29 min

SUMMA TIME MADNESS.... in a nutshell!!‪!‬ The Real Expat Wives of Arabia

    • Places & Travel

From Tbilisi Georgia to the Caribbean, to Mauritius, to India, to Hawaii, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia with MANY trips up and back from Daytona ...... and a most recent trip to Austria, and Hungary!!!! Guys..... this expat lifestyle for realz be moving lightning-fast sometimes!! Have a listen, if you dare.... or care, to hear about my whirlwind of a summer. Can't look back too long, we are high-tailing it into fall and this podcast although had a long hiatus is ready for more action! Who will be my next guest?? Don't forget you can contact me at either handle:

On FB @Kimberly Fast Haughton


On IG @trvels_with_kim

Much love

From Tbilisi Georgia to the Caribbean, to Mauritius, to India, to Hawaii, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia with MANY trips up and back from Daytona ...... and a most recent trip to Austria, and Hungary!!!! Guys..... this expat lifestyle for realz be moving lightning-fast sometimes!! Have a listen, if you dare.... or care, to hear about my whirlwind of a summer. Can't look back too long, we are high-tailing it into fall and this podcast although had a long hiatus is ready for more action! Who will be my next guest?? Don't forget you can contact me at either handle:

On FB @Kimberly Fast Haughton


On IG @trvels_with_kim

Much love

29 min