377 episodes

Weekly sermon podcast from Dayspring Church, Castle Hill, Australia.

Dayspring Church Audio Podcast Dayspring Church Podcasts

    • Religion & Spirituality

Weekly sermon podcast from Dayspring Church, Castle Hill, Australia.

    Embracing the New Era: A Prophetic Metamorphosis w/ Ps Kris Vallotton

    Embracing the New Era: A Prophetic Metamorphosis w/ Ps Kris Vallotton

    Thank you for joining us.
    This week Pastor Kris Vallotton delivered a powerful message about transitioning into a new spiritual era. He emphasises the importance of moving from past-present thinking to future-present thinking, highlighting the transformative power of prophetic culture. The sermon encourages the church to become a place of divine acceleration, where individuals are seen for their future potential rather than their past, and where prophetic gifts are cultivated to bring about personal and corporate transformation.

    To dig deeper,

    Isaiah 60:1-3, 11
    2 Corinthians 5:16-17
    Hebrews 12:1

    1. How can we cultivate a prophetic culture in our local church that goes beyond just having prophetic ministry?
    2. In what ways might we be holding onto 'thrusters' from past seasons that are no longer necessary or helpful for the new era God is bringing us into?
    3. How can we shift our perspective from past-present thinking to future-present thinking in how we view ourselves and others?
    4. What does it mean practically to be a 'Barnabas church' that encourages and develops the potential in others?
    5. Practically, how can we better recognise and nurture the 'gold' or potential in people, seeing them through God's eyes?

    Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed.

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    The Language of Love

    The Language of Love

    Thank you for joining us as we continue to dig into our Keeping it Real series on Ephesians.

    To dig deeper,

    Read Ephesians 5.

    Here’s the big 10,000-metre-high snapshot of what Paul is saying in the first half of Ephesians chapter 5. We were made for love, to give love and receive love What kind of love? Christ-like, cross-shaped, sacrificial love. Therefore, we are to disentangle ourselves from anything that violates this love. Things like; unwholesome talk, sexual immorality, and greed, which is the relentless drive to need more. We are to disengage from acts that destroy community and engage in acts that build community. Paul wants us to come to the conclusion that this kind of life is impossible without being filled, and continually filled with the Spirit. One commentator phrases it this way, “let the Holy Spirit fill you”. It's about surrender, letting the Spirit permeate into every part of your life. Paul doesn’t change the subject in chapter 5 but he does set aside the theology to get practical.

    Christ’s death and resurrection changed everything and this means something. It means something to our relationships with each other, to our marriages, our households and how we relate in the workplace. Paul takes what we have learnt so far in chapters 1 through 4 about salvation, the gospel, the love of Christ and being spirit-filled; now he will map it out onto our vision of marriage. Paul is going to address the differences between how the genders practice mutual submission, and we can’t ignore that. But, whatever comes next, in verses 22-33 has to be understood and framed by verse 21, “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ”. Marriage then is about spirit-filled mutual submission. It's not an issue of whether or not women should submit to men, it's an issue of both men and women learning to submit to one another in marriage.

    The challenge that we have in our culture is that nobody views marriage as the giving up of my own rights for the sake of the other. Rather, marriage in our culture is about getting my needs met. Marriage in our world is not based on self-denial, but self-fulfilment. But Paul is saying, marriage only “works” to the degree that it embodies the pattern of God’s self-giving love in Christ. Mutual fulfilment through mutual sacrifice. Paul concludes chapter 5 with a powerful revelation. The point of marriage is ultimately not to point to each other, it's to point to Jesus. This is the secret—that the gospel of Jesus and marriage explain one another.

    1. Reflect upon the kind of acts that you have engaged in this week. Which ones are community building and which ones are community destroying? Is there anything that God is asking you to disentangle yourself from so that you may have greater freedom to walk in love?

    2. Looking at this chapter, what does Paul see being filled with the Spirit leads to?

    3. If you are a husband, what is something you can do today to that releases her into her redemptive fullness? If you are a wife, what is something you can do today to show honour and adoration to your husband?

    Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed.

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    The Centrality of the Love of Christ - Ephesians 4

    The Centrality of the Love of Christ - Ephesians 4

    Thank you for joining us as we continue digging into our Keeping it Real series on Ephesians.

    To dig deeper read,
    Eph. 3:16-19 and Eph. 4:1-16.

    Before taking a look at Ephesians chapter four, it is important to note that in chapter three Paul prays that we might “have power, together with all the Lord's people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge”. This is a pinnacle statement in the letter and sets the stage for the next chapter. We are to spend our lives collectively focussing on all dimensions of the love of Christ. The power of God is made available to us to empower us to grasp or comprehend the multi-faceted, boundless love of Christ. In chapter four, where Paul unpacks what it means to live a life worthy of the calling we have received, we see that the love of Christ must be the centre of all we do and all we are. We are called to be completely humble and gentle, patient, and bear with one another in love. We are called to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” If we are called, then we are also empowered to do so. Paul’s statement that we are to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (v. 3) leads into a discussion regarding doctrinal unity within the church and how it is maintained (v. 4-6): He states that there is “one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” This revelation was given to those with the “proclamation” gifts (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers - the “bringers” of revelation) and was disseminated throughout the body. Paul looked forward to a time when the body would be well equipped with the truth and would rise into maturity, no longer being “infants, tossed back and forth by the waves”, but equipped to speak the truth in love (v. 15). Paul ends this section of Ephesians chapter 4 by returning to centrality of the love of Christ in all things.


    1. What does it mean for you to focus on the centrality of the love of Christ in your life today?

    2. Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal how he wants to work more of the love of Christ into your life.

    3. We are told that the mature body of Christ will “speak the truth in love”, as a response to the “deceitful scheming” of “cunning and crafty” people. Take a moment to reflect on how you have been challenged to bring the Love of Christ into difficult situations. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight into how you are uniquely empowered to "speak in love" into difficult situations.

    Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed.Connect with us on:https://www.instagram.com/dayspringchurch/https://www.facebook.com/dayspringchurchwww.youtube.com/@DayspringChurchAUListen to Dayspring Worship https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCQM5_jWUv_VAOxpvK7D571Qhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/331972RySiV4WcoYTTJHeB?si=4b8N7CVQT2ysAeBiMGr1BAhttps://music.apple.com/us/artist/dayspring-worship/1035339614

    An Undivided Humanity - Ephesians 3

    An Undivided Humanity - Ephesians 3

    We're so glad you're here! We pray God encounters you wherever you're at.

    To dig deeper,
    Read: Ephesians 3

    In chapter 3, Paul speaks of the mystery that has been hidden for generations. This mystery which was once hidden has now been revealed and we have been initiated into it. Paul writes this letter whilst imprisoned and he describes himself as prisoner of Christ Jesus. He sees himself as a prisoner for the Lord because his imprisonment was proof that God’s marvellous plan was already at work.

    This mystery, this marvellous plan was that Jews and Gentiles have now been brought together into complete union through their union with Christ. Jews and Gentiles together are now co-heirs, co-members and co-sharers of all the promises of Christ. This mystery that God has now revelled is beautiful because of how radical it is, how beyond any human design it is. An undivided humanity, a people reconciled to Christ and reconciled to one another.

    As Paul continues to unpack the implications of this mystery we read that it is through the church that God makes known His manifold wisdom to the powers that be, spiritual and earthly. Manifold means many coloured, this body that Christ is creating is diverse. A unified church is a diverse church. In a divided and hurt world, a society in which there is not division preaches the manifold wisdom of Christ.

    Paul concludes Chapters 1-3 with a prayer. This prayer gives us insight into how Christ will accomplish this marvellous plan that has now been revealed, this new humanity. He prays that through the power of His sprit, believers would be strengthened so that Christ would dwell within their hearts. It is through this power and indwelling that we are able to have our roots go down deep in His love, firmly establishing us in His love. Then together as one family, one body we are able to begin to grasp together how far reaching His love is. This new creation, this unified body is only possible through divine power generating divine love.

    In light of of this mystery, this reconciled humanity which is empowered by His spirit and firmly established in His love, Paul prays “now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."

    Reflection Questions:

    What themes stand out to you in Ephesians chapter 3?
    Ask the Holy Spirit where in your life is He leading you into greater depths of unity among fellow believers. Where are there divisions in your life that He is asking you to surrender?
    As you reflect on how far reaching the love of Christ is, how does it influence your view and love for others? In your relationships, what does it look like to grasp together how wide, how long, how high and how deep the love of Christ is?
    What is a personal application you can make based on some of the truths revealed in this chapter? In other words, what does it look like for you to “live this out” in your daily life.

    Thank you for joining us. We pray this message blessed you.

    Needing pastoral support? http://flr.ms/ij

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    Connect with us on: https://www.instagram.com/dayspringchurch/ https://www.facebook.com/dayspringchurch
    Listen to Dayspring Worship https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCQM5_jWUv_VAOxpvK7D571Q



    Because of His Great Love - Ephesians 2

    Because of His Great Love - Ephesians 2

    Thank you for joining us as we continue to dig into our Keeping it Real series on Ephesians.

    In Ephesians chapter 2, we start to get a glimpse of the Apostle Paul’s vision for the church
    in Ephesus and how Christ’s work of salvation reconciles us to God and to one
    another. Paul shows us how the gospel of Christ ministers peace to both pull
    down and build up.

    First, peace pulls down the dividing walls of hostility between God and one
    other. Humans throughout history go about inventing new ways of dividing,
    race, politics, class, sex and religion. The gospel says “no more”. We all stand
    equally sinful, and we stand equally as recipients of grace if you ask for it.

    Second, peace builds up, giving us a new way of building our identity. Rather
    than building our identity on our achievements, gifts, or status, we build our
    identity on the foundation of Christ, He is our cornerstone.

    Here’s what this building up looks like. Firstly, we are fellow citizens. Then he
    says, we are members of God's household. Thirdly, he says, we are stones
    joined together in God’s temple. Each one gets more intense with regard to our
    relationship with God. A king lives in a country with his people, but a father lives
    under the same roof with his children and a temple is where God lives. The
    images also get more intense regarding our relationships to each other. If you're
    co-citizens, you may live kilometres from each other. But if you're are growing
    up in the same home, you live just metres from each other. If your stones in a
    building, there's no distance at all.

    In summary, what Paul is trying to say is that if you want the surpassing power
    of the gospel to be at work in and through your life, you have to deeply commit
    yourself to His community. As we do, we together are formed into God’s
    masterpiece, a gallery of glory declaring the testimony of God’s salvation
    available to all.

    Reflection Questions
    1. What themes stand out to you in Ephesians chapter 2?
    2. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any walls of hostility that you need to pull down
    (Hint: we all have them).
    3. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of your life where your identity or self-
    worth is based on your own efforts rather than Him. What areas of your life
    need building up by the gospel of peace?
    4. What is a personal application you can make based on some of the truths
    revealed in this chapter? In other words, what does it look like for you to
    “live this out” in your daily life.
    Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed by this message.Connect with us on:https://www.instagram.com/dayspringchurch/https://www.facebook.com/dayspringchurchwww.youtube.com/@DayspringChurchAUListen to Dayspring Worship https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCQM5_jWUv_VAOxpvK7D571Qhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/331972RySiV4WcoYTTJHeB?si=4b8N7CVQT2ysAeBiMGr1BAhttps://music.apple.com/us/artist/dayspring-worship/1035339614

    Called to be Holy - Ephesians 1

    Called to be Holy - Ephesians 1

    Thank you for joining us as we kick off our Keeping it Real series on Ephesians.

    In Ephesians chapter one Paul reveals, in one sweeping sentence (in the original Greek), the lavish benefits, gifts and privileges bestowed on those who are in Christ. We are blessed, predestined, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, graced, chosen and “marked… with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit”. All this "for the praise of his glory”. Through Christ’s victory over "all rule and authority, power and dominion”, we are free and empowered "to be holy and blameless in his sight”. Paul then determines that he ought to pray for us! He prays that we might receive revelation that gives us a deeper understanding and experience of all that Christ has done on our behalf.Thanks again for joining us. We pray you were blessed by this message.Connect with us on:https://www.instagram.com/dayspringchurch/https://www.facebook.com/dayspringchurchwww.youtube.com/@DayspringChurchAUListen to Dayspring Worship https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCQM5_jWUv_VAOxpvK7D571Qhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/331972RySiV4WcoYTTJHeB?si=4b8N7CVQT2ysAeBiMGr1BAhttps://music.apple.com/us/artist/dayspring-worship/1035339614

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