steps (Works Fast): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EenuIwuJ7h0&t=1571s ➡️8 Warning Signs of Candida & SIFO (Don't Ignore!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctEm_H3b2j4&t=2s ➡️5 Warning Signs You’re Histamine Intolerant (& What You Can Do): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPBAd9RzIf4 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1   And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️ What Causes Candida Overgrowth—and What Can You Do About It?  https://drruscio.com/what-causes-candida/  ➡️ What Is Candida? 5 Facts You May Not Know https://drruscio.com/what-is-candida/  ➡️ 4 Proven Herbal Treatments for Candida Overgrowth https://drruscio.com/herbal-treatments-for-candida-overgrowth/  ➡️ Fungal Infections: What Is the Strongest Candida Killer? https://drruscio.com/strongest-candida-killer/    Timestamps (cut down) 00:00 Intro  03:02 Fungal overgrowth symptoms 09:52 Preventing nutrient deficiencies  15:27 Vector diseases & fungal overgrowth 21:53 Stool testing  23:33 The Organic Acids Test (OATS) 27:04 Antibody testing  30:50 Typical treatment timeline 37:41 The best diet approach 48:54 Probiotic recommendations 51:43 When to use prebiotics & fiber 59:05 Mona’s favorite supplements 01:03:09 A sample protocol 01:06:42 Tackling candida relapse    Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    1h 15m
  5. 6 JAN

    948 - Why You’re Not Recovering from Tick Borne Disease ⏐ Dr. Myriah Hinchey

    If you’ve experienced tick borne disease, you know it can be difficult to find the right care. Thus, I was very excited to have chronic illness expert, Dr. Myriah Hinchey on the podcast! In this episode, she sheds light on the best testing and treatment approaches that encourage patients to have hope and motivation for their healing. We discuss inflammation, handling die-off, alternative therapies, and more. Gain insight into vector borne illnesses and listen now!    👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️Hidden Signs Your Gut Issues & Fatigue Are A Vector Borne Disease: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTvutYWZ9Jw&t=231s ➡️You Didn't Know This About Lyme Disease (and How to Heal) | Dr. Tania Dempsey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r_Ud5Cmp9Y&t=2455s ➡️Chronic Infections, Overlooked Cause of Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia & Joint Pain | Dr. Amy Offutt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8_0qMWwQIo&t=3228s ➡️Supercharge Your Mitochondria with Hyperbaric Therapy | Dr. Eleanor Womack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y9_6ygu64&t=38s ➡️The Most Effective Supplements For Lyme Disease and Chronic Infections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4HJ2Yc-aq8&t=5s   Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1   And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️Do You Have These Unusual Symptoms of Lyme Disease?  https://drruscio.com/unusual-symptoms-of-lyme-disease/  ➡️ Understanding Chronic Babesia Symptoms and How to Reverse Them https://drruscio.com/chronic-babesia-symptoms/  ➡️ Infrared Saunas vs. Traditional: Which Is Better? https://drruscio.com/infrared-sauna/  ➡️ How to Eat a 30g Protein Breakfast Every Day (with Recipes!) https://drruscio.com/30g-protein-breakfast/    Timestamps 00:00 Intro  02:46 How Lyme affects the gut 05:38 Why inflammation doesn’t kill infection 09:13 Modified citrus pectin for toxin removal  17:39 Histamine intolerance & MCP 25:43 Mitigating herxheimer reactions 30:45 Best detox methods  36:14 Treatments for vector borne illnesses 35:59 VBI testing & diagnosis 51:37 SOT Therapy  54:17 Testing immune responses 58:52 Common treatment mistakes  1:00:25 Other effective therapies    Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    1h 16m
  6. 30/12/2024

    947 - The Truth About Microplastics and Health with Dr. Ian Mudway

    I had an eye-opening discussion with environment and health expert, Dr. Ian Mudway about the prevalence and risks of microplastics in our everyday lives. How do we consume microplastics? Are they a danger to our health? How can we lessen the exposure of microplastics? Tune in to answer all these questions and more!   👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️The Impressive Benefits of Hyperbaric Therapy & How to Use | Dr. Eleanor Womack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Y9_6ygu64&t=1s ➡️The Best Mold Toxicity Treatment Protocol I’ve Seen to Date: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qolB9bIH7DQ&t=3050s ➡️Reduce Inflammation on a CELLULAR Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrAk9N-lfS4&t=592s ➡️Chronic Infections, Overlooked Cause of Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia & Joint Pain | Dr. Amy Offutt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8_0qMWwQIo&t=3224s   Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1   And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️ How to Get Rid of Bad Bacteria in the Gut Naturally: 4 Steps https://drruscio.com/how-to-get-rid-of-bad-bacteria-in-the-gut/  ➡️ Healthier Hydration: Why You Need to Filter Your Tap Water https://drruscio.com/why-you-need-to-filter-your-tap-water/  ➡️ How to Heal Your Gut in 8 Steps: A Clinician-Approved Guide https://drruscio.com/how-to-heal-your-gut-naturally/     Timestamps 00:00 Intro  05:28 Microplastics & how we consume them 15:27 Do microplastics create health risks? 26:02 Sources of exposure  34:42 Lifestyle habits to lessen microplastics 43:07 Reducing microplastic exposure 59:14 Foods & environmental damage Featured Studies  📉Microplastics and Nanoplastics in Atheromas and Cardiovascular Events: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2309822 Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    1h 12m
  7. 23/12/2024

    946 - The Best Mind-Body Advice To Optimize Your Health & Healing

    If you have been struggling with chronic health conditions, I see you and I know firsthand how difficult it can be holistically. While you heal your body, it is important to take optimal care of your mindset. In fact, your mindset can greatly influence your healing process. In this episode, I’ve compiled some sage mind-body healing advice from four expert podcast guests - Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, Ajay Tejasvi, Dr. Josh Axe, and Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. It’s time to build a better mindset - you can and WILL heal.   👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️Longevity Expert Shares Proven Anti-Aging Solutions | Dr. Jeffrey Gladden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul2wUi2ldRM&t=275s ➡️The Breathwork Technique Proven To Reduce Cortisol Levels By More Than Half: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xEhurZ58x0&t=1123s ➡️The Key to Healing Injuries & Gut Health | Dr. Josh Axe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYSFUgnX4NU&t=2209s ➡️5 Reasons Your Fitness Routine Isn't Working (Do This Instead) | Dr. Anthony Balduzzi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQyFJu4FUYU&t=1727s Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1   And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️Under Pressure — The Effects of Stress on the Brain: https://drruscio.com/effects-of-stress-on-the-brain/ ➡️Can Stress Cause Inflammation and Lead to Chronic Illness?: https://drruscio.com/can-stress-cause-inflammation/ ➡️Make it Yours—Daily Gut Health Routine to Fit Your Lifestyle: https://drruscio.com/daily-gut-health-routine/ ➡️The Longevity Blueprint for Living A Long and Healthy Life: https://drruscio.com/longevity/   Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:25 The nervous system & exercise connection 03:12 Breathwork, stress & focus 10:19 Creating a healing mindset 19:57 A hierarchy for balanced health Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    29 min
  8. 16/12/2024

    945 - The Impressive Benefits of Hyperbaric Therapy & How to Use | Dr. Eleanor Womack

    Today I’m joined by Dr. Eleanor Womack (Harvard graduate & Medical Director for ATX Hyperbarics) to discuss the impressive benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy from immunity, mold toxicity, and fatigue to gut health. To learn more about the incredible science behind HBOT, its proven benefits, and protocols for how to use it most effectively, join us!    👇 Watch more videos like this 👇  ➡️The Best Mold Toxicity Treatment Protocol I’ve Seen to Date https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qolB9bIH7DQ&t=684s  ➡️Vitamin B1’s (Thiamine) Powerful Effects on the Gut - With Elliot Overton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-we9gMcdRe8&t=1652s  ➡️Has Your Recovery from Mold Exposure Plateaued? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvcBBMY1iB4&t=120s ➡️Mold Exposure Story: Healing Cordila's Fatigue, Weight Gain, & Nausea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdVGK5J2Skg&t=5s Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@DrRuscioDC?sub_confirmation=1 And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!   👇Read these next 👇 ➡️ Do You Have These Unusual Symptoms of Lyme Disease? https://drruscio.com/unusual-symptoms-of-lyme-disease/  ➡️ How to Heal Your Gut in 8 Steps: A Clinician-Approved Guide https://drruscio.com/how-to-heal-your-gut-naturally/  ➡️ How to Target Neuroinflammation and Beat Brain Fog  https://drruscio.com/neuroinflammation/     Timestamps 00:00 Intro  07:49 Hyperbaric therapy 101 14:53 How mitochondrial shutdown leads to chronic conditions 17:38 Heal the gut & brain at the same time 22:37 Hyperbaric for mold exposure & lyme   45:09 Getting started with HBOT 54:20 When to shift to a maintenance phase 01:01:30 The ideal HBOT protocol    Follow Me Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DrRusciodc Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrusciodc/   DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment. Music featured in this video: "Modern Technology" by Andrew G, https://audiojungle.net/user/andrew_g  *Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.

    1h 14m

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Clinician, researcher, and gut-geek Dr. Michael Ruscio DC covers the ever-changing world of functional health science. From debunking trends to research deep dives to practical takeaways, Dr. Ruscio DC Radio is health science made digestible. These [podcasts] are educational and informational only and are not medical, chiropractic, psychological, or other professional advice of any kind. They do not create or constitute any professional relationship between us and you. Always consult your licensed healthcare providers and never disregard or delay obtaining medical advice based on information in our [podcast]. Please review our full terms of use and disclaimers posted on our Website at https://drruscio.com/privacy-policy.

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