749 episodes

Growing an agency is very difficult, and you might feel unclear what to do next in order to grow and scale your agency. The Smart Agency Masterclass is a weekly podcast for agencies that are wanting to grow faster. We interview amazing guests from all over the world that have the experience of running successful businesses, and will provide you the insights you need. Our podcast is just over 3 years old, and have reached more than a half million listeners in 42 countries.

Smart Agency Masterclass with Jason Swenk: Podcast for Digital Marketing Agencies Jason Swenk

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Growing an agency is very difficult, and you might feel unclear what to do next in order to grow and scale your agency. The Smart Agency Masterclass is a weekly podcast for agencies that are wanting to grow faster. We interview amazing guests from all over the world that have the experience of running successful businesses, and will provide you the insights you need. Our podcast is just over 3 years old, and have reached more than a half million listeners in 42 countries.

    Mastering CLIENT ACQUISITION for Agency Growth with David Baeza | Ep #705

    Mastering CLIENT ACQUISITION for Agency Growth with David Baeza | Ep #705

    Do you have a clear understanding of the client acquisition channels needed to grow your agency? Is your agency vulnerable to leadership or a client leaving? Today’s guest built his agency working with venture capitalists and private equity firms and found great success in that area, so much so that he never worried about client acquisition again.
    More recently, however, he’s been focusing more on setting up the channels that guarantee his agency’s growth and continued success. Learn more about his unconventional path to agency ownership and his commitment to quality over rushing to ship subpar work.
    David Baeza is the founder and CEO of Buttered Toast, an agency that works with the world's leading Venture Capitalists and Private Equity firms. They focus on growth architecture and lead generation, delivering powerful website designs, data-driven whitepapers, compelling ads, and customer testimonial videos. David shares his journey to becoming the founder of his own agency, his unique approach to pricing, and his areas of focus for future improvement.
    In this episode, we’ll discuss:
    Creating multiple acquisition channels.
    Charging on tangible results.
    Mastering client acquisition. 
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    Sponsors and Resources E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.
    Leaving a CMO Job and Starting an Agency to Serve Clients Creating an agency was never David's plan. However, his role as CMO at a venture-backed company in Boston demanded extensive daily commuting, especially as he was starting a family.
    When he eventually left that position, a VC board member invited him to join as a consultant and help some of their tech companies. With time, the same client asked him to build a company around that consulting gig.
    It took a little convincing from friends, but he ended up creating his company and once that first client opened up their VC network and portfolio, the work started to pour in.
    With only his prior knowledge in hiring agencies but enough experience building a marketing department, he set out to do just that and built a marketing department that venture-backed companies could reach to as needed.
    Embracing the Challenge of Creating Multiple Client Acquisition Channels Given the specific moment in time when he started his agency, for a long time, David didn’t have to worry about client prospecting. Clients just kept coming.
    Even once he started to remove himself from operations and spent the majority of his time in business development, it kept working. This continuous client flow remained the same during the pandemic while many other businesses were struggling. However, after 2022 the economy took a turn, and VC referrals dried up. His agency was left vulnerable and so they started focusing on their client acquisition strategy.
    Suddenly, David became very aware of the need to have multiple client acquisition channels in place to ensure a steady flow of clients. Now he has an upcoming book in the hopes of getting future speaking gigs, as well as a podcast, and weekly YouTube videos.
    Even though he now understands the importance of having an inbound channel, strategic partnerships, and outbound channels to balance the agency's client acquisition efforts, he wishes he’d started these efforts sooner to safeguard against potential disruptions and maintain a consistent flow of clients.
    However, the best time to start developing those channels if you haven’t already is RIGHT NOW, so he knows he’s on the right track.
    Charging Based on Delivering Tangible Results Since the beginning, David had a unique approach to pricing his agency's services, emphasizing charging for outcomes, rather

    • 26 min
    Escaping Operational Tunnel Vision by Focusing on Strategic Agency Growth, with Samantha Martin | Ep #704

    Escaping Operational Tunnel Vision by Focusing on Strategic Agency Growth, with Samantha Martin | Ep #704

    Do you feel trapped in an operation tunnel vision? Are you ready to shift your attention toward strategies for agency growth? Our guest today initially viewed strategy sessions as a luxury she could only afford once her agency had achieved significant success. However, upon receiving guidance from a coach to address alignment issues, she and her partner began scheduling daily strategy sessions and prioritizing working on the business rather than just in it. Tune in to hear about her accidental path to agency ownership and her vision for the future after implementing more intentional planning for growth.
    Samantha Martin is the co-owner of Prime Marketing Agency, a female-led experiential agency that creates epic brand experiences that leave a lasting impression. She discusses her entrepreneurial spirit and how she navigated through different roles before landing in her current position.
    In this episode, we’ll discuss:
    Navigating cashflow constraints.
    Unshackling from RFPs and into a more relationship-building model.
    Prioritizing strategic development.
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    Sponsors and Resources Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.
    The 0 to 100 Leap from Freelancer to Co-Ownership During her student years, Samantha was a member of a dance group that toured the US and Canada for various gigs contracted through an agency. This is where she ended up getting her start in the agency industry. Throughout the years, she kept working different gigs and staying open to possibilities working at different agencies at a time.
    Eventually, the start of the pandemic brought a unique opportunity to work at an agency startup, seeing its growth from the ground up. It was an important experience she took to her next opportunity, where she could become co-owner of an agency she’d previously worked at.
    It was practically a zero to 100 growth from being a gig worker at several agencies to owning a 50% stake in one. It was scary and risky but she knew how the business worked and felt ready to figure out her new role as owner.
    Navigating Cashflow Constraints and Cultural Complexities So far, the most challenging aspect of agency ownership for Samantha has been cashflow. As an agency that actually keeps and maintains equipment like foodtrucks, trailers, and large rigs, they’ve found it challenging to manage all these pieces while still accessing more freedom to grow the business quickly. They also have warehouses in three different cities in Canada, which adds to their operational expenses.
    Furthermore, while growing a team has been incredibly rewarding and recruiting both English-speaking and French-speaking professionals offers a great advantage for the agency, it can also be a challenge for the owners. Basically, there are cultural differences between both that they are actively working to smooth.
    After the pandemic, the agency has been fortunate to have a steady flow of leads and, while the number of clients has decreased, they have acquired larger accounts and diversified their portfolio across various industries.
    In the immediate future, Sam wants to focus on getting to a point where the agency has a healthy amount of both big and smaller clients, which not only provides stability in terms of revenue but also allows for better resource planning and team motivation. There will also be a focus on clearly defining which clients they want to service and building the specialized teams to address those particular needs.
    Unshackling from RFPs As her agency grows, Sam is also working on feeling more empowered to step away from some of the less-than-ideal parts of a

    • 23 min
    A $1 MILLION Agency Is Not Always Sustainable, with Amy Littleton | Ep #703

    A $1 MILLION Agency Is Not Always Sustainable, with Amy Littleton | Ep #703

    Are you considering starting an agency but feel like it might be too late to do so? Our featured guest today had a thriving career in PR and successfully managed an agency for nearly two decades before deciding the missing piece in that career was building and growing her own agency. With an extensive client network who already knew and trusted her work, her agency reached seven figures in just one year! Now, she contemplates the next steps for her and her team. Listen to discover how she achieved rapid agency growth and valuable tips for retaining key employees.
    Amy Littleton is the owner of Stretch PR, a full-service creative public relations agency that stretches to deliver results beyond expectations. Amy shares her journey of building a seven-figure agency in just one year, the lessons learned, and insights into why she decided to leave a long career in the industry successfully running a different agency to start her own.
    In this episode, we’ll discuss:
    Agency structuring for sustainable success.
    Building a seven-figure agency in one year.
    Setting ambitious revenue goals.
    Three questions to ask before exiting your business.
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    Sponsors and Resources E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.
    Why Trust is the Foundation of a Great Team Leader Amy's introduction to the world of public relations began with an internship at General Mills in Minneapolis, where she embarked on a nationwide media tour promoting Columbo yogurt. This initial experience in creating events and generating newsworthy moments paved the way for her subsequent role in Chicago, where she led an agency for several years.
    Given the reins to manage the agency and make decisions on behalf of the owners, Amy was entrusted with a high level of autonomy, allowing her to hone her skills in agency management. The owners recognized Amy's capabilities and confidently relied on her to drive financial results and effectively lead the team. This level of trust empowered Amy to exercise her decision-making freedom, take calculated risks, and ultimately steer the agency toward success.
    One of the key lessons Amy learned during that time was the importance of trust in managing people. She learned to look at each team member beyond their functions at the agency and to support them as people during significant transitions such as starting a family or sick parents. Trust is the foundation of any successful team and is essential for fostering collaboration, communication, and accountability.
    However, as the years went by she started to think about the next chapter in her career and realized she needed to build something of her own before the end of her career. It was the one thing she felt she hadn’t done in business, so she took the leap and made it happen.
    Laying the Foundation: Structuring for Sustainable Agency Success The hardest part of agency ownership for Amy in this first year has been client management. As the owner, she feels the weight of ensuring that clients are well-served and remain long-term partners, all while focusing on establishing a sustainable business model, team development, and policies. While these were tasks she had undertaken before, it is now her responsibility to create a cohesive structure for all these elements to function effectively.
    When it came to expanding her team, Amy faced a significant decision: transitioning from relying on independent contractors to seeking full-time hires. While some may view full-time hires as unnecessary or risky in the first year of business, Amy believed it was the right move for her agency.
    She chose to initially build her senior team, bringing on board a senior

    • 27 min
    The Keys to Staying Relevant in a Competitive Agency Landscape, with Marlo Fogelman | Ep #702

    The Keys to Staying Relevant in a Competitive Agency Landscape, with Marlo Fogelman | Ep #702

    What does it take for an agency to not only survive but thrive over decades? What mindset and approach enabled this agency owner to pivot and leverage new opportunities? In the challenging world of business, most companies struggle to reach the one-year mark, with even fewer making it to the five-year milestone. Hence, for an agency to make it beyond that it means the owner has weathered more than a few storms and learned to navigate and adapt to a constantly changing industry. Today’s guest has steered her business through over two decades of growth, demonstrating the ability to pivot, take calculated risks, and understand her agency's value to ensure its sustainability. From learning the importance of self-renewal to using the pandemic as a time to pivot and grow, tune in to learn about her journey and the changes in the marketing landscape over the past couple of years.
    Marlo Fogelman is the founder & CEO of Marlo Marketing, an integrated marketing agency specializing in all things hospitality, lifestyle, and CPG. Marlo has owned an agency for over 20 years and today she shares insights on the evolution of her agency from a PR firm to an integrated marketing model. She discusses the variety of services her agency offers, from creative services to full-scale marketing support for clients in the hospitality, lifestyle, and consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) industries.
    In this episode, we’ll discuss:
    Making time for self-renewal while owning an agency.
    The foundations of agency rebuilding.
    Pivoting to retain talent amid the turmoil.
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    Sponsors and Resources Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.
    How a Career Pivot Led to Accidental Agency Life Despite her initial intentions of practicing law, Marlo felt unfulfilled and unsure of her career path. It was during this time of uncertainty that she stumbled upon a job opportunity in PR, which ultimately changed the course of her career.
    Working in PR, Marlo discovered her passion for marketing and communication. She excelled in her role, turning around a national brand that had previously struggled in the market. Her success in PR and her passion for quality work and ethical practices guided her decision to start her own agency, specializing in hospitality, lifestyle, and CPG clients.
    One of the pivotal moments in her career was receiving a call from the CEO of a 27-unit restaurant group, offering the opportunity to take over their marketing efforts. Despite initially hesitating, Marlo accepted the challenge and exceeded all expectations, setting new sales records and achieving unprecedented success for the restaurant group. It was an interesting opportunity to be on the other side and see the results her team could bring controlling both the execution and the strategy instead of just implementing the client’s vision.
    The Entrepreneurial Balancing Act: Finding Time for Self-Renewal Becoming an agency owner meant a shift in how she worked and how the work she did integrated into her life. Instead of spending late nights highlighting legal documents, Marlo now spent time in Nantucket with clients, enjoying wine and meeting interesting people. However, since it didn’t feel like work, she didn't take enough time to recharge.
    This realization came later in her career when she led a team of 45 people and was putting all of herself into building and growing her business. While she would do it all over again, Marlo acknowledges she would also take more time for herself.
    Taking time for yourself is not just about relaxation and self-care it is also about gaining perspective and clarity. H

    • 23 min
    Build a THRIVING AGENCY CULTURE Without Promotions and Titles with Scout Driscoll | Ep #701

    Build a THRIVING AGENCY CULTURE Without Promotions and Titles with Scout Driscoll | Ep #701

    Are you interested in breaking away from conventional agency practices? Do you want an agency structure that best suits your team? Today’s guest established her agency right after college, without any prior experience working in an agency. She designed her agency's structure based on what felt right for her team rather than following standard industry norms. Emphasizing culture, and prioritizing raises and recognition over promotions, she has fostered a team of passionate individuals who love what they do. Learn about Scout's journey in building a thriving agency culture without hierarchies and how her approach to business helped her build a passionate team.
    Scout Driscoll is the founder of Design Scout, a branding agency with a rebellious edge. They work with clients across founder-driven industries interested in breaking the status quo. She shares insights on creating a thriving business culture without the need for traditional promotions or ladder climbing.
    With over 21 years of experience, Scout discusses working with founder-driven clients who aim to break the status quo with strategic and personality-rich brands.
    In this interview, we’ll discuss:
    Shaping a unique agency culture.
    Crafting an agency culture that goes beyond promotions.
    Engaging directly with business owners.
    Subscribe Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio
    Sponsors and Resources E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.
    Defying 'Best Practices' and Shaping a Unique Agency Structure Scout wasted no time establishing her own company straight out of college after missing out on her dream job. That was over 20 years ago, and the journey to develop her agency has been nothing short of remarkable. The most surprising revelation for her over the years has been realizing that as someone who had never worked in an agency before owning one, she could truly chart her own course.
    Initially, Scout’s agency was a straightforward graphic design agency with clients in the hospitality and entertainment industries. They slowly moved to being a much more strategic, focused, brand strategy agency. While still offering full-service design, the agency now dedicates three months to delve into a client's emotional drivers and brand work. Additionally, the agency naturally transitioned into an all-women team, fostering exceptional chemistry among the staff, although Scout emphasizes that she is an equal opportunity employer.
    Reflecting on her agency journey, she finds it’s all about finding a business that makes sense to you and not being afraid to hone your processes. More than adopting practices because they’re supposed to be the industry’s best practices, she prefers to adopt practices that truly fit her team’s needs and make her agency sustainable.
    Motivation Beyond Promotions: Attracting Talent Driven by Great Work After twenty years in the business, Scout now manages a small team of passionate individuals and is focused on creating the best work environment for them.
    One of the key aspects of Scout's approach to building a strong culture is her emphasis on equality and empowerment within her team. She has one brand strategist who lays the foundation for the team’s groundwork on each project, as well as an operations manager who handles what each member does, for how long, and how much it’ll cost. Every person on her team is a designer of the same stripe, meaning that there is no hierarchy or ladders to climb within the agency.
    It is certainly a unique approach and not to everyone’s liking, but for her it fosters a sense of equality and collaboration among team members, allowing everyone to feel valued and respected for their contributions.
    Scout is clear wi

    • 20 min
    Owning an Agency is an Extreme Sport, with Karley Cunningham | Ep #700

    Owning an Agency is an Extreme Sport, with Karley Cunningham | Ep #700

    Is the fear of failure the driving force that keeps you striving towards your goals? For too many agency owners, the relentless stress of this life corrodes their drive, fueling an unhealthy obsession with avoiding defeat at all costs. Putting together a great team and taking the time to stop and figure things out is often the only way to get out of that trap.
    Today’s guest managed to do this by implementing the lessons learned from the bike trails. She took the discipline and important insights learned from sports and translated them into business. As a result, she was able to improve her results and grow her agency. Tune in for insights on finding freedom and flow in business without being rooted in fear.
    Karley Cunningham is the founder, creative strategist, and growth accelerator of Big Bold Brand Inc., a marketing agency that works with innovators, disruptors, and changemakers who seek a strategic business advantage and desire bold differentiation. Her team helps these innovators sort out their businesses and build great brands.
    In this episode, we’ll discuss:
    How a purposeful plan will help you prevent burnout.
    Plan to thrive, not to survive.
    Avoid operating from a place of fear.
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    Sponsors and Resources Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.
    Prevent Burnout with a Purposeful Plan: Taking a Sports Approach to Agency Growth Karley, a former pro-level mountain biker and passionate sports enthusiast, attributes the most significant impact of sports in her life to the structure it provides. As a creative thinker prone to distraction, she values the discipline and routine that sports have instilled in her, enabling her to focus and succeed.
    For her, it’s been easier to absorb business lessons by drawing parallels between sports and business, which is how she’s gotten to important shifts like taking a rest week every six to seven weeks of the year to catch up, think about the agency’s vision, and breathe. Like navigating a challenging trail in the mountains, running an agency requires determination, resilience, and a deep sense of purpose.
    However, the most important thing you can do to prevent burnout is to have a plan. Many agency owners let the day-to-day consume them until they feel the only way out of the constant stress is to get out of the business altogether and sell the agency. At this point, they need a clear plan detailing the short-term and long-term goals they’re aiming for that will provide a direction and strategy.
    Additionally, Karley’s advice to agency owners is to ensure the journey is as fulfilling as the destination. Just like in outdoor adventures where the climb must be worth the descent, agency owners should find joy and fulfillment in the process of growing their business. By integrating elements that excite and motivate them into their plans, agency owners can maintain their passion and drive toward success. In this sense, she recommends agency owners to "plan to thrive, not survive" as a key mindset to adopt in order to achieve success and growth in their businesses.
    Plan to Thrive: Teamwork and Collaboration for Agency Success Just like preparing for a challenging adventure like hiking the Grand Canyon takes planning ahead and anticipating challenges in order to thrive in the face of adversity. Agency owners should remember that, just like hiking a mountain, doing it all by yourself can prove to be very difficult and even boring.
    Having a strong team and a supportive network can make all the difference in your journey. By surrounding yourself with a team of smart and capable individu

    • 21 min

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