

精选英文关键词, 背单词,练口语,听段子。一次搞定! A-Yo English,! 哎呦,不错哦!

  1. 2016/11/22

    beam--喜欢的偶像突然出现 阳光满溢的日子

    Beam除了笑容满面的意思之外,还有光束,发射等意思。 但今天我们要讲的是欢乐有爱的故事, 所以beam在这个故事里就是笑容满面,开心的意思。     Thereis a nine-year-old girl called Melody Driscoll.   Sheis such a big fan of Ed Sheeran, her family refers to him as her PrinceCharming.   这个叫做Melody的小女孩一出生就被诊断出患有Rett综合征。这是一种非常罕见的神经障碍性疾病。   Melodycan’t walk or talk, though she understands everything.   She’sspent about 80 percent of her life in hospital, undergoing over 40 operations.     医生预估她只能活到4岁,但今年的12月Melody就要10岁了!   Melody’sfamily credits Ed Sheeran’s music for lifting her spirits and inspiring her tokeep fighting.   于是,Meldoy的妈妈一年前就开始在社交媒体上呼吁,希望Edsheeran能够来看望自己的女儿。 后来,EdSheeran的经纪人看到了这个事情。   然后,当当当 surprise! EdSheeran真的出现在了Melody的床边。   Melody的妈妈说:“Shewas star struck at first, she didn’t believe it was him so he let her strokehis tattoo to prove he was the real deal,”   非要摸摸看看EdSheeran 的纹身才真正确定他不是梦!   Sheeranperformed his hit songs, “Thinking Out Loud” and “Photograph” for Melody on alittle pink guitar.   Melody就是从thinkingout loud这首歌开始喜欢Sheeran的。   她的妈妈写给Sheeran的话里提到:“Somany times I nearly lost her because she was giving up but as soon as we putyou on Melody would start fighting back,” “This is what I mean when I say thatI literally owe you her life. You literally keep her alive. She fights to stayin this crazy world just because of you.”   一个小女孩实现了自己的一个梦想!   Now,the musician has made Melody’s dreams come true. Andshe can’t stop beaming.   那又是什么在支撑着你每天的努力,支撑着你度过每一次的伤心和绝望呢?   你的梦想又是什么呢?   留言告诉我们吧!   Talkto you next time!

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  2. 2016/11/06

    Runway-3秒拯救四百多人生命 机长获奖300万

    今天我们要讲的是一位飞机机长的故事。   A Chinese airline rewarded one of its pilots with three million yuan  for preventing a collision(碰撞) between two planes that could have killed 439 people.   在东方航空公司召开的上海虹桥机场10.11事件何超机组表彰大会上。A320机组机长何超被评为先进党员,并奖励人民币300万元。   同时,该客机机组也获得表彰以及人民币60万元奖励。   怎么回事儿呢?   He Chao’s Airbus A320 was about to take off from an airport in Shanghai last month when it encountered another airplane in its path along the runway.   10月11日深夜,何超及其机组成员驾驶的A320客机载着147名乘客接到塔台指令开车滑出,12时03分,塔台指挥飞机进入36L跑道,机组在执行完起飞前检查单确认跑道无障碍的情况下,执行起飞动作。   The flight was about to take off when another flight had just landed and was taxiing nearby.   According to the simulation video, the other flight was speeding up on the runway when Mr. He spotted the A330 entering its runway just feet away.     另一架客机正载着266名旅客穿越36L跑道准备停靠航站楼。眼看两架飞机就要呈“T”字型相撞了。   At that moment, He Chao chose to accelerate and fly over the other aircraft avoiding a head-on crash by just 19 metres.   And his aircraft narrowly missed the other plane.    最终A320从A330上方掠过,未造成撞击。   而实际上,两架客机垂直距离最短仅19米。   3秒! 如果再晚3秒,恐怕就要导致机毁人亡的后果。400多人的生命也会受到严重的威胁。   事后调查相关机构进行了事故调查。   An investigation launched by China's aviation authority, CAAC, found that air traffic control were at fault for the incident.   CAAC suggested that the control centre and the crew members of the A330 failed to maintain proper communication with the controller.   一起特大事故有幸避免,有网友留言说,奖励300万一点都不多。人的生命是无法用金钱衡量的,何超机长当时的迅速反应真是太帅了。霸气!   你觉得呢?   留言告诉我们吧   Talk to you next time1

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  3. 2016/11/03


    Today's key word is neighbour n-e-i-g-h-b-o-u-r 英 ['neɪbə(r)] Your neighbour is someone who lives near you.   邻居 邻国 邻近的   Here is an example: A good neighbour is better than a brother far off.  远亲不如近邻。   今天我们要说的这个邻居呢,有点吵 (此处有费玉清版嘿嘿嘿)   Jenna is a student at Syracuse University in New York.   Student life can throw up many challenges; a lack of money, terrible food and exams.   But for Jenna, the main issue blighting her academic life was noisy next door neighbours, who liked nothing more than engaging in rather loud lovemaking.    因为爱情生活过的特别激烈的隔壁邻居,Jenna表示单身的她很受伤。   于是,她给邻居写了一封信。   'Hello neighbor, Please have it a little more quietly please. Some of us are trying to nap and not be reminded of how alone I am...feel free to make all the love you want. Just please, make it nasty at a lower volume. Thank you!'   大致意思就是,单身汪在隔壁伤不起,嘿嘿嘿的时候请小点声音,保护单身汪,人人有责!   She then received a postcard posted under her door, accompanied by a bar of chocolate. Amusingly, the postcard had photos of bananas on.   Jenna收到了邻居回复的一张卡片和一块巧克力,这张卡片上印有三支香蕉的图案。   那信里写了什么呢?   It read: 'Dearest neighbors, I'm so so incredibly sorry about that. I didn't realise how loud I was being, and yaknow, sometimes have loud lovemaking is low key kinda hot but obviously at your cost, which I apologise so sincerely for. I'm so so sorry, hope this hasn't been occurring too often, and thanks so much for the incredible and hilarious card. I will for sure try to keep it nasty at a significantly lower level. And hey, don't worry, you're not alone forever. The right person will come along when the time comes. I was single for 18 years. Haha. Once again, I apologise so sincerely and deeply. Sorry, Room 338."    哈哈   这两个妹子都太可爱了。小便签写的也是可爱的不要不要的。   你们有没有遇到过类似被撒狗粮,秀恩爱的情况呢?   留言告诉我们吧   Talk to you next time

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  4. 2016/11/01

    Illustrator-那些单身和恋爱的日子 你也是这样过的吗?

    今天我们讲的这位泰国插画师,用自己的画笔描绘了很多暖人的瞬间 She illustrates sweet comics about love that make hearts melt.  Being both humorous and sweet at the same time, Pratchaya's comics depict(描绘) different romantic gestures between lovers. 我们一起来听听他插画里的小故事,小瞬间,小确幸。A boy and a girl sit on the roof of their house, and the boy tells the girl:”the sky is full of stars, but…… I’s still stare at you.”夜空中那么多美丽的星星,但我只想望着你。  A boy tells the girl that she got a very beautiful smile. The girl says, “I’ve got it from you.” 我无忧无虑的微笑是因为有你之后的安心。 In another illustration, the illustrator depicts two boys sit on the stairs. One says, my girlfriend is like Google.The other asks, why? Because she knows everything? And the boy answers, No, it is because she has everything I’m searching for. 我爱你,是因为我要找寻的所有美好都在你那里。One day, a girl finally has the courage to tell her boyfriend her feelings about him. She says, I have something to tell you. I love you.And the boy says, me too.I love me too. 恋人之间的小调戏都是那么的暖暖有爱。And when a girl asks boy if he loves her, the boy answers I don’t know, but I love everything about you. Does that count? 你觉得呢,这算爱吗? 那个小瞬间最让你心动呢? 留言告诉我们吧 Talk to you next time!表白我们是拖延症2人组 拖延症2人组,真的很久没有更新微信了。 也可能还会继续拖延。 但不论多久我们多节目的爱,对喜欢听我们节目的你们的爱都是始终如一的。

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  5. 2016/10/22

    Procrastination-拖延症的单词这么长?! 一会儿再背吧!

    拖延 延迟 这个词真的是有点长,但其实并不是很难背,只要你记住发音就很好背了。 Pro(p-r-o) crasti(c-r-a-s-t-i) nation(n-a-t-i-o-n)   Procrastination  拖延 Here is an example: Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do. 面对不想做的事情,我们经常拖延。   Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you sat down to do an important task,and then you realize that you need a cup of coffee? Or that your computer desk was in need of some serious reorganizing? And then there’s this interesting and funny new episode of “Bigbang Theory” that you must watch right now! And since you’ll be watching a video you might need to eat some snacks to go with it, don't you?   如果你有过以上的症状,那么你可能有拖延症哦   那么有拖延症其实就是说明我们很懒吗? 也不完全是。   Yet, for procrastinators, it is a powerful and often uncontrollable force. Something that wastes valuable time, causes missed deadlines, poor academic and work performance. Worst of all, it contributes to emotional stress, anxiety and guilt.  一旦发现自己的交稿截止日期就要到了,紧张焦虑的情绪就一下子涌过来。整个人都不好了! 然后就会对自己很失望,压力变大。 你有没有过这种体验呢?   So how to beat procrastination? There are several tips that anyone affected by procrastination could greatly benefit from: 1. Do the most difficult thing first. 2. Tell a friend or a family member about a task you’re trying to get done. 3. Keep track of the time you spend on things throughout the day.   但是这些tips对你来说管用吗? 你或者你身边的人有没有拖延症? 你印象最深的拖延症症状是什么呢? 你有什么解决办法吗? 留言告诉我们吧! Talk to you next time!

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  6. 2016/10/20

    detention-惩罚学生新技能=不好好听课 就去冥想!

    Here is an example: The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.  老师将这些男生课后留堂。   你上学的时候有没有调皮捣蛋被老师留堂过啊? 被罚在教室写额外的作业,背额外的课文? 最近一个美国的小学出了一个新的惩罚措施。     There’s no such thing as detention at the Baltimore Elementary.   Yep, you heard that correctly.   Instead they have a Mindful Moment Room, also known as the “oasis of calm”.   Actually it is just like a normal classroom but without desks and chairs. They put some Yoga mat in the classroom.   一个没有桌椅只有瑜伽垫的教室,成为了这个小学的冥想室。   If you make a mistake here, the teacher wouldn’t ask you to write more homework or just let you stay in the room for 1 hour after school.    如果在这所学校,你犯了错误。   那么恭喜你,你获得一个安静的冥想的机会。   It’s part of an after-school programme called Holistic(整体性的) Me, an initiative that teaches children to practice mindful meditation and breathing exercises while encouraging them to talk to behavioral professionals.   跟瑜伽有点相似,在这里会有老师叫你如何呼吸冥想,你还可以跟行为专家们谈谈人生,聊聊理想,仿佛在一起看星星,看月亮,从诗词歌赋聊到人生哲学。。   这个举措获得了很多人的支持。 Someone says: this is such a great idea! I really believe that punishing kids, especially when they are so young, is a really bad idea because if you just punish them they will not understand what they did wrong and most importantly they wouldn't know what they should have done instead.     But they are kids. 活泼好动的孩子能够你让他不说话他就不说话就这样静静的冥想吗?   What’s your opinion?   你有没有试过在心烦意乱的时候冥想呢?

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  7. 2016/10/18


    今天我们要聊的这个razor不是用来刮脸的,而是用来腿部美容!- 刮!腿!毛!   So, a surprising new study has concluded that almost half of modern-day men are now shaving their legs - be it with a razor or trimmers (修剪器).   一个在Facebook做的调查显示,48%受访男士会刮腿毛 或者 修剪腿毛。   According to the editor of Men’s Health magazine, about33 percent men admitted to using a trimmer to cut it down while about 15 percent said they shaved their legs frequently and did not find it weird.   Meanwhile, over half (51.6 per cent) insisted they would 'never' touch their leg hair.   那么对于男生的腿毛,女生是怎么看的呢?   Another survey found that, 30 percent of women were partly agree to 'a man who trims leg hair down' whilemore than 20 percent 'love' a man with clean-shaven legs.   从调查结果看来,女同学们对于这件事的接受度还是不低的。   看来男生shaving这件事已经渐渐的成为潮流了。   Figures from a UK chain of cosmetic clinics says in 2009 only 781 men aged 18-25 booked in for laser hair removal, but by September 2013, they had already carried out 1,376 appointments.    越来越多的年轻男士,为了美观或者夏天穿短裤会shaving.   So, what’s your opinion. 男同学们你们会刮腿毛或者修剪腿毛吗? And girls, 你们怎么看这件事儿? 留言告诉我们吧! Talk to you next time !

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精选英文关键词, 背单词,练口语,听段子。一次搞定! A-Yo English,! 哎呦,不错哦!

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