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COVID 變異株 (COVID Variants) - 訪談專家:徐尚德博‪士‬ 英文小宇宙

    • 語言學習

前陣子屏東出現的 Delta 變異株確診案例嚇壞了不少人,因為研究顯示這個變異株的傳染力比感染性強的 Alpha 變異株還要高大約 60%。
英國的研究顯示雖然只打一劑疫苗對於 Delta 變異株的保護力比較低,但是打了兩劑之後保護力是差不多的,這也告訴我們盡快提高疫苗的施打率有多麽的重要。
今天中研院生化所的徐尚德博士就要來和我們解說變異株出現的可能原因、病毒上 spike protein 的重要性和它與疫苗開發之間的關係,還有阻止變異株出現和傳播的方法。
**如果您需要本集 Podcast 中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg
**訪談片段在 (04:43 - 20:56)
**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/2UoOy7z

More Info on COVID Variants:
US CDC https://www.cdc.gov/corona.../2019-ncov/vaccines/safety.html
UK NHS https://www.nhs.uk/.../coronavir.../safety-and-side-effects/
UK Imperial college COVID-19 simulator https://covidsim.org/v5.20210624/?place=tw
Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Johns Hopkins info about COVID-19 variants https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/variant-data
Academia Sinica COVID-19 information https://sarscov2.sinica.edu.tw/ (in Chinese)

Preprint papers from Academia Sinica IBC researchers related to COVID variants:


Convergent (形容詞) 趨於一致的
As China has become more aggressive, the policies of western nations and Asian countries near China have become more convergent.
Self-imposed (形容詞) 自願接受的
The judge imposed a stiff sentence on him because he expressed no regret.
Off the top of someone's head (慣用語) 根據記憶而沒有經過仔細思考的
Off the top of my head I think your income tax rate should be 10%, but let me confirm and get back to you.
Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw
Facebook 搜尋:ApexLanguage
IG: @apexlang.podcast

前陣子屏東出現的 Delta 變異株確診案例嚇壞了不少人,因為研究顯示這個變異株的傳染力比感染性強的 Alpha 變異株還要高大約 60%。
英國的研究顯示雖然只打一劑疫苗對於 Delta 變異株的保護力比較低,但是打了兩劑之後保護力是差不多的,這也告訴我們盡快提高疫苗的施打率有多麽的重要。
今天中研院生化所的徐尚德博士就要來和我們解說變異株出現的可能原因、病毒上 spike protein 的重要性和它與疫苗開發之間的關係,還有阻止變異株出現和傳播的方法。
**如果您需要本集 Podcast 中英對照逐字稿,請與我們聯繫:https://bit.ly/3arFHXg
**訪談片段在 (04:43 - 20:56)
**用 Descript 來線上聽這次的訪談,會自動標示講到哪邊還可以調整語速喔!https://bit.ly/2UoOy7z

More Info on COVID Variants:
US CDC https://www.cdc.gov/corona.../2019-ncov/vaccines/safety.html
UK NHS https://www.nhs.uk/.../coronavir.../safety-and-side-effects/
UK Imperial college COVID-19 simulator https://covidsim.org/v5.20210624/?place=tw
Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
Johns Hopkins info about COVID-19 variants https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/variant-data
Academia Sinica COVID-19 information https://sarscov2.sinica.edu.tw/ (in Chinese)

Preprint papers from Academia Sinica IBC researchers related to COVID variants:


Convergent (形容詞) 趨於一致的
As China has become more aggressive, the policies of western nations and Asian countries near China have become more convergent.
Self-imposed (形容詞) 自願接受的
The judge imposed a stiff sentence on him because he expressed no regret.
Off the top of someone's head (慣用語) 根據記憶而沒有經過仔細思考的
Off the top of my head I think your income tax rate should be 10%, but let me confirm and get back to you.
Apex Language | 擎宇英文:https://www.apex-lang.com.tw
Facebook 搜尋:ApexLanguage
IG: @apexlang.podcast

26 分鐘