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#135 - 魯保羅變裝皇后秀總冠軍,來自台灣的妮妃雅 Nymphia Wind, the first Taiwanese to win RuPaul’s Drag Race Speak Chinese Like A Taiwanese Local

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如果你想要參加 ‘6個星期、6個台灣人、6個新聞' 的活動。

你可以先寫一下你的資料,下一次活動開始的時候,我會寄Email告訴你🥰 在這裡寫資料

報名 bàomíng - to sign up; to register

可惜 kěxī - unfortunately; regrettably

等候名單 děnghòu míngdān - waiting list

通知 tōngzhī - to notify; notification

魯保羅變裝皇后秀 Lǔbǎoluó biànzhuāng huánghòu xiù - RuPaul's Drag Race

季 jì - season

宣佈了 xuānbù le - announced

總冠軍 zǒng guànjūn - grand champion

妮妃雅 Nīfēiyǎ - Nymphia Wind

在全球的關注下 zài quánqiú de guānzhù xià - under global attention

獲得 huòdé - to obtain; to acquire

曹米駬 Cáo mǐ ěr - Nymphia Wind (Chinese name)

霸凌 bàlíng - bullying

欺負 qīfu - to bully

關注 guānzhù - attention; concern

童年 tóngnián - childhood

一輩子 yībèizi - a lifetime

學風 xuéfēng - school culture

自由 zìyóu - freedom

全人實驗中學 quánrén shíyàn zhōngxué - Holistic Education School

就讀 jiùdú to ateend (school)

佩服 pèifú - to admire; to respect

反而 fǎn'ér - instead; on the contrary

檢討 jiǎntǎo - to reflect on; to review

觀察 guānchá - to observe; observation

管 guǎn - to manage; to control

感受 gǎnshòu - feeling; sensation

母子 mǔzǐ - mother and son

摯友 zhìyǒu - close friend

閨蜜 guīmì - best friend (female)

吵起架來 chǎo qǐ jià lái - to quarrel loudly

風風火火 fēngfēng huǒhuǒ - with great vigor and enthusiasm

情緒來的時候 qíngxù lái de shíhou - when emotions arise

一起抱頭痛哭 yīqǐ bào tóu tòng kū - crying together with heads in arms

迷惘 míwǎng - confused; perplexed

面對 miànduì - to face; to confront

人家 rénjiā - others; other people

眼光 yǎnguāng - viewpoint; perspective

支身 zhīshēn - to move; to relocate

前往 qiánwǎng - to go to; to head for

布魯克林 Bùlǔkèlín - Brooklyn

賺取 zhuànqǔ - to earn; to make (money)

夜場 yèchǎng - night club

主題禮服 zhǔtí lǐfú - themed costume; themed attire

競賽環節 jìngsài huánjié - competition segment

打造 dǎzào - to create; to build

獨一無二 dúyīwú'èr - unique; one of a kind

戰袍 zhànpáo - battle costume; outfit

香蕉 xiāngjiāo - banana

輸出 shūchū - to export; to output

存在 cúnzài - existence; to exist

圈 quān - circle; community

屬於 shǔyú - to belong to; to be part of

同伴 tóngbàn - companion; mate

歸屬感 guīshǔgǎn - sense of belonging

展現自我 zhǎnxiàn zìwǒ - to express oneself; to show oneself

無所畏懼 wúsuǒwèijù - fearless; without fear

Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀

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如果你想要參加 ‘6個星期、6個台灣人、6個新聞' 的活動。

你可以先寫一下你的資料,下一次活動開始的時候,我會寄Email告訴你🥰 在這裡寫資料

報名 bàomíng - to sign up; to register

可惜 kěxī - unfortunately; regrettably

等候名單 děnghòu míngdān - waiting list

通知 tōngzhī - to notify; notification

魯保羅變裝皇后秀 Lǔbǎoluó biànzhuāng huánghòu xiù - RuPaul's Drag Race

季 jì - season

宣佈了 xuānbù le - announced

總冠軍 zǒng guànjūn - grand champion

妮妃雅 Nīfēiyǎ - Nymphia Wind

在全球的關注下 zài quánqiú de guānzhù xià - under global attention

獲得 huòdé - to obtain; to acquire

曹米駬 Cáo mǐ ěr - Nymphia Wind (Chinese name)

霸凌 bàlíng - bullying

欺負 qīfu - to bully

關注 guānzhù - attention; concern

童年 tóngnián - childhood

一輩子 yībèizi - a lifetime

學風 xuéfēng - school culture

自由 zìyóu - freedom

全人實驗中學 quánrén shíyàn zhōngxué - Holistic Education School

就讀 jiùdú to ateend (school)

佩服 pèifú - to admire; to respect

反而 fǎn'ér - instead; on the contrary

檢討 jiǎntǎo - to reflect on; to review

觀察 guānchá - to observe; observation

管 guǎn - to manage; to control

感受 gǎnshòu - feeling; sensation

母子 mǔzǐ - mother and son

摯友 zhìyǒu - close friend

閨蜜 guīmì - best friend (female)

吵起架來 chǎo qǐ jià lái - to quarrel loudly

風風火火 fēngfēng huǒhuǒ - with great vigor and enthusiasm

情緒來的時候 qíngxù lái de shíhou - when emotions arise

一起抱頭痛哭 yīqǐ bào tóu tòng kū - crying together with heads in arms

迷惘 míwǎng - confused; perplexed

面對 miànduì - to face; to confront

人家 rénjiā - others; other people

眼光 yǎnguāng - viewpoint; perspective

支身 zhīshēn - to move; to relocate

前往 qiánwǎng - to go to; to head for

布魯克林 Bùlǔkèlín - Brooklyn

賺取 zhuànqǔ - to earn; to make (money)

夜場 yèchǎng - night club

主題禮服 zhǔtí lǐfú - themed costume; themed attire

競賽環節 jìngsài huánjié - competition segment

打造 dǎzào - to create; to build

獨一無二 dúyīwú'èr - unique; one of a kind

戰袍 zhànpáo - battle costume; outfit

香蕉 xiāngjiāo - banana

輸出 shūchū - to export; to output

存在 cúnzài - existence; to exist

圈 quān - circle; community

屬於 shǔyú - to belong to; to be part of

同伴 tóngbàn - companion; mate

歸屬感 guīshǔgǎn - sense of belonging

展現自我 zhǎnxiàn zìwǒ - to express oneself; to show oneself

無所畏懼 wúsuǒwèijù - fearless; without fear

Follow me on Instagram: fangfang.chineselearning !😀

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