11 min

Episode 52: Achieving Your Dreams: Small Steps, Big Wins To Help You Heal

    • Mental Health

Cue the celebration; this week marks 52 episodes! What began as a dream just over a year ago resulted in a conversation I look forward to each week.  
This week, we're talking about the journey of going after our dreams and how to avoid the typical ways we work against ourselves. I'll share my strategy, which focuses on taking small, manageable steps instead of getting overwhelmed by the big picture. We'll celebrate our small wins and admit that we won't always feel enthusiastic. This episode is packed with practical advice and motivation to keep you moving forward.
Want to win a copy of my books and the coaching package? Here's how to enter: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/1545efe04/?

Cue the celebration; this week marks 52 episodes! What began as a dream just over a year ago resulted in a conversation I look forward to each week.  
This week, we're talking about the journey of going after our dreams and how to avoid the typical ways we work against ourselves. I'll share my strategy, which focuses on taking small, manageable steps instead of getting overwhelmed by the big picture. We'll celebrate our small wins and admit that we won't always feel enthusiastic. This episode is packed with practical advice and motivation to keep you moving forward.
Want to win a copy of my books and the coaching package? Here's how to enter: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/1545efe04/?

11 min