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Reading the Globe #019: Justice for Halyna; Quebec Nixes Vaccine Passport Reading the Globe: A weekly digest of the most important news, ideas and culture around the world.

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Justice for Halyna
Matt Hutchins, the widower of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has moved ahead with a wrongful death lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and others involved with the film.
During the widely covered news conference on Tuesday, attorneys for Matt Hutchins made a number of points. The Los Angeles Times quotes attorney Brian Panish stating, “There are many people culpable, but Mr. Baldwin was the person holding the weapon.”
Ditching the Vaccine Passport
Amid mounting public frustration and Covid-19 weariness, not to mention the trucker protests that have convulsed Ottawa and made headlines around the world, Quebec’s health minister, Christian Dubé, announced on Tuesday that the province will soon do away with the vaccine passports that have been necessary to shop and dine in public and have made life during the pandemic even more trying and difficult for millions of people. The Montreal Gazette quoted the health minister saying that he has taken this step because it makes sense to do so now, given the Covid-19 numbers and the state of public health in the province, and not simply in response to political pressures.
Sorry, Rose
For fans of film star Rose McGowan and sympathizers with #MeToo, it must be highly frustrating to learn that a federal judge has thrown out McGowan’s lawsuit alleging that Harvey Weinstein engaged in a pattern of behavior that crossed the line into racketeering in his efforts to keep her quiet about his unwanted sexual advances.
According to an Associated Press story by Andrew Dalton on February 14, federal judge Otis D. Wright II tossed out the suit on a technicality, noting that McGowan had failed to meet filing deadlines even though the court had extended the deadlines in an effort to accommodate her.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Do progressives really wear masks and socially distance when they have any choice in the matter? Evan Symon carries on his excellent coverage of the California political scene with a February 14 piece in the California Globe on the flouting of Covid-19 rules and protocols by members of the very political elite that has been so self-righteous about enforcing such rules.
The article details how, at Super Bowl LVI which took place at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood on Sunday, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti was one of a number of public officials and celebrities captured on video as they freely ignored mask and social distancing protocols. Charlize Theron and Sean Penn also make notable appearances in the video, which has received more than 1.4 million views.

Justice for Halyna
Matt Hutchins, the widower of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has moved ahead with a wrongful death lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and others involved with the film.
During the widely covered news conference on Tuesday, attorneys for Matt Hutchins made a number of points. The Los Angeles Times quotes attorney Brian Panish stating, “There are many people culpable, but Mr. Baldwin was the person holding the weapon.”
Ditching the Vaccine Passport
Amid mounting public frustration and Covid-19 weariness, not to mention the trucker protests that have convulsed Ottawa and made headlines around the world, Quebec’s health minister, Christian Dubé, announced on Tuesday that the province will soon do away with the vaccine passports that have been necessary to shop and dine in public and have made life during the pandemic even more trying and difficult for millions of people. The Montreal Gazette quoted the health minister saying that he has taken this step because it makes sense to do so now, given the Covid-19 numbers and the state of public health in the province, and not simply in response to political pressures.
Sorry, Rose
For fans of film star Rose McGowan and sympathizers with #MeToo, it must be highly frustrating to learn that a federal judge has thrown out McGowan’s lawsuit alleging that Harvey Weinstein engaged in a pattern of behavior that crossed the line into racketeering in his efforts to keep her quiet about his unwanted sexual advances.
According to an Associated Press story by Andrew Dalton on February 14, federal judge Otis D. Wright II tossed out the suit on a technicality, noting that McGowan had failed to meet filing deadlines even though the court had extended the deadlines in an effort to accommodate her.
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Do progressives really wear masks and socially distance when they have any choice in the matter? Evan Symon carries on his excellent coverage of the California political scene with a February 14 piece in the California Globe on the flouting of Covid-19 rules and protocols by members of the very political elite that has been so self-righteous about enforcing such rules.
The article details how, at Super Bowl LVI which took place at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood on Sunday, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti was one of a number of public officials and celebrities captured on video as they freely ignored mask and social distancing protocols. Charlize Theron and Sean Penn also make notable appearances in the video, which has received more than 1.4 million views.

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