Healing in Podcasting

《Podcasting With Impact: Lead With Your Voice》Podcast


If you need help, please reach out to professionals to guide you on your healing journey. There is help available for you. Through platforms like  https://findahelpline.com you can search for help close to you.

There’s a lot of healing in podcasting. I see this for myself, the guests I invite on my podcast and the clients I support with starting and developing their podcasts all the time.
What begins as a podcasting journey - almost inevitably -  turns into this beautiful journey of self discovery and self growth. 
And this is what podcasting with impact is all about really. To me this means, a podcast is never just a podcast. 
A podcast is an invitation to get to know each other better, to get to know ourselves better, to understand and listen to our own ambitions, to acknowledge the heartache and heartbreak that comes with being a human and to show up - for life - with curiosity and kindness. Heart-forward, hopeful, patient, unhurried. 

I hope that through my sharing in this episode I can give you the confidence and courage to go into conversation with yourself as well as your guests, even touching on topics that are difficult to discuss, topics that maybe you have even shied away from in the past because you felt they were too painful or sensitive to address.


If you need help, please reach out to professionals to guide you on your healing journey. There is help available for you. Through platforms like  https://findahelpline.com you can search for help close to you.

More resources for your Podcasting journey:

  • Free Podcasting with impact STARTER GUIDE: Get it HERE.
  • Schedule your complimentary Podcast Consultation Call with Regina HERE. 
  • Podcast Website: https://www.hashtagimpact.com/podcasting/
  • Connect with Regina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/regina-larko/
  • Email Regina with feedback, questions or just say hi at: regina@hashtagimpact.com








