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200: Ready for a new frontier‪?‬ Thinking Elixir Podcast

    • 教學

In this landmark 200th episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast, we dive into the revolutionary world of LiveView Native with Brian Cardarella and Carson Katri. Discover how this emerging technology is expanding Elixir's reach onto mobile devices and beyond, shaking up traditional development with server-side state management and opening a new frontier for native applications. Our experts share insights on its performance, live reload features, and strategic advantages that promise to speed up prototyping and cut down on dev time. Plus, hear about our latest news on EEF voting, new testing libraries for Phoenix, the future of the Elixir Protobuf library with a call for new maintainers, and Livebook's integrations for data sources. And if that wasn't enough, we cover additional tech stories, including the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation, a study linking mentally stimulating work to a reduced risk of dementia, and more!

Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/200

Elixir Community News

https://twitter.com/TheErlef/status/1782560017633202578 – Tweet about the start of EEF voting.
https://erlef.org/blog/eef/election-2024 – Blog post detailing the EEF 2024 election process.
https://members.erlef.org/Sys/Poll/52537 – The actual voting page for the EEF election.
https://members.erlef.org/join-us – Information on how to join the EEF and become a voting member.
https://twitter.com/royalicing/status/1782534107807007046 – Tweet introducing a new library for testing Phoenix templates with ARIA roles.
https://hexdocs.pm/ensemble/Ensemble.html – Documentation for the Ensemble library mentioned in the tweet.
https://playwright.dev/docs/locators#quick-guide – PlayWright locators quick guide, reminiscent of the Ensemble library's functionality.
https://twitter.com/whatyouhide/status/1782434830057107660 – Andrea Leopardi's announcement about seeking a new maintainer for the Elixir Protobuf library.
https://github.com/elixir-protobuf/protobuf – GitHub repository for the Elixir Protobuf library mentioned by Andrea Leopardi.
https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1782391223036039247 – José Valim's tweet on Livebook's data integration support, seeking community feedback on other necessary integrations.
https://livebook.dev/integrations/?type=database – Livebook's database integrations webpage that José Valim referred to for feedback.
https://gleam.run/news/gleam-v1.1/ – Announcement of the release of Gleam v1.1, a statically typed language for the BEAM.
https://github.com/eigr/spawn?tab=readme-ov-file – GitHub page for Spawn, an open-source serverless library designed for cloud and on-premises environments.
https://fly.io/blog/rethinking-serverless-with-flame/ – Article discussing the rethinking of serverless architecture with the FLAME framework.
https://womenwhocode.com/blog/the-end-of-an-era-women-who-code-closing – Blog post about the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation due to funding issues.
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/apr/17/mentally-stimulating-work-plays-key-role-in-staving-off-dementia-study-finds – The Guardian article reporting on a study that finds mentally stimulating work is key in staving off dementia.
https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000209353 – Research paper on Neurology.org about the link between mentally stimulating work and the risks of dementia and cognitive problems in later life.

Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

Discussion Resources

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBi2Hj22qUU – ElixirConf US 2023 presentation
Brian's ElixirConf EU 2024 presentation is not published at this time.

Guest Information

https://twitter.com/bcardarella – Brian C

In this landmark 200th episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast, we dive into the revolutionary world of LiveView Native with Brian Cardarella and Carson Katri. Discover how this emerging technology is expanding Elixir's reach onto mobile devices and beyond, shaking up traditional development with server-side state management and opening a new frontier for native applications. Our experts share insights on its performance, live reload features, and strategic advantages that promise to speed up prototyping and cut down on dev time. Plus, hear about our latest news on EEF voting, new testing libraries for Phoenix, the future of the Elixir Protobuf library with a call for new maintainers, and Livebook's integrations for data sources. And if that wasn't enough, we cover additional tech stories, including the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation, a study linking mentally stimulating work to a reduced risk of dementia, and more!

Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/200

Elixir Community News

https://twitter.com/TheErlef/status/1782560017633202578 – Tweet about the start of EEF voting.
https://erlef.org/blog/eef/election-2024 – Blog post detailing the EEF 2024 election process.
https://members.erlef.org/Sys/Poll/52537 – The actual voting page for the EEF election.
https://members.erlef.org/join-us – Information on how to join the EEF and become a voting member.
https://twitter.com/royalicing/status/1782534107807007046 – Tweet introducing a new library for testing Phoenix templates with ARIA roles.
https://hexdocs.pm/ensemble/Ensemble.html – Documentation for the Ensemble library mentioned in the tweet.
https://playwright.dev/docs/locators#quick-guide – PlayWright locators quick guide, reminiscent of the Ensemble library's functionality.
https://twitter.com/whatyouhide/status/1782434830057107660 – Andrea Leopardi's announcement about seeking a new maintainer for the Elixir Protobuf library.
https://github.com/elixir-protobuf/protobuf – GitHub repository for the Elixir Protobuf library mentioned by Andrea Leopardi.
https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1782391223036039247 – José Valim's tweet on Livebook's data integration support, seeking community feedback on other necessary integrations.
https://livebook.dev/integrations/?type=database – Livebook's database integrations webpage that José Valim referred to for feedback.
https://gleam.run/news/gleam-v1.1/ – Announcement of the release of Gleam v1.1, a statically typed language for the BEAM.
https://github.com/eigr/spawn?tab=readme-ov-file – GitHub page for Spawn, an open-source serverless library designed for cloud and on-premises environments.
https://fly.io/blog/rethinking-serverless-with-flame/ – Article discussing the rethinking of serverless architecture with the FLAME framework.
https://womenwhocode.com/blog/the-end-of-an-era-women-who-code-closing – Blog post about the shutdown of the Women Who Code foundation due to funding issues.
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/apr/17/mentally-stimulating-work-plays-key-role-in-staving-off-dementia-study-finds – The Guardian article reporting on a study that finds mentally stimulating work is key in staving off dementia.
https://www.neurology.org/doi/10.1212/WNL.0000000000209353 – Research paper on Neurology.org about the link between mentally stimulating work and the risks of dementia and cognitive problems in later life.

Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com

Discussion Resources

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBi2Hj22qUU – ElixirConf US 2023 presentation
Brian's ElixirConf EU 2024 presentation is not published at this time.

Guest Information

https://twitter.com/bcardarella – Brian C

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