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(English Only) How are you? | 25-5 Pomodoro Technique and Progressive Muscle Relaxation 兒童世界報報(Broadcast 4 Kids)

    • 兒童教育

Mandarin version 中文版: 雙語【小小製作人-你好嗎?】符合大腦的高效學習法:25-5 番茄鐘工作法|正念練習:漸進式肌肉放鬆法
👉英語文稿 transcript 對照聆聽

In this episode, our junior producer, Derek, shares a tip to help you tackle homework and boost focus: the 25-5 method. Plus, therapist Ms. Paishin joins us for more mindfulness magic with progressive muscle relaxation. And don't miss insights from clinical psychologist ChungYou on how short breaks can boost productivity. Tune in now!

這集內容有英語版獨家福利,是中文版裡沒有的喔:黃瓊幼臨床心理師解釋為什麼 25-5 番茄鐘工作法可以有效幫助我們集中精神,提高做事效率!

Listen more:
(English Only) How are you? | Mindfulness for Children: STOP Technique and Candy Activity!
All English only episodes 純英語版所有集數

Follow us on facebook/ instagram/ YouTube @Broadcast4Kids
Email us: broadcast4kids@gmail.com

#國際新聞 #兒童國際新聞 #KidsNewsinMandarin #mindfulness #PomodoroTechnique #ProgressiveMuscleRelaxation

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Mandarin version 中文版: 雙語【小小製作人-你好嗎?】符合大腦的高效學習法:25-5 番茄鐘工作法|正念練習:漸進式肌肉放鬆法
👉英語文稿 transcript 對照聆聽

In this episode, our junior producer, Derek, shares a tip to help you tackle homework and boost focus: the 25-5 method. Plus, therapist Ms. Paishin joins us for more mindfulness magic with progressive muscle relaxation. And don't miss insights from clinical psychologist ChungYou on how short breaks can boost productivity. Tune in now!

這集內容有英語版獨家福利,是中文版裡沒有的喔:黃瓊幼臨床心理師解釋為什麼 25-5 番茄鐘工作法可以有效幫助我們集中精神,提高做事效率!

Listen more:
(English Only) How are you? | Mindfulness for Children: STOP Technique and Candy Activity!
All English only episodes 純英語版所有集數

Follow us on facebook/ instagram/ YouTube @Broadcast4Kids
Email us: broadcast4kids@gmail.com

#國際新聞 #兒童國際新聞 #KidsNewsinMandarin #mindfulness #PomodoroTechnique #ProgressiveMuscleRelaxation

Powered by Firstory Hosting

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