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PREMIUM PREVIEW: Goatina Plants a Garden Little Stories for Tiny People: Anytime and bedtime stories for kids

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This is a preview of a story exclusive to Little Stories Premium. Goatina does not have a garden, which has become a source of embarrassment, since every other goat in her quilting circle has a garden and can't seem to stop talking about it. What will happen when Goatina finally decides it's time to begin a garden of her own?
To hear the full episode, you can sign up for Little Stories Premium by visiting http://littlestoriespremium.com
Join Little Stories Premium to get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast filled with sleepy stories! You can also purchase Little Stories Premium as a gift! Visit https://www.littlestoriespremium.com/gifts to learn more.

This is a preview of a story exclusive to Little Stories Premium. Goatina does not have a garden, which has become a source of embarrassment, since every other goat in her quilting circle has a garden and can't seem to stop talking about it. What will happen when Goatina finally decides it's time to begin a garden of her own?
To hear the full episode, you can sign up for Little Stories Premium by visiting http://littlestoriespremium.com
Join Little Stories Premium to get more of the stories you love, ad-free listening, and access to Little Stories for Sleep, an exclusive bedtime podcast filled with sleepy stories! You can also purchase Little Stories Premium as a gift! Visit https://www.littlestoriespremium.com/gifts to learn more.

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