38 episodes

Are you sick of living the same average day on repeat? Would you love to spend your days doing something that lights you up? Something that brings you joy?

Do you want to figure out what your life purpose is and use this to start a profitable business that will give you the freedom to design your life exactly as you choose?

Every week Laura will share the true reality of what it takes to start a business while working a day job. The up's and down's, the story of how she started two successful businesses with no previous business knowledge, no one to tell her what to do, and no money.

If you're considering starting a business then now is the time. You have a superpower - something amazing to share with the world - that can change others' lives. All you need to start an online business is an internet connection, an idea, and some willpower.

So what are you waiting for? Stop settling for an average life and start to create a life you can't wait to wake up to every day.

The My Journey to Fearless Podcast Laura Dixon

    • Business

Are you sick of living the same average day on repeat? Would you love to spend your days doing something that lights you up? Something that brings you joy?

Do you want to figure out what your life purpose is and use this to start a profitable business that will give you the freedom to design your life exactly as you choose?

Every week Laura will share the true reality of what it takes to start a business while working a day job. The up's and down's, the story of how she started two successful businesses with no previous business knowledge, no one to tell her what to do, and no money.

If you're considering starting a business then now is the time. You have a superpower - something amazing to share with the world - that can change others' lives. All you need to start an online business is an internet connection, an idea, and some willpower.

So what are you waiting for? Stop settling for an average life and start to create a life you can't wait to wake up to every day.

    What Scares You?

    What Scares You?

    As it's Halloween this week I'm sharing scary stories!
    I'm sharing stories about things that have scared me - including climbing to the crown in the Statue of Liberty and to the top of St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
    I'm also talking about how our fears can make us keep our words really small and really limit the choices we think we have.
    I'm sharing a story about how I broke through my fears and then had a huge a-ha moment about how small I had been keeping my world when I realised all of the possibilities that were actually out there for me!
    Guess how I broke through my fears? I left the job I hated!
    I'm also sharing details of an exciting workshop that I'm running in November to help you bust through your fears and find out just how many possibilities you have waiting for you - it's going to be epic and leave you feeling so excited and so powerful!
    You can join the waitlist and claim your free gift here >>>
    I can't wait to help you expand your choices and find the courage to live a much bigger life than you are now!

    • 8 min
    Therapy is Magic, Courage is Key

    Therapy is Magic, Courage is Key

    I'm excited to bring the podcast back and share why I've been awol for a few months!
    In this episode:
    *I'm getting vulnerable and I'm sharing what's been happening with me for the past few months
    *I'm talking about how courage is the antidote to fear and how I am making a decision to be courageous in all of my decisions going forward
    *I'm sharing the new direction of my business (hint above!)
    *I'm sharing some of my client's wins from the past couple of months!
    But mostly I am opening up a conversation about courage and fear, and about mental health. If you would like to chat more about any of this after the episode then I would love to hear from you: hello@myjourneytofearless.com

    • 17 min
    E35: The three biggest mistakes you’re making when trying to find your purpose

    E35: The three biggest mistakes you’re making when trying to find your purpose

    Are you fed up with being stuck in a job you hate because no matter what you do you just can’t find your passion or purpose?
    Then this episode is for you my friend!
    I’m going to be sharing the 3 biggest mistakes we make when looking for our passion and purpose - these things leave us overwhelmed with information, going round and round in circles, and never making any progress. I’m also going to share the simple, but super powerful things you should be doing instead AND I’m sharing my own unique way of explaining the process of finding your passion and purpose - I think it will help you so much. So get a cup of tea and sit down and relax for 10 minutes while I help you get back on track!
    Links mentioned in the episode:
    If you would like to find out more about my 10-week coaching program which I’ve designed to be life-changing and to literally take you from feeling stuck to stepping into your purpose in just 10 weeks then email me at hello@myjourneytofearless.com with the subject line Purpose and I’ll send you some more information.

    • 13 min
    E34 From corporate job to a life of freedom in just 3 years, with Kelli Femrite

    E34 From corporate job to a life of freedom in just 3 years, with Kelli Femrite

    Welcome to episode 8 of the “How She Did it” mini-series where I’m interviewing 8 inspiring women who have kindly agreed to share their stories about how they found their passion and purpose, started their businesses, and left their day jobs. 
    Today I’m speaking to Kelli Femrite and Kelli is telling us how she started her business and left her corporate job. We talk about so many important topics such as:
    How Kelli’s daughter re-ignited Kelli’s own creativity and inspired her to start her own business How Kelli is creating a life of freedom for her family and how this is so much more than she could have achieved working her day job How Kelli would come home from work feeling like she had nothing left to give to her family as she was so drained How we need to be so protective over our energy at work, and we need to know what (and who) drains our energy so that we can protect it! The fears Kelli had when she finally handed in her resignation and how she overcame them Kelli’s best piece of advice for you if you’re stuck in a job you hate - hint: embrace your creativity and it will lead you to where you’re meant to be There are so many golden nuggets in this episode that you can’t afford to miss - especially if you’re unhappy in your job and you’re looking for a way out!
    2:27: Kelli shares how as a child she was so creative, but she lost this when she became an adult and started to follow the path she was “expected” to follow by society. She was set for life with a pension etc…
    3:57: When Kelli had her daughter in 2015 she had to return to work after 7 or 8 weeks. And her perspective on everything changed. It reignited her creativity, as her daughter is so spirited and creative and Kelli also embraced this energy.
    5:12: Kelli thought about what she could do that was creative and she remembered she loved writing so she started a blog. 
    6:22: Kelli’s daughter actually inspired her business and now Kelli is working to create an amazing life for her family. 
    7:27: This summer they are taking a 3 week-long vacation together as a family for the first time. This is a major accomplishment for Kelli and she can’t believe she’s made it here!
    8:42: Kelli used her existing skills from her job to start doing some work as a virtual assistant. 
    9:42: Freedom and flexibility are two of the things Kelli values most about having her own business. Kelli is able to create her own schedule over the summer so she can spend every Friday-Monday with her daughter.
    12:27: Kelli is planning to offer “done in a day” services for web design so that she can work around her family. 
    13:02: If Kelli had taken 3 weeks off from her day job she would have come back to a huge pile of work and all of the relaxation she had from her holiday would go straight out of the window.
    14:17: Kelli takes us back to when she was unhappy at work and shares how it affected her life. Kelli would often feel like she didn’t have anything left to give to her family after a day at work. She constantly felt like she was behind and couldn’t catch up because the work never stopped and if you left work on time you would have to find time to catch up on the work that was left. 
    16:12: Kelli explains how it’s hard to see things in perspective when you hate your job and how it’s really hard to think positively in this situation. You can also be draining yourself by the things you do at work - so you need to be really aware of where your energy is going. Overthinking your situation is the biggest drain on your energy.
    19:12: When you stand in the office and complain with your coworkers every day you’re just attracting more of what you complain about. Be careful about what your topics of conversation are with your colleagues.
    22:37: When Kelli was stuck in her corporate job she knew there was a bigger purpose for her, but she wasn’t sure what it was - now she has found her purpose and she’s living it!

    • 54 min
    E33 How to tap into your creativity and use this to start your dream business, with Charlotte Jenkyn

    E33 How to tap into your creativity and use this to start your dream business, with Charlotte Jenkyn

    Welcome to episode 7 of the “How She Did it” mini-series where I’m interviewing 8 inspiring women who have kindly agreed to share their stories about how they found their passion and purpose, started their businesses and left their day jobs. 
    Today I’m speaking to Charlotte Jenkyn and Charlotte is telling us about the journey she’s been on over the past year. We talk about how she was unhappy in her job, how she became aware of the idea that she could work for herself - which is something she hadn’t ever considered before, and how she was finally pushed to breaking point in her job and had to make the decision to leave. Charlotte is on a really exciting journey and she’s shown huge courage over the past year to choose her own path and follow her dreams. I know you’ll find her story really inspiring!
    2:17: Charlotte explains how her entrepreneurial journey began when she was feeling a bit disheartened in her day job. She was questioning whether she had chosen the right career so she started her first business on the side of her job - just as lockdown hit!
    4:17: Charlotte started to learn about mindset, personal development, and passive income, and her thinking started to change. She started to wonder whether a 9-5 was for her. The entrepreneurial switch was flicked on in her brain!
    5:37: If you’re unhappy in your job try looking at life in an opportunistic way instead and find out about all of the possibilities that are open to you.
    6:25: Charlotte threw herself into personal development and listened to every podcast people recommended, and every book too! She wanted to learn as much as she can and set off on her journey of self-discovery.
    7:37: Charlotte began to dislike the new job she had started and she knew that she needed to decide whether this career was what she wanted to be doing - she was starting to have doubts. She started to listen to her thoughts about starting a business and wondered if she could work for herself instead.
    9:22: Charlotte started a travel blog and tried to find out how to monetise it, and thought she could make money from this alongside her network marketing role. 
    10:17: having a creative outlet alongside your day job is such a great thing to do - as so many jobs don’t allow us to be creative. 
    11:02: Charlotte reached a breaking point in her day job and had to make a decision on whether to stay or to go. There was a voice deep down inside of her that said you can’t do this anymore.
    12:17: As soon as you get breathing space from your job things start to become clearer and you can make decisions and see the bigger picture. Hitting this breaking point pushes us to decide what we want. 
    13:17: When Charlotte turned 30 she felt like she was questioning everything - and what she wanted her future to be. She felt she couldn’t get the life she wanted with the job she had.
    15:02: Charlotte started to just dream more and she realised she had been surprising her creative side and had followed a path she was almost told to follow by society. Climbing the corporate ladder wasn’t what she was interested in doing. It didn’t give her control over her life. She wanted the freedom to express herself. 
    16:47: Charlotte wants to travel the world and having her own business will allow her the freedom to do this.
    17:35: Charlotte pivoted her business ideas, left the network marketing company, and decided to create a course instead! She didn’t like the cold messaging that came with network marketing. She wanted to do something that was more authentic, more her.
    19:27: Charlotte started to create her own brand and learn everything she needed to know about starting a business. 
    20:07: Charlotte shares about her new course to help people travel more around their 9-5 jobs. Charlotte traveled abroad 8 times in 2019 - within the leave she had in her day job. She was being really smart with her time and money. She wants to show other people how to do it too!

    • 39 min
    E32 Overcoming Post-natal Depression to Start a Business that Helps other Mums, with Victoria Rothwell

    E32 Overcoming Post-natal Depression to Start a Business that Helps other Mums, with Victoria Rothwell

    Welcome to episode 6 of the “How She Did it” mini-series where I’m interviewing 8 inspiring women who have kindly agreed to share their stories about how they found their passion and purpose, started their businesses and left their day jobs. 
    Today I’m speaking to Victoria Rothwell and Victoria is sharing her story of how she had her dream job traveling the world for 10 years, but later, severe post-natal depression meant she had to close her business to focus on herself and her family. We talk about how she overcame postnatal depression, built herself back up, and started the most amazing new business that not only supports her family but so many other mums too. This is one strong and inspiring lady!
    1:57: Victoria explains how she has always been a creative person and she went to uni and got her dream job and traveled the world for 10 years!
    3:15: Things changed when Victoria started a family and had a very traumatic birth. Victoria suffered really bad PND after having her son and how she has very few memories from this time.
    5:00: Victoria tried to go back to work when her son was 18 months old, but she knew something wasn’t right when being away from her son felt wrong. So she took some time out to spend that with her son. 
    6:10: One day Victoria knew she needed something else to work on so she started a Cashmere brand which allowed her to balance her time as a mum with doing something for herself.
    6:50: Victoria decided to have another baby and found out she was expecting twins! When the twins came it was great and Victoria felt completely different. 
    8:05: When the twins were around 5 months old Victoria was diagnosed with PND again and her whole world fell apart, her business folded. She knew at this time she needed to focus on her mental health and on being the best mum she could be, so she got rid of everything in her life that wasn’t needed to concentrate on her and her children.
    9:25: Victoria few more positive and more connected to herself and her children, and she knew she needed more than being a mum, so she decided to start a new business!
    12:45: Victoria started a new business to help other mums. She realised there was a gap in support for families so she decided to create a business to fit it. She wanted to start a business employing other mums and giving them a secure job and income, so they didn’t have to choose between having a job and being a mum. 
    15:00: Victoria’s business also allows other mums to gain time back with their families because their household tasks are taken care of. 
    15:55: Victoria has turned her own difficult experience into something really positive for lots of other mums! 
    18:05: Victoria is taking her business a step further by creating a franchise to allow other mums to start their business. 
    24:29: Victoria shares her biggest piece of advice for people who are unhappy in their jobs. How do you want to spend your days? You can start a business even if you have anxiety or you lack confidence.
    27:15: Being in a network of other women lets you see what other women are doing and it gives you so many ideas! You can take the journey with other people. You don’t have to go it alone.
    28:37: We talk about the fears Victoria has had to overcome on her journey. We talk about confidence, making that first decision to just start, and how mindset work is so important. Victoria works on her confidence every day.
    30:55: How doing this podcast interview is part of Victoria building her confidence! 
    33:25: Victoria shares more about how you can find out about her and her business. 
    Find out more about Victoria:
    Get help with starting your own business:
    Freebies to help you get started

    • 36 min

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