100 episodes

Making men MEN again. The David Alliance will help you slay your giants.

The David Alliance Garth Heckman

    • Religion & Spirituality

Making men MEN again. The David Alliance will help you slay your giants.

    So I got that going for me...

    So I got that going for me...

    Garth Heckman 
    The David Alliance
    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it. 
    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance, 
    This Friday surgery… another shoulder replacement, reattach the super spinouts, and work on the labrum. They say 6-8 months rehab and recovery. 
    My goal has always been at 60 to still bench over 400, squat and deadlift over 600… totally on track with deals and squats… but bench… oh my my… maybe not. But please pray for me! 
    Acts 27: 18 The next day, as gale-force winds continued to batter the ship, the crew began throwing the cargo overboard. 19 The following day they even took some of the ship’s gear and threw it overboard. 20 The terrible storm raged for many days, blotting out the sun and the stars, until at last all hope was gone.
    21 No one had eaten for a long time. Finally, Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss. 22 But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. 23 For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, 24 and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ 25 So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. 26 But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”
    I read verse 25, 26 and always see Paul at that moment like Carl Spackler aka Bill Murray in Caddy Shack…
    And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.
    Total consciousness: the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life
    What if we took slices of history out of our life from the future and looked at it with this attitude…
    2 years from now… This is written in your pre-history… yes, your wife will get cancer and it will affect your finances greatly and you will struggle to keep your job…But be of courage, God is good and he will use this in your life to bring about a great peace and a wonderful opportunity to tell others about Jesus… so I got that going for me… so thats nice. 
    What is this saying… Paul wasn’t believing in God due to the circumstances around him… ship is breaking apart, waves pummeling the sailors, Black clouds, lightening… men in deep fear… 
    Sometimes in life we must simply believe the best is yet to come simply because of who God is and now what we see or are experiencing at the moment. 
    The only thing that can get you through the storms, the only thing that can sustain you is Gods faithfulness. 
    In the middle of hard times (and lets be honest, I don’t know what the future holds) I remind myself of Gods faithfulness from the past. I will tell myself… you will be 4 months behind in your house payment, your car payment and you will have to sell some guitars, and your Harley and your wife will struggle with with her trust in God… You will wonder if you will ever will have enough money… But someone will talk into the bookstore and hand you an envelope with $10,000 in it. And a week later someone else will hand you a check for $10,000… but you will still have some hard times with your son running from God and in jail and guns and drugs… So you got that going for you… so thats nice. 
    I know 2 things are certain… not death and taxes… 
    But rather Hard times and Gods faithfulness. 
    When all resources run out, all earthly wisdom

    • 7 min


    The David Alliance
    Basket ball game: referee experience as a parent!  I couldn’t call the right fouls, people yelling at me, everyone mad at me… when I do call a foul it was on my own son, when I went over to the bench to get some consoling from Kim she looked at me like… “You should be ashamed!”
    The truth is it will never be easier to serve God than right now… history is becoming peeled back and truth will dwindle. As it does the ability to freely serve God will become mountainous. 
    Galatians 6:6 Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them. 7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.  SOUNDS GOOD SO FAR RIGHT? 9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
    Gal. 6:7-10 WUEST 
    God is not being outwitted and evaded. For whatever a man is in the habit sowing this also will he reap. Because the one who sows with a view to his own evil nature, from his evil nature as a course shall reap corruption. But the one who sows with a view to the Spirit , from the Spirit as a source shall reap life eternal. Let us not slacken our exertions by reason of the weariness that comes with prolonged effort in habitually doing that which is good. For in a season which in its character is appropriate we shall reap if we do not become enfeebled through exhaustion and fait. So then, in like manner, let us be having opportunity, let us be working that which is good to all, but especially to those of the household of faith. 
    Do not grow weary
    Weary - the will… do not start in the spirit only to sow in the flesh. 
    Not weary in the flesh as in “physically tired” - but weary in the spirit so you sow into your soul/flesh appetites. 
    GK   ek-kak-eh’-o   = to be negatively influenced by the lack of outcome
    Doing Good - inspire and motivate someone to do what is lovely… or GODLY
    What would keep you from sowing? What would make you give up? What if I said you won’t see the reaping until after you die? 
    Fatigue makes cowards of us all. Vince Lombardi 
    Our trials our sin, evil, satanic, lust, the world… but the hardest is Weariness into apathy. 
    You don’t have to backslide, you don’t have to run from God, you don’t have to fall into addiction or some great sin… to be ineffective you just need to be tired. 
    If there is one thing that will discourage me more than anything is this… being tired with nothing to show for it. 
    Impatience is a disease… WHERE IS THE FRUIT? 
    As Spurgeon said… 
    The duty is to “do” without knowing “what or when” it will happen. 
    The context of this verse tells us that there will be times where we don’t feel 
    Gods blessing, 
    his favor, 
    his excitement, 
    his pleasure 
    his fruit…. 
    PRE-DANGER (and then 3 dangers) 
    You must know how to read your emotions
    Tell tale signs of emotional drain include:  
    1.  wanting to be alone, 
    2.  becoming sarcastic, 
    3.  over eating, 
    4. sleeping less and sleeping worse, 
    5. quick and superficial desires, 
    6. burnout, 
    7. hating your job, 
    8. feeling like home is work, 
    9. arrogance or I’m not drained attitude ( the scariest problem with this is you don’t see it…it is everybody else’s problem), 
    It intensifies you’re existent personality quirks into full blown negatives and ultimately weakness.
    Being emotionally drained is a lot like having to go the bathroom really b

    • 7 min
    Questions.... But why?

    Questions.... But why?

    • 7 min
    The Perfect Note

    The Perfect Note

    Garth Heckman 
    The David Alliance
    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it. 
    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance, 
    Girls, guns and God
    Cloak and dagger Luke 22:36
    Females, Faith and Firearms 
    Broads Bayonets and Bibles… 
    Clara Butt one of the most world renowned singers in the late 1800’s early 1900’s traveled to Africa and after a concert went and found John G. Lake… Many of you know Lake was one of the greatest healing evangelists of our time. She had heard tell of a young 18 year old woman that was saved under John G Lakes ministry who would pray and then the presence of God would fall on here and she would play the piano and sing songs that were more pure, more pronounced than anything that anyone had ever heard. The lyrics were given supernaturally to this woman by the Holy Spirit and the notes that came out of her mouth were said to be more “pure”. If there is a middle C (and there is) she could sing an even more perfect clear, more precise middle C. The melodies and the vocal quality were like nothing anyone had ever heard before…
    Clara asked John G Lake if he could set up a meeting with her… and he did. The outcome was purely dynamic.. the young woman began to sing and Clara found herself in tears… weeping. She said “I have heard that there is a perfect note and you my dear sing them all”. She said I have no understanding nor have I ever been in the realm you sing in and sing about. It was perfection.
    Isaiah 61:1
    The Year of the Lord’s Favor
    1 sThe Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,
    because the LORD has tanointed me
    to bring good news to the poor;1
    he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim liberty to the captives,
    and uthe opening of the prison to those who are bound;2
    Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He has anointed MeTo preach the gospel to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captivesAnd recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
    To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
    In the OT the spirit of the Lord rested on only certain people… when Christ came it rested on him and we later see it resting on the disciples… almost as if they were renting the spirit while they were out on the town. But now that Christ has been born, died and resurrected….. Now its time for us to rest know that his spirit is not resting on us, but rather in us. But again, our job, our mission our goal is to enter into that space where his spirit centers us. We live in a realm of Gods victory… that sounds cheesy I know. But we rest, we live, we experience the flow of the Holy Spirit the way christ did.  
    When Clara heard this young 18 year old girl come into the center of who the Holy Spirit was the music was literally astounding - unmatched. That is our continual job- to push into and experience that centering every day… is it possible? Yes? Can I do it… yes, Have I done it? A few times, but that is where I must push in for a very very long time. Thats the goal… to live centered in the perfect note, in his perfect grace. 

    • 7 min
    Living Godly with the Godless

    Living Godly with the Godless

    Garth Heckman 
    The David Alliance
    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it. 
    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance, 
    How do we live Godly in a Godless society? 
    Two quick thoughts.. don’t expect non Christians to live like Christians… heck a lot of Christians don’t live like Christians… and secondly you can’t argue someone into the kingdom of God…
    Moses Respected Pharaoh
    Ripped out of his family… 
    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.
    3 things:
    He Honored the powers over him without compromising his faith. 
    He was willing to die for his belief
    His ultimate goal was to see people free
    Daniel Respected the King
    Ripped out of his family… 
    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.
    3 things:
      -  He did not argue over politics - but rather practiced his faith. (You can’t pray…) ok, he goes and prays. 
      -  He did not live according to their norms - diet but rather asked to be tested
      -  He did not argue over his schooling. He was schooled in the dark arts and dark philosophy of his day. 
      - Did you know Daniel was 80 years old when he was thrown into the pit of Lions???
    Shad Shack and Benny Respected the King
    Ripped out of his family… 
    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.
    3 Things:
      -  Friends of a feather/Father stick together
      -  They Explained to their King their stance and even honored him in how they proclaimed it. 
      -  They had chosen ahead of time to serve God no matter what *before the tests came. Dan. 1:8

    • 7 min
    Living Godly with the Godless

    Living Godly with the Godless

    Garth Heckman 
    The David Alliance
    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page. This Week the Jezebel Spirit… and not just women have it. 
    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance, 
    This past week the NFL Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butler spoke at a commencement and took some heat for his remarks boldly proclaiming a pro-family, pro-God, and pro-life worldview.
    The backlash was intense. There were furious columns and very angry tweets. It was discussed and panned by ladies on morning television. The NFL distanced itself from the speech, issuing a statement that “his views are not those of the NFL as an organization.”
    And, most righteously, people thought he should be fired. A Change.org petition to “Demand the Kansas City Chiefs to Dismiss Harrison Butker for Discriminatory Remarks” had racked up more than 140,000 signatures by 5 p.m. Thursday (though it’s hard to tell how many are just 49ers fans).
    He praised his wife and Mother for their role in Motherhood and the media trashed him… did they mention his Mother was a physicist… no.  HE PRAISED HIS WIFE FOR BEING THE STAY AT HOME MOTHER WHO MAKES THEIR LIFE POSSIBLE. The The New York Post said “you would have a hard time in any locker room wether it be Muslim or Christian not agreeing with him…. And if you cut all of those NFL Christians and Muslims you surely wouldn’t have enough atheists to fill the rosters. 
    BTW - His NFL Jersey skyrocketed in sales. 
    In a snapshot this gives such a great picture and insight into what we are facing. 
    Middle of the road, conservative Xn views:
    Cause an inflammatory response.
    In a talk I give called the Power of Response I share the insight of Eastern Philosophy… Called
    A Mind like Water…. 
    Water always gives the proper response…
    But the world is not water LOL. 
    We are not for a lack of things as the church to buttheads with the world over.
    Global warming
    Gender and Sexual diversity
    Christian Nationalism
    Family structure
    Biblical Authority 
    Governmental trust and authority 
    Social Justice
    Depraved AND Warped world? 
    NOT ONLY LIVE - but win them to Christ? 
    Joseph respected Pharaoh 
    Ripped out of his family… 
    Raised, worked, lived and THRIVED in a secular environment.
    3 things: 
    He had a vision from God
    He Worked as if unto the Lord
    He Trusted all things would ultimately MGLG

    • 7 min

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