12 episodes

These devotionals are intended for Christian men and women who are building God s Kingdom in the real world. New devotionals appear most Monday mornings. It is my prayer that you find these brief works encouraging, thought provoking, and from time-to-time, amusing. Feedback and comments are always welcome. Be blessed and blessing.

Matthew 10:16

CadreMen Press Devotionals CadreMen Press Devotionals

    • Religion & Spirituality

These devotionals are intended for Christian men and women who are building God s Kingdom in the real world. New devotionals appear most Monday mornings. It is my prayer that you find these brief works encouraging, thought provoking, and from time-to-time, amusing. Feedback and comments are always welcome. Be blessed and blessing.

Matthew 10:16

    Our God Is Able

    Our God Is Able

    Our God Is Able by Kirk Hunt

    Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.

    Daniel 3:16-17 NKJV

    Please, also read Daniel 3:1-18.

    King Nebuchadnezzar had appointed these men to important roles in his Kingdom, which explains his rage at their defiance. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego understood the power and authority of the king, and their mortal peril in that moment. They responded nonchalantly with “Our God is able.”

    Some men and women cannot be bribed, bullied or bluffed. They know what they know and act accordingly. That ought to be the testimony of every Christian believer.

    I know I fall short from time to time. I know who God is and what He can do. Too often, I let my human failings show through.

    Still, sometimes, I do stand firm. I remember that I serve an all-powerful, all-sovereign God. In those moments, I act like I serve who I serve.

    I am at my best when I can casually mention that my God can deliver me from anything. Sometimes, that message is for the hell-hound growling in my face. More often, the message is for the face in my mirror.

    Think: Our God is able, regardless of the circumstance. What do you do and say?

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to remember that You are able.

    Copyright © February 2024, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

    Your God Is The God

    Your God Is The God

    Your God Is The God by Kirk Hunt

    The king answered Daniel, and said, “Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret.” Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon.

    Daniel 2:37-38 NKJV

    Please, also read Daniel 2:1-11.

    Daniel said the words the astrologers, the sorcerers, and the soothsayers could not. Daniel repeated the King’s secret dream in exact detail, then revealed its hidden meaning at the same time. Daniel proved that God is the God.

    Too often, we confuse our assignment to be engaged and obedient with His power and sovereignty. Daniel was aware of Nebuchadnezzar’s impossible task, and the very serious death warrant he issued for failure to complete the task. After prayer, and n obedience, Daniel received both dream and interpretation from God, through a vision.

    Daniel was careful to give credit to God for the completion of this impossible task. In reverence and humility, King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God is the God. Daniel’s obedience helped others to learn what Daniel already knew: only God is God.

    Let God be God. Your part is to be engaged. Obedience to your sovereign God is the hard part. Watch as He proves, yet again, that He is the only God.

    Think: Your God is the God. He is the only omnipotent, omniscient God.

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to remember that You are the only God, and all I need.

    Copyright © February 2024, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

    Deeds Not Words

    Deeds Not Words

    Deeds Not Words by Kirk Hunt

    My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

    I John 3:18 NKJV

    Sooner or later, you need to stop talking. Eventually, only deeds will do. Real love does stuff that needs doing.

    The disciples dragged Peter to see Tabitha’s deceased body. The widows’ tears, the things Tabitha made, and the list of her charitable deeds were all the testimony Peter needed. Without a word, Peter put them out of the room, then raised her from death to life.

    After Nabal’s disrespectful rejection of David, Abigail did not bother to talk to her husband. Instead, she took action to appease the enraged warlord. While her words were wise and skillful, the substantial offering of food and supplies spoke at least as loud.

    Words are easy. Actions are hard. Real love requires deeds and acts.

    Folks do judge your love by your actions. When testimony will be put forward at your trial? What will the jury see?

    Think: Real love speaks in the language of concrete actions and tangible deeds.

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to act out my love, rather than talk.

    Copyright © October 2023, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

    Grow Good Not Weary

    Grow Good Not Weary

    Grow Good Not Weary by Kirk Hunt

    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

    Galatians 6:9 NKJV

    Please read also, Galatians 1:7-10

    Doing good costs time, money, and effort. There is always the risk that you may grow weary in your efforts. Stay with it until your harvest arrives.

    Weary is not just a reference to the physical body. A mind can grow weary also. A heart can become tired of the exertion.

    Scripture promises you will reap a harvest. But you have to stay the course. Good things come to those who continue to work while they wait.

    It is too easy to become discouraged when it seems you are always giving and never getting. Guard your emotions. Protect your mind. The enemy of your soul is not above a cheap shot.

    There are souls and lives hanging in the balance. Your work makes it better today, tomorrow, and for seasons to come. Men and women, boys and girls, need you to stay with it.

    They may never know your name. You may not meet them before heaven. Still, they need you to grow good, right where you are.

    Creating good outcomes is hard work. You must invest attention, resources, and a caring heart. If it was easy, everyone would.

    Think: God promised that my good work will create a harvest one day.

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to grow good and not weary.

    Copyright © October 2023, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

    Be Still And Know

    Be Still And Know

    Be Still And Know by Kirk Hunt

    Be still, and know that I am God;

    I will be exalted among the nations,

    I will be exalted in the earth!

    Psalm 46:10 NKJV

    Be still and know that God is God. A simple command. You would think I could obey it more easily.

    Too often, I look at all the injustices that seem unchecked. I despair that all of the villains and scoundrels are not just getting away with it, but are prospering. I am looking at the wrong things.

    God is God. He is holy. He is just. Thankfully, he does not immediately judge me for every infraction.

    In the end, He will be exalted. All of the nations and jurisdictions will know that He is in charge. In the meantime, my job is to quietly know.

    He is God. No matter what the world does, that fact will not change. When I forget He is my source, I am suddenly without consolation or assurance.  When I stop and contemplate God, I am better for the time spent.


    Too often, I rush about my day and ignore Him. I am too frequently absorbed by my day and tasks, instead of His Word and presence. His peace and assurance will grow only in His presence. I have to stop and be still and let His presence provide all the answers.

    Think: Am I quietly focused on God, or noisily rushing around?

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to live quietly focused on You alone.

    Copyright © September 2023, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

    They Could Find No Thing

    They Could Find No Thing

    They Could Find No Thing by Kirk Hunt

    So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.

    Daniel 6:4 NKJV

    Please also read Daniel 6:1-24 NKJV

    They could find no thing to hang on him. Daniel lived his life in righteous purity and worked in faithful excellence. No errors, mistakes, or skeletons could be found in Daniel’s personal or professional life.

    More than skillful, Daniel was diligent. He did the extra, little things. As valuable as excellence is, faithfulness improves technical perfection.

    More than living clean, Daniel lived righteously. He lived more than the bare minimum of the Law. Daniel sought the heart of God and deliberately let his pursuit of heaven show to other men.

    As a reward for living correctly and working diligently, Daniel was the victim of conspiracy and accusation. He went to the lion’s den, having done nothing wrong. See what being a good soul gets you?

    At the bottom of the death trap, God awaited Daniel. God Himself halted the plot against his life. I imagine Daniel slept better than the king that night.

    Be that guy or gal. Live your life in excellence and righteousness. No matter the situation, God will be your close companion.

    Think: What could they find if they looked hard?

    Pray: “Father-God, help me to live and work in Your righteousness and excellence.

    Copyright © August 2023, Kirk Hunt

    This devotional is brought to you courtesy of CadreMen Press. You can purchase a copy of Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions from your favorite bookseller or directly from CadreMen Press.

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