4 min

Brachos 64 - Don't force the moment, How to enjoy the Devine Presence, Biyun vs bekiyus, Go to Peace Daf Highlights

    • Judaism

When the Rabbis in Bavel were looking for new leadership in the academy they asked the Rabbis
in Eretz Yisroel which type of leader Is preferred, a “Sinai” (סיני (who has a lot of breadth in
learning or one who uproots mountains (הרים עוקר (with his sharp analysis? The choice was
between Rav Yosef who was a סיני and Rabba who was the הרים עוקר .
The Rabbis answered that the סיני takes precedence because his encyclopedic knowledge will
enable him to easily discover the solution to most problems. Rav Yosef in the end did not accept
the position as the Gemara explains and only became head of the academy twenty-two years
later after Rabbah’s death.
ילכו מחיל אל חיל .2
R’ Levi bar Chiya said that one who leaves the beis haknesses and immediately enters the beis
hamidrash to learn will merit to greet the face of the Shechinah as its says, חיל אל מחיל ילכו"
– "בציון אלקים אל יראה Go from multitude to multitude, appear before Hashem in Tziyon. The
multitudes are referring to those gathered in shuls and those gathered in batei midrashim.
Rav Chiya bar Ashi said in the name of Rav that the passuk is referring to talmidei chochomim
have no rest in Olam Hazeh or Olam Habah. The multitudes are referring to the batei midrashim
in Olam Habah where talmidei chochomin will continue to climb from one level to the next
forever increasing their understanding.
3. Talmidei chochomim bring shalom
R’ Elazar said in the name of R’ Chanina: Talmidei chochomim increase the peace in the world as
it says, בניך שלום ורב' ה למודי בניך וכל – And all your sons will be disciples of Hashem, and
abundant will be the peace of your sons. Do not read it as “your sons” )בניך )but “your builders”
)בוניך .)The passuk is teaching that it is the talmidei chochomim that build the world with their
Torah which results in peace in the world.
Siman – סוד - Secret
The Daf Yomi learners secretly reviewed their encyclopedic knowledge of Masechta Berachos as
they left the beis haknesses and immediately entered the beis hamidrash to learn, going from one
level to the next as they learned from talmidei chochomim who bring peace to the world.

When the Rabbis in Bavel were looking for new leadership in the academy they asked the Rabbis
in Eretz Yisroel which type of leader Is preferred, a “Sinai” (סיני (who has a lot of breadth in
learning or one who uproots mountains (הרים עוקר (with his sharp analysis? The choice was
between Rav Yosef who was a סיני and Rabba who was the הרים עוקר .
The Rabbis answered that the סיני takes precedence because his encyclopedic knowledge will
enable him to easily discover the solution to most problems. Rav Yosef in the end did not accept
the position as the Gemara explains and only became head of the academy twenty-two years
later after Rabbah’s death.
ילכו מחיל אל חיל .2
R’ Levi bar Chiya said that one who leaves the beis haknesses and immediately enters the beis
hamidrash to learn will merit to greet the face of the Shechinah as its says, חיל אל מחיל ילכו"
– "בציון אלקים אל יראה Go from multitude to multitude, appear before Hashem in Tziyon. The
multitudes are referring to those gathered in shuls and those gathered in batei midrashim.
Rav Chiya bar Ashi said in the name of Rav that the passuk is referring to talmidei chochomim
have no rest in Olam Hazeh or Olam Habah. The multitudes are referring to the batei midrashim
in Olam Habah where talmidei chochomin will continue to climb from one level to the next
forever increasing their understanding.
3. Talmidei chochomim bring shalom
R’ Elazar said in the name of R’ Chanina: Talmidei chochomim increase the peace in the world as
it says, בניך שלום ורב' ה למודי בניך וכל – And all your sons will be disciples of Hashem, and
abundant will be the peace of your sons. Do not read it as “your sons” )בניך )but “your builders”
)בוניך .)The passuk is teaching that it is the talmidei chochomim that build the world with their
Torah which results in peace in the world.
Siman – סוד - Secret
The Daf Yomi learners secretly reviewed their encyclopedic knowledge of Masechta Berachos as
they left the beis haknesses and immediately entered the beis hamidrash to learn, going from one
level to the next as they learned from talmidei chochomim who bring peace to the world.

4 min