89 episodes

B2B Podcasting is the official show about... B2B podcasting! Hosted by Kap Chatfield (CEO of Rveal Media), B2B Podcasting episodes either go deep into new B2B podcast marketing and sales strategies to help brands excel, or they interview thought leaders of various industries, asking them how they are using their own serial content marketing models to grow their businesses. Build an audience. Drive revenue. Transform your industry. Visit rveal.media to learn more.

B2B Podcasting | A show about the ultimate B2B sales & marketing strategy Rveal Media

    • Business

B2B Podcasting is the official show about... B2B podcasting! Hosted by Kap Chatfield (CEO of Rveal Media), B2B Podcasting episodes either go deep into new B2B podcast marketing and sales strategies to help brands excel, or they interview thought leaders of various industries, asking them how they are using their own serial content marketing models to grow their businesses. Build an audience. Drive revenue. Transform your industry. Visit rveal.media to learn more.

    How Understanding Radio Will Change the Way You Look at Marketing - With Casey Kuktelionis | B2B Podcasting

    How Understanding Radio Will Change the Way You Look at Marketing - With Casey Kuktelionis | B2B Podcasting

    Regardless of your industry, looking at your business through the right lens can help you with your marketing strategy.

    Casey Kuktelionis started out in radio. Now she’s the Content Marketing Manager at TrustArc. We know what you’re thinking—how on earth did she make that jump?

    It’s simple: While Casey was in radio, her boss emphasized the importance of building and maintaining relationships, which content marketing is all about.

    Why? It’s RELATIONSHIP that establishes trust for your business and keeps your clientele coming back.

    In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield and guest Casey Kuktelionis discuss the importance of building relationships with your company’s consumer base. 

    Pro tip: Marketing works best when you have content that cultivates trust and resonates with your audience.

    Main Takeaways:
    The goal of content is to build relationships.
    You community space should be dedicated to two-way communications with your customers.
    Maintaining relationships with your clients means calling them to check in. 
    Your CEO sets the foundation and carries the vision of your company’s message. 

    00:00-06:05 | How to figure out if your content is helping your business
    06:06-11:13 | The importance of building and maintaining your business relationships
    11:14-15:34 | How to manage your time between measuring data and getting people aligned
    15:35-20:35 | Recap of five takeaways and Kap’s sign-off

    “My boss in radio was a seasoned professional. I learned a lot from him. One of the main things I learned was how important relationships are, and how important it is to BUILD relationships.” - Casey Kuktelionis, Content Marketing Manager at TrustArc
    “Building relationships with your clients takes going to them every week, visiting and calling them. And not just to harass them with some outbound marketing plan or offer, but simply just checking in on them to see how they are doing.” - Casey Kuktelionis, Content Marketing Manager at TrustArc
    “The goal of content needs to be building relationships. If you have a different goal, you’re not after it.” - Casey Kuktelionis, Content Marketing Manager at TrustArc
    “Do not market in your community space, it is not a space for you to do marketing. It is a space for you to listen to and talk with your customers.” - Casey Kuktelionis, Content Marketing Manager at TrustArc 

    Connect with Casey Kuktelionis:
    Follow Casey on LinkedIn:
    Casey’s Website:

    Connect with Kap Chatfield: 
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    • 20 min
    7 Must-Haves Before Launching Your B2B Show - With Kap Chatfield

    7 Must-Haves Before Launching Your B2B Show - With Kap Chatfield

    There’s undeniable value in generating demand for your company through a B2B video podcast.

    But attaining any good outcome takes a strategy to get you there! 

    Luckily for you, we’ve worked out the kinks so you don’t have to.

    In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield outlines seven must-haves you need before you launch your B2B show and begin generating all that demand for your company’s product.

    Check out the full episode for a bonus tip on long-term strategy for your B2B podcast demand generation flywheel. 

    Main Takeaways:
    Outlining goals helps you gauge the success of your long-term strategy. 
    Go beyond identifying your target audience by specifying a buyer persona. 
    Note the three types of episodes for your show: vision, product and reassurance.
    Creating a pilot episode is critical to casting vision for your show. 

    00:00-07:00 | Clarifying your business goals and identifying your target audience
    07:00- 10:46 | The importance of crafting a compelling show premise
    10:47-14:50 | Creating a season map and types of episodes
    14:51-23:17 | Show branding, creating a pilot episode and having a promotional strategy

    “Sometimes the most valuable thing you can do is build brand awareness.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media 
    “When you’re crafting your show, get really clear about who the buyer persona is, especially for a B2B show.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
    “Every business should think of themselves as a media company first—turning your business narrative into a show premise becomes the nucleus for all your content marketing.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media 

    Connect with Kap Chatfield: 
    Follow Kap on LinkedIn:

    Reach out to Rveal Media:
    Rveal’s website:
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    Rveal’s YouTube channel:


    • 23 min
    4 Reasons Why Most B2B Podcasts Suck (plus a bonus reason) - with Scott Clary | B2B Podcasting

    4 Reasons Why Most B2B Podcasts Suck (plus a bonus reason) - with Scott Clary | B2B Podcasting

    Take note of how many B2B podcasts you listen to—our bet is that it’s not that many. 

    The mistake so many B2B podcasts make is that they treat their podcast like a B2C podcast that’s designed for entertainment. Being entertaining is great, but it’s not B2B. 

    You goal as a B2B podcast is to present something of value to your audience. For you to do that, you need to KNOW your audience. SPECIFICALLY.

    In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield sits down with guest and CEO of OnMi, Scott Clary. Together they discuss the typical mistakes most B2B podcasts make—and how you can set yourself apart from the pack by avoiding these common pitfalls.

    B2B show creators, tune in—you might be committing some of these B2B podcast cardinal sins.

    Main Takeaways:
    B2B podcasts need to understand what they need to deliver and keep it short and contained.
    Targeting your audience with specificity makes your podcast more successful.
    The first 15 seconds of your podcast is crucial—state why the audience should stick around. 
    The best podcasts have great conversationalists as their hosts. 

    00:00-10:38 | Why treating your B2B podcast like an entertainment podcast doesn’t work.
    10:39-17:08 | Focusing your efforts on a highly specified audience increases your retention. 
    17:09-25:29 | The benefits of being a conversationalist and having a clear CTA.
     25:30-31:52 | The importance of a good CTA and understanding where your podcast fits. 

    “The trouble that B2B podcasts find themselves in, is that they try to act like an entertainment podcast and they don’t get to the tactical things immediately.” - Scott Clary, CEO at OnMi | Host of the Success Story Podcast 
    “If you really want to be effective with B2B podcasting, create a podcast that is 12 to 15 minutes and is hyper-focused on creating content that is only relevant for a CRO, CMO of a CPG organization or any industry organization.” - Scott Clary, CEO at OnMi | Host of the Success Story Podcast 
    “Think about the best practices from YouTube creators, what do they do? In the first 15 seconds, they explain explicitly what that person is going to take away from that 10 minute YouTube Video.” - Scott Clary, CEO at OnMi | Host of the Success Story Podcast 
     “The best podcasters are the best conversationalists.” - Scott Clary, CEO at OnMi | Host of the Success Story Podcast 

    Connect with Scott Clary:
    Scott’s LinkedIn
    Scott’s Website:
    Scott’s Blog:

    Article we discuss in the podcast:

    Reach out to Rveal Media:
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    • 31 min
    7 Reasons Why You Need to Think About Your Business Like a Media Company | B2B Podcasting

    7 Reasons Why You Need to Think About Your Business Like a Media Company | B2B Podcasting

    In our post COVID-19 world, the digital marketplace reigns supreme, and content is its king.

    If your company is not creating content at scale, you’re going to be left behind in the virtual sales market.

    It is more necessary than ever for you to start thinking of your business as a media company. 

    In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield outlines seven reason why it is paramount for your company to shift its mindset towards thinking like a media company and generating consistent, quality content. 

    If you’ve been struggling to make the transition to the digital marketplace, this episode will give you the motivation you need.

    Main Takeaways:
    Creating a video podcast is the most effective way to get in front of your audience
    Your content needs to represent what your company offers
    Repetition and consistency help you cast a clear vision 
    Having accessible, quality content helps your sales team thrive

    00:00-06:39 | The big players who are already creating content representing their brands
    06:40-12:08 | Content as a product, staging, and first party data
    12:09-15:56 | How mediocre content affects marketing and how to cast a clear vision
    15:57-21:41 | How thinking like a media company will help your sales team thrive 

    “The most effective, efficient and elegant way for a company to begin creating content at scale is through the form of video podcasting.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media 
    “In order for you to secure your audience’s business, you need to get in front of them at a higher rate. You need to be presenting something that is of high value to them and that’s in alignment with the product and service that you offer.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media
    “First party data is the future—you’re only going to be able to capitalize on first party data if you are creating content and thinking of your business as a media company.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media 
    “Your ads need to become content that your audience would want to consume.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media 

    Connect with Kap Chatfield: 
    Follow Kap on LinkedIn:

    Reach out to Rveal Media:
    Rveal’s website:
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    Rveal’s YouTube channel:


    • 21 min
    If You're A Show Host, These Are Your Top 3 Priorities - with Kap Chatfield | B2B Podcasting

    If You're A Show Host, These Are Your Top 3 Priorities - with Kap Chatfield | B2B Podcasting

    Hosting a podcast for your business is a great first step to grow your B2B brand. 👍🏼

    But if you want that content to work for you, it’s important to know that being a good or bad host can make or break your show.

    Even if your hosting skills don’t start off top-notch, there’s no reason why you can’t grow! After all, no one just walks into the podcasting realm hosting like Joe Rogan. 😅

    Luckily, podcast host Kap Chatfield has your back. In the new episode of B2B Podcasting, Kap gives practical advice on how to improve your hosting skills and make your podcast episodes more effective and engaging.

    Tune in to this episode to learn how to hone your skills and make a positive impact on the content you create for your B2B brand. 💯

    Main Takeaways:

    💎 A host should act as a mediator between a featured guest and the audience

    💎 Preparation for the show brings you confidence in leading your guest

    💎 A host should aim to improve their verbal and visual communication skills

    💎 Summarizing your guest’s explanation builds a connection with your audience


    ⏰ 00:00-04:08 | The importance of being a good host

    ⏰ 04:09-10:54 | How preparation can make or break your show

    ⏰ 10:55-19:05 | Practical ways to grow in your communications skills

    ⏰ 19:06-24:53 | Why connection is crucial to your audience’s understanding


    💬 “When you’re the host of a show, your responsibility is to be a mediator between the audience and the featured guest—create a remarkable experience for the audience that is listening and for the featured guest that is creating the content.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media

    💬“When I create videos, I’m actually looking into the lens because the lens is the eye of the audience.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media

    💬 “Energy communicates enthusiasm, enthusiasm communicates that you’re interested and engaged—how can an audience be engaged if the host isn’t even engaged?” - Kap Chatfield, CEO Rveal Media

    💬“You don’t want any audience member to be left behind. You want to be their advocate and ask questions for them so they don’t feel disengaged.” - Kap Chatfield, CEO Rveal Media


    Connect with Kap Chatfield:

    Follow Kap on LinkedIn:

    - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kapchatfield/

    Reach out to Rveal Media:

    Rveal’s website:

    - https://site.rveal.media/

    Rveal’s LinkedIn:

    - https://www.linkedin.com/company/rvealmedia/

    Rveal’s YouTube channel:

    - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69p14R2ccMdyUbbmdlWCEw

    • 24 min
    The Digital Content Playbook for Modern Startups - with Anna Furmanov | B2B Podcasting

    The Digital Content Playbook for Modern Startups - with Anna Furmanov | B2B Podcasting

    If you’re a B2B business and you haven’t nailed down a content strategy, you’re late to the game. 👀

    The industry of B2B is evolving, and the amount of sales interactions happening in the digital marketplace is increasing every day. The last thing you want is your business to fall behind because it’s stuck in the traditional way of doing things.

    Developing a content marketing strategy sets your business up for future success in the digital marketplace.

    🎙️ In this new episode of B2B Podcasting, host Kap Chatfield sits down with Anna Furmanov, author of “The Digital Content Playbook for Modern Startups”. Together they discuss how developing a content marketing strategy is essential to the success of B2B start-ups living in our increasingly digital world.

    If you’re wondering how you can set your business up for long-term success, this episode is for you. 💯

    Main Takeaways:

    💎 B2B sales is going digital FAST—you need a content strategy.

    💎 Assessing the value of your content takes time and consistency.

    💎 There are two branches of content marketing: creation and distribution.

    💎 The customer sales experience is not a linear journey.


    ⏰ 00:00-13:29 | The necessity for content strategy and determining its value

    ⏰ 13:29-23:27 | The importance of implementing “core pillars” in your marketing strategy

    ⏰ 23:27-30:30 | What it takes to create great content

    ⏰ 30:31-43:11 | The difference between vanity metrics and being thoughtful


    💬 “With organic content marketing, it can take months, sometimes even years to get really good at it and see a return on investment.” - Anna Furmanov

    💬 “Digital marketing needs to work for you so that you don’t need to hire salespeople to do that work for you.” - Anna Furmanov

    💬 “There’s something about that freedom of exploration and in allowing [the customer] to chart their own journey—and then when they leave ‘the playground’, the question they ask is, ‘when are we coming back?’” - Kap Chatfield, CEO of Rveal Media

    💬 “Set objectives for each stage of your content marketing and make sure you’re meeting those objectives. If you’re not, something is wrong.” - Anna Furmanov


    Connect with Anna Furmanov:

    Anna’s LinkedIn:

    - linkedin.com/in/annafurmanov

    Anna’s Website:

    - furmanovmarketing.com

    Anna’s Article:

    - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/modern-digital-content-strategy-startups-playbook-anna-furmanov/

    Digital Marketplace Article (mentioned in episode):

    - https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2020-09-15-gartner-says-80--of-b2b-sales-interactions-between-su?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=122143773&utm_content=122143773&utm_source=hs_email

    Reach out to Rveal Media:

    Rveal’s website:

    - https://site.rveal.media/

    Rveal’s LinkedIn:

    - https://www.linkedin.com/company/rvealmedia/

    Rveal’s YouTube channel:

    - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69p14R2ccMdyUbbmdlWCEw

    • 43 min

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