NS Wolf Pack

Nutrient Survival
NS Wolf Pack

Welcome to the NS Wolf Pack Podcast brought to you by Nutrient Survival. We’re here to talk life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with a touch of survival food with the Alphas of the Pack.

  1. 2023/05/20

    60,000 lbs of Bomb ingredients Missing From Dyno Train Car

    https://nutrientsurvival.com Use code YT10 for 10% off. 60 thousand pounds of explosive chemicals somehow just disappeared. That’s right – a railcar carrying 30 tons of ammonium nitrate is gone. If that substance sounds remotely familiar, it’s because it was the same stuff that Timothy McVeigh used to blow up the Oklahoma City building. Except he only used 5,000 pounds of the stuff – and we’re talking about 60,000 pounds of it. That’s only, I don’t know, 12 times as much – and it’s just missing. The company that loaded it up on the train, and shipped it off is called Dyno Noble. And they make explosives. Lots of them. But when asked about the railcar showing up empty at its destination – a spokesperson for the company said that they suspect a it was leak that occurred and that it poses no threat to the environment. I guess, since the chemical is also used in fertilizer, everyone is just waiting for the grass along the rail line to green up from it, so we can all go back to sleep. But for me, I’m more concerned. You see folks, we’ve heard sound bites like this before. And no doubt, the powers that be want to keep this one on the down low. So you’re not going to see it on the front page of the Times. In fact, I could only find 2 news articles about it. Why cause panic right. Well here’s why. 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate is unaccounted for. And that can make a lot of bombs. Just google it. You’ll find that ammonium nitrate forms all kinds of explosives when combined with other things like TNT, aluminum powder, or just plain old fuel oil. Yep, combining ammonium nitrate with that last one fuel oil makes ANFO – it’s so simple it’s widely used as a bulk industrial explosive. And if you think Oklahoma City in 1995 was an isolated incident – think again. Ammonium nitrate-based explosives were also used in the Sterling Hall bombing in Madison, Wisconsin in 1970… the 2011 Delhi bombings… the 2011 bombing in Oslo… and the 2013 Hyderabad, India blasts. In fact, the substance posed such a threat, that the government of Pakistan imposed a band to prevent insurgents from using these cheap, easy to make, easy to use explosive. But we’re told, there’s nothing to worry about. Some people at the railroad line that did the shipping, Union Pacific, also said there’s nothing to worry about. It was probably a leak and the only thing we’re going to see is green grass along the tracks. Really? They obviously don’t understand mankind. Man’s nature. I’m talking boys and their bombs. And if bad boys, bad men get their hands on 60,000 pounds of explosive ingredient --- well… I think bad things could happen. And besides that, I also don’t trust the people feeding us these lines anymore. This stuff was shipped last month, the report of it missing was filed on May 10, and now another week later, the public is finally hearing about it. It left full, and arrived empty. This doesn’t just happen by accident. Somethings going on. And it might just explain why one of my sources has counted over 1,000 observation flights that have been circling the Western states looking for something in the past couple weeks. Hmmmm. It’s a little early for deer season. What do you think’s going on Wolf Pack? Am I over-reacting here? should we go back to sleep and trust everything’s going to be alright. Please… Share your comments below, and make sure you subscribe, turn your notification bell on, and hit that like button. Until next time, be ready, be strong, be alert and keep on prepping.  @FoxNews   @oann   @NewsmaxTV   @NewsNationTV   @news  #foxnews #breakingnews #conservative

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  2. 2023/05/12

    Title 42 - Border Overrun by Illegal Immigrants?

    https://nutrientsurvival.com Use code:YT10 for 10% off. We are under attack, literally. And our very own government is aiding and abetting. Our Constitution lays it out in the very first sentence. A paramount duty of the United States government is to provide for the common defense. That means Congress has the power and authority to form military units to protect the country, the entire country, from its enemies, foreign and domestic. Providing for the common defense means the country defends each and every state instead of individual states having to do it for themselves. Now, this doesn't mean states can't have their own militias or National Guard, which they obviously do to tend to important state affairs. So why is it that the attack on the southern border of our United States is being met with open arms instead of firearms? A country is defined by its borders. Without borders, there is no country. That is a basic principle. It's the same reason we have property lines to determine who's responsible for cutting the grass and keeping up the house. Even a second grader knows this. Yet we have no southern border, or certainly we don't have any control of our southern border. And as we all know, mayhem breaks out tomorrow as the Biden regime deliberately dismantles or ignores the one law that has done an okay job of holding the hordes of illegal immigrants back. You know it, Title 42 restrictions expire. This law's interpretation was strengthened during the Trump administration. And now Biden can't wait to flush it down the toilet. And the word is out. Some estimates are that a million migrants are waiting for the flag to drop. And they're gonna charge across, overwhelming and overrunning our Border Patrol. The sad thing is, most of these migrants are not asylum seekers, escaping political persecution or the like. Nope, they're not. As we know from just last week's massacre in Texas by an illegal who'd been deported four times, some are criminals and gang members. They're running to the land of easier targets, good old USA. Some are the cartel members feeding the flow of goods and services moving through the US once those get across. And some, I'm convinced, are foreign plants and terrorists who will coalesce once inside here and they're gonna form dangerous sleeper cells while waiting for the signal to attack us from within. Now, those are some people that pose real physical harm, but most of these migrants are just a commodity. They're like a bag of sugar or coffee. They're being trafficked for thousands of miles, paying tolls all along the way to criminals, to gangs, to cartels for the opportunity to step foot in America. And if they don't have money, guess what? They pay with their bodies. The women and the girls are raped, and the children are enslaved. And these humanitarian NGOs, the UN, even some of the church charities that are supporting the migration north, they know this. Why else would they be handing out rape kits to the women and girls? And yet to them, what's a little rape? If you're getting them in, what's a little child slavery? If you're getting them in, provide for the common defense. Here's what that looks like to the Biden regime. You call up 1,500 active-duty soldiers and you send them to the border, not to confront the migrants, but instead to console them, to process their paperwork, to hand them their welcome wagon, goodie bag of money, cell phone, maybe a few more condoms. And then you escort them to a bus or a plane of their choosing with a one-way ticket into the heart of America, anywhere they please.

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  3. 2023/04/28

    Will America Fall? Collapse of an Empire

    https://nutrientsurvival.com Economically, the dollar is on the ropes. No longer seen as the infallible global currency, our adversaries – and even our friends - are brimming with excitement that the dollar’s grip on the global economy is about to end. China is striking deals with Russia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia for international trade in the respective nation’s currencies, and away from the dollar - and the petrodollar. Even our oldest ally, France is turning it’s back. Just this week, after a short visit with Chinese President Xi Jingping, French President Emmanuel Macron called for reduced reliance on the US dollar – and toward strategic autonomy instead of being a vassal of the US. What a slap in the face. So obviously all the ass-kissing President Biden has been doing in Europe has gotten him – and us - nothing. Bring on another Paris accord ok. Militarily, we’re about to get called on what I believe is smoke screen strength. Our demise will probably go down like big bad Russia - who marched into Ukraine and freaked the world out with thoughts of “this is the end of Ukraine.” Low and behold that didn’t happen, and a year later – here we are - Russia has its tail between its legs like a beaten dog – wishing they had never embarked on their “special military operation”. What was once a noble mission to fight and win our nation’s wars, is now more about complying with woke liberal policies and calling someone by their preferred pronouns than it is about duty, honor, country. And domestically - here at home, our nation is more divided than ever. Blue vs. Red. Urban vs. rural. Christian vs. secular. The only thing preventing us from all out civil war is our inability to draw the battle lines. So we sit by seething. Carefully determining who we can trust and who can’t. It’s a scene right out of the revolutionary war with the loyalists to the crown walking the same streets as the insurrectionists that today we call our founding fathers. Crime surrounds us. We have no law and order. The liberal elites defund the police, and then cry when their homes and their businesses are ransacked by hoodlum criminals. I admire businesses like Walmart and CVS that keep it objective. They just shut their doors and walk away when the cost of doing business is greater than benefit of keeping the lights on. And predictably, they are attacked by the very people who they serve but then demonize them for their for profit interests – for pulling out, and refusing to operate stores even though it puts their business and employees at risk. You can’t have it both ways. Our southern border is like a sieve. We have no border. Illegal immigration has become the new national pastime. Our border patrol agents have lost faith in their leadership, and fear being punished for doing their jobs. And because of this illegal immigration has exploded – and along with it our adversaries are stuffing the flow of illegal aliens full of fighting age operatives who will infiltrate, blend in, create sleeper cells, and then - follow their foreign orders towards destroying the U.S. from within. That assumes of course, that we’re not already gone by our own doing. And all the while, we pretend like nothings the matter. It’s just another day in paradise. For those that are awake, it frightens us. It chills us. It eats at us. But for those who sleep. Put their heads in the sand. Cast their ballots blindly for more of the same. They deserve what they get. Higher prices. Greater debt. Servitude. It’s what they want – to control you.  @FoxNews   @TheEpochTimesNews   @oann   @CNN   @NewsmaxTV   @news  #usa #foxnews #conservative #breakingnews #news

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  4. 2023/04/27

    EMP Food Shortage - Chris Heaven Survival Dispatch Interview

    https://nutrientsurvival.com This world is completely going bonkers. It is topsy turvy. We have wars and rumors of wars, not just Russia, Ukraine. It seems like the threats have elevated with China, with North Korea, with domestic concerns internally. There is every single day a discussion about a nuclear incident, a nuclear drop, EMPs that we are potentially seeing come across in satellites and doing things of that nature. We've got banks collapsing. We've got wave after wave after wave of pandemics and monkey pox and fungus viruses. What the heck is going on? My feeling is that there's going to be some pretty crazy events in my lifetime and that preparing for them is absolutely paramount, not just for us, but for everybody's families in America. What are the signs that you see that we're on the verge of a significant event? So a lot of munitions. We've got tremendous disruption to our food supply. And you can't fight if you're hungry. We've got massive division in our country over ridiculous topics. This is a direct result of our adversaries pitting us against each other. So in 1949, China started their 100-year plan. One of the best ways to defeat your enemy is to divide them, then add in everything else that I just mentioned with regards to food, shortage of munitions, so on and so forth. Then you also mentioned the EMP strikes at the beginning. The most common way to create an EMP is a nuclear bomb, nuclear explosion. The Russians have 5,000 high altitude nukes. So if they were to let them off, say 30, 60, 90 miles above sea level, the EMP would cover the entire continent. And most people don't realize that typically devices damaged by EMPs are done. They're not coming back. The diodes explode in them. Our power grid will be completely done. They'll have to be rebuilt. So just from my own perspective, when I take these things into account, nuclear war is a minute away. We have extremely depleted oil reserves, extremely depleted munitions. For 40 years now, the Republicans and the Democrats, basically two different sides of the same coin, have not taken action to protect our grid from EMPs. Our grid was poorly designed. So we essentially have three grids. Texas is all by itself. And you have the eastern half of the country and the western half. Texas grid is not connected to the rest of us. But none of it's protected. It would be about $5 billion, not a whole lot of money in the grand scheme of things, to protect our grid. So I'm pretty fond of saying we've become a first world country with a third world power grid. And while I would agree that the level of awareness is increasing, there's still a vast majority of people are not attuned to what's actually happening. Three meals. That's what I'm just going to say, that one of the people who's contributed heavily to survival dispatch, his name's Chris Weatherman. I think he's published 22, 23 survival books. He's very fond of saying we're never more than three meals away from-- three missed meals away from anarchy. And so we do a lot of content on getting home. So if we're attacked, it'll be like 9/11. They'll attack either morning rush hour, afternoon rush hour to inflict the maximum amount of chaos. Every American commute 16 miles each way to get to work. The primary goal for Americans, especially working Americans, is how do you get home in that type of event? So any EFI vehicles done, gas pumps are done. So what do you have with you as far as a get home bag, not a go bag, a get home bag? Because 83% of Americans live in urban settings and have nowhere to bug out to. So I don't think you're going to see a whole lot of bugging out.  @SurvivalDispatch  #prepping #survival #prepper

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  5. 2023/04/26

    Time to Draft Women in Combat?

    https://nutrientsurival.com Here's something that I guarantee will make you squirm. When I graduated West Point in 1991, only men could serve in the Army's combat arms. That's infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery. No one really asked about the reasons why because to me, to us, it all seemed pretty obvious. These roles in combat arms often had physical requirements that were beyond the strength of your average woman. Yes, there are exceptions, but I'm sorry. Men are typically physically stronger than women. And beyond that, the idea of sending women to a combat zone where they could be taken prisoner by an immoral or evil enemy like Al Qaeda or the Taliban and be subjected to sexual abuse at best and tortured to death at worst and then have them sent back home in body bags, it wasn't a very appealing idea. I mean, we know what these guys are capable of doing. We know what our enemies are up to. Have we already forgotten the beheadings? So that said, let me turn the tables on you for just a minute. This will be interesting. I wonder if it's time to require all women to register for the draft as well. Now hear me out. Today, despite all the progress women have made, there is still no requirement to sign up for the Selective Service. It is only a requirement for biological males to do so. In fact, even trans women have to register for the draft. Those are that were born male, but transition gender. And the opposite does not apply. So again, it is biological males sign up for the draft. Now, maybe this is a completely philosophical question anyway. As we all know, we have an entirely volunteer armed force. And we haven't used the draft since the Vietnam War. We are spreading ourselves thin across the globe as the world's police force. We're depleting our munitions stockpiles, and we can't make enough to get them back into shape. We're handing out our military equipment to bad actors like the Taliban and even new friends like Ukraine. It's just like candy at a parade. And we're facing waning recruitment numbers with tens of thousands of unfilled roles. So all this coupled with a very real threat of fighting on multiple fronts, it's very likely, be it with China over Taiwan, Russia over Ukraine, North Korea over South Korea, or Iran over Israel. I don't know where it will happen, but something will happen. I mean, what more of a threat do we need to justify opening up the draft to all able-bodied Americans? Maybe at the same time, we should even increase the draft eligible age as well. We are living longer, you know. Currently it caps at 25. Maybe we should take it to 30, who knows? Now, if you're still with me and you know me at all, you probably know that what I'm saying is just to make a point. To tell you the truth, I don't want to see women drafted. And that's because I don't want to see my daughter sent over to a foreign land to die for a dirty politician. And I don't want to see my son sent over for that reason either. War is hell. And it doesn't matter what sex your birth certificate says you are when you have a bullet through your chest or you get your legs blown off or your face is burned down to the bone. In all cases, the outcome is the same. And for many, it ends in a black body bag. No, I think we keep it just the way it is. Call me old fashioned. Call me whatever you want. I think it's great if women want to join the combat arms. I think it's great if they want to volunteer. I think it's great if they can get through ranger school. I think it's great if they can get through Seal school, through BUDS. And I know it's just a matter of time before someone worthy, someone worthy does. Don't change the standards. I guarantee you that a woman that is trying to break the barrier to get through seal school, buds, they don't want your charity. And they would appreciate if you kept the standards high. #militarylife #armylife #marinelife

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  6. 2023/04/25

    Prepping Russia Ukraine and China - Cold War Prepper

    http://nutrientsurvival.com It's not every day that you get a chance to speak to a former Russian codebreaker, but that's who we have with us today in Lee, the Cold War Prepper. He runs a YouTube channel, is a member of a lot of different preparedness groups, has been a civil servant for his entire life, and he's here today to talk to us a little bit about some of the things that we're all scratching our heads on these days. So Lee, it's great to have you, and I appreciate all the great promotional support in the background there. Shameless plugs. Oh, shucks. Yeah, it's there. -Yeah. -In all my videos. -Awesome. -Welcome. -Well, thank you. Yeah, man. Definitely. Let me start with this. Someone who is fluent in Russian. You know, you don't meet folks like that every day. My roommate at West Point actually took Russian. But you've been a student of Russian strategy and tactics since, well, probably back Cuban Missile Crisis time. And in fact, it was your career for 20-something years and maybe even beyond that. You were with the Army Security Agency, Military Intelligence, and you had to have some pretty unique perspectives on what's happening today over in Russia and Ukraine. So do you want to talk a little bit about prepping for food prepping and planning? You talk about, like, first, you need to make sure you're the scenario, like what's happened and then the timeline for how long it's going to be or, like, where you are in the timeline. So can you give our audience a little bit of that perspective of mentality on how you approach prepping?" Sure. So let's take a look at my life. So, you know, back in 1963, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we had lifeboat rations and we had spam and a couple of other things, you know, canned dried beef. So that didn't become that much of an issue. But later on, back in the '80s, we had in the '70s started out with Mountain House. You now had a source of food company where you get some freeze-dried foods that would last you twenty-five years shelf life. So what I say is when do we anticipate whatever event is going to happen to happen? If you think you have a long time between now and when the event's going to happen, freeze-dried foods make the best sense because they're going to have a long shelf life. Then question number two becomes one of how long is the event itself and its total effects going to last? Okay, if we say that we're going to suffer an EMP and it's going to take down 90 percent of the US and we have two years' worth of seeds stored and we have two years' worth of freeze-dried food stored. But this event's going to last five years. We're not going to survive through it because we're one year short of covering that devastating time. So we've got to say we have to have enough so we can survive through that entire devastating event until it comes back to normal. And so then that tells you how much you need to get prior to the event. The longer time you have, the less money you spend, the more you can accumulate over time. If it's a very short horizon, if you think that World War III is going to happen before the end of the summer, then there's another triangle I use. And on the top, you've got time. Over here, you've got cost. And over here, you've got quality. Okay, so if you want it fast and cheap, it's going to be low quality because you can only have two of the three points at one time. If you want it fast and good, it's going to cost you a lot of money. It's not going to be cheap. If you want it inexpensive and good quality, then it's going to take you a long time to acquire it. So that's the basis I use for anything I do as far as planning food. And that is how much time do I have until the event? How long will the event last? And then what can I do to fill those gaps where I need to have my food?  @ColdWarPrepper  #prepping #prepper #russiaukrainewar

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  7. 2023/04/24

    Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News

    https://nutrientsurvival.com Use codeYT10 for 10% off. Tucker is out. He is canceled. He is canned and the left is rejoicing. That's right. The bombshell report came across the wire early today, came across my computer that Fox News and Tucker Carlson have parted ways. There was really no explanation why. Just a simple, we thank him for his service to the network. That's classic corporate speak for get out of here. And that was his last show that we saw last Friday, April 21st. It is stunning because Tucker's show was must-watch TV for half the country, at least half the country. In fact, he was the highest-rated single host at Fox News. And for all that, he got his pink slip this morning. The left is singing hallelujah. CNN called him a right-wing extremist who used his prime-time perch at the talk network to exert a firm grip over the Republican party. Yeah, that's right. No one's talking about Don Lemon being canned today. Everyone is hypothesizing why, though. Why is Tucker out? And here are the two main reasons that you're gonna hear in the news. Number one, follow the money. Just a week ago, Fox News sold a monster defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems. It was almost $800 million over the network's coverage. If you recall, Dan Bongino last week said he was leaving the network. Well, apparently, that was just the first domino. But Tucker was part of that coverage. And you may not know this, but there's another lawsuit out there still being brought by Sparkmatic. It's another polling manufacturing machine company. So we haven't seen the end of all the defamation lawsuits yet. But if that $800 million settlement has anything to do with what's coming down the pike, well, there's more to come. Then there's the discrimination lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg. She was a Fox News producer who was fired by the network last month. And she alleges a sexist work environment, among other things. So it's pretty simple. It's just math. When the cost of something outweighs the benefit of something, regardless of your ratings, you're gonna be out. And that's what Fox News Corp, or Fox Corp, and Chairman Rupert Murdoch decided as they evaluated the facts. Okay, so both of those seem like legitimate grounds for a termination, for a departure. But I really, really believe there's something more at play here. And that's everything to do with control the narrative to control the people. Let's face it. Tucker Carlson was the deep state and the mainstream media's public enemy, number one. It was only a matter of time before he would be silenced one way or another. It always happens this way. You are eventually silenced. Don't forget also that it was Tucker who blew the lid on the January 6th Capitol riot. He obliterated the prosecution and the January 6th committee's assertion about what went down that day. And how did he do it? He simply played the videotapes of what happened, of what went down. And none of us had seen any of that until he played them on national news, on prime-time national news. And the alleged insurrectionists strolling through the Capitol, being escorted by Capitol Police and taking selfies along the way were all news to us. New news. And it was Tucker who continues to beat the drum about Hunter Biden lying about his laptop, lying about his Chinese dealings, lying about Ukraine dealings, lying about Russia dealings, and all the like. You see, to the deep state, Tucker was dangerous. He was too dangerous. And so they took him out.  @FoxNews   @news   @CNN  #tuckercarlson #news #breakingnews #foxnews #cnn

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  8. 2023/04/04

    Headed Toward a Second Civil War?

    https://nutrientsurvival.com What would it take for another, but modern day American Civil War? Are we close? Or have we already started? Let me start by saying that I pray we don’t. I love our country, as most of us do. We are a people united by common beliefs, values, and above all - a love of freedom. Those of us who have served, took an oath of office “to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…” Now I am not a constitutional scholar. Far from it. I am a layman. I’m just a citizen who served this great country honorably. Who loves this country. Who still to this day wants to see this country succeed for my family, my children and my children’s children. But I can read, and I can think, and I can speak… and so I will – as thinking and speaking is our both our patriotic duty and our god given right. My oath of office was “To support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies… foreign and domestic…” What does that mean? The foreign enemy is a simple one… we will never accept a foreign enemy threatening our American way of life. I am 100% confident that if a foreign enemy ever stepped foot on American soil with force or otherwise, with intent to take away our great Freedoms, that would be the last step they would ever take. But today we are under attack in ways that are not physical incursions (unless you count our porous southern border) – but rather virtual ones – such as we’ve seen with TikTok invading the minds of our youth, polluting the minds of our youth, destroying the minds of our youth, controlling the minds of our youth. So it’s with good reason that we are talking about banning TikTok. They are owned by a foreign entity that answers to a foreign enemy. Pretty simple there. So let me go a little bit further… what is a domestic enemy… well according to the oath of office... a domestic enemy is one that does not support, one that does not defend, on that subverts, one that threatens, one that seeks to destroy the constitution of the United States… This is a very high bar. so let me ask you… Is it enough to push down some fences? Is it enough to break some windows? Is it enough to take an escorted tour through the capitol building? The first amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. So let’s cut to the chase here. I think it’s very clear that on Jan 6 the peaceful assembly turned violent. Property was damaged. People were hurt. People were killed. None of that should have happened. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you sit on. That was a bad day for our country. Now the truth and the whole truth should come forth, as it finally is, and I pray justice will be served. However, that was anything but an insurrection. That was a bunch of people that got carried away and took it too far. Everyone knows that it doesn’t work like a playground game of capture the flag. That if you put your butt in the chair of the oval office, that you’re in charge. Please. If you want to see what an insurrection – what a coup looks like - take a look at what happens in Africa, Myanmar, Honduras, Thailand and elsewhere on pretty frequent basis. Typically the military is involved. And with the aid of heavy armed forces, usually the corrupt tyrants are removed. What we had on Jan 6 was a bunch of old ladies wearing maga hats and a handful of nutjobs with red, white and blue face paint and coon skin caps who got carried away and took a stroll through the capitol taking selfies. We’ve seen the tapes. So let me keep going. Congress shall make no law… “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press?” #foxnews #epochtimes #civilwar

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Welcome to the NS Wolf Pack Podcast brought to you by Nutrient Survival. We’re here to talk life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness with a touch of survival food with the Alphas of the Pack.








