7 分鐘

#134 - 台北女生都在這裡買衣服 Taipei girls all buy clothes here �‪�‬ Speak Chinese Like A Taiwanese Local

    • 語言學習

如果你想要參加 ‘6個星期、6個台灣人、6個新聞' 的活動。

你可以先寫一下你的資料,下一次活動開始的時候,我會寄Email告訴你🥰 在這裡寫資料


東區 Dōngqū - Eastern District

忠孝敦化 Zhōngxiào Dūnhuà - Zhongxiao Dunhua (MRT Station in Taipei)

忠孝復興 Zhōngxiào Fùxīng - Zhongxiao Fuxing (MRT Station in Taipei)

沒落 mòluò - decline; wane

人潮 réncháo - crowd; throng of people

店家 diànjiā - store; shop

中山區 Zhōngshān qū - Zhongshan District (in Taipei)

商圈 shāngquān - commercial district; business circle

熱門 rèmén - popular; hot

質感 zhògǎn - texture; quality

店內 diàn nèi - inside the store

裝潢 zhuānghuáng - decoration; interior design

精美 jīngměi - exquisite; fine

成為 chéngwéi - to become; to turn into

首選地點 shǒuxuǎn dìdiǎn - preferred location; top choice

網路論壇 wǎnglù lùntán - online forum

感情 gǎnqíng - relationship

店名 diàn míng - store name

主打 zhǔdǎ - to specialize in; main feature

清新 qīngxīn - fresh; clean

韓系 Hán xì - Korean style

服飾 fúshì - clothing; apparel

氣質 qìzhí - temperament; character

活潑 huópō - lively; vivacious

挑 tiāo - to pick; to choose

價位 jiàwèi - price range

在...以內 zài... yǐnèi - within...

哈韓 Hā Hán - to be a fan of Korean culture; to be into Korean culture

走 zǒu - to go for; to take on (a style)

簡約 jiǎnyuē - simple; minimalist

俐落 lìluò - neat; tidy

休閒 xiūxián - casual; leisure

素面 sùmiàn - plain; unembellished

色彩沈穩 sècǎi shěnwěn - subdued colors

居多 jūduō - mainly; predominantly

率性 shuànxìng - natural; unpretentious

襯衫 chènshān - shirt; blouse

西裝褲 xīzhuāng kù - trousers; pantsuit

西裝外套 xīzhuāng wàitào - suit jacket; blazer

報名 bàomíng - to sign up; to register

Dcard - popular social platform in Taiwan https://www.dcard.tw/

IrisGarden - https://www.irisgarden.com.tw/

(There are many branches in Zhongshan District)

Muura - https://www.muura.com.tw/

Address: 台北市中山區中山北路2段20巷25號

如果你想要參加 ‘6個星期、6個台灣人、6個新聞' 的活動。

你可以先寫一下你的資料,下一次活動開始的時候,我會寄Email告訴你🥰 在這裡寫資料


東區 Dōngqū - Eastern District

忠孝敦化 Zhōngxiào Dūnhuà - Zhongxiao Dunhua (MRT Station in Taipei)

忠孝復興 Zhōngxiào Fùxīng - Zhongxiao Fuxing (MRT Station in Taipei)

沒落 mòluò - decline; wane

人潮 réncháo - crowd; throng of people

店家 diànjiā - store; shop

中山區 Zhōngshān qū - Zhongshan District (in Taipei)

商圈 shāngquān - commercial district; business circle

熱門 rèmén - popular; hot

質感 zhògǎn - texture; quality

店內 diàn nèi - inside the store

裝潢 zhuānghuáng - decoration; interior design

精美 jīngměi - exquisite; fine

成為 chéngwéi - to become; to turn into

首選地點 shǒuxuǎn dìdiǎn - preferred location; top choice

網路論壇 wǎnglù lùntán - online forum

感情 gǎnqíng - relationship

店名 diàn míng - store name

主打 zhǔdǎ - to specialize in; main feature

清新 qīngxīn - fresh; clean

韓系 Hán xì - Korean style

服飾 fúshì - clothing; apparel

氣質 qìzhí - temperament; character

活潑 huópō - lively; vivacious

挑 tiāo - to pick; to choose

價位 jiàwèi - price range

在...以內 zài... yǐnèi - within...

哈韓 Hā Hán - to be a fan of Korean culture; to be into Korean culture

走 zǒu - to go for; to take on (a style)

簡約 jiǎnyuē - simple; minimalist

俐落 lìluò - neat; tidy

休閒 xiūxián - casual; leisure

素面 sùmiàn - plain; unembellished

色彩沈穩 sècǎi shěnwěn - subdued colors

居多 jūduō - mainly; predominantly

率性 shuànxìng - natural; unpretentious

襯衫 chènshān - shirt; blouse

西裝褲 xīzhuāng kù - trousers; pantsuit

西裝外套 xīzhuāng wàitào - suit jacket; blazer

報名 bàomíng - to sign up; to register

Dcard - popular social platform in Taiwan https://www.dcard.tw/

IrisGarden - https://www.irisgarden.com.tw/

(There are many branches in Zhongshan District)

Muura - https://www.muura.com.tw/

Address: 台北市中山區中山北路2段20巷25號

7 分鐘