12 episodes

Each week I bring you useful and thoughtful ways to cultivate a life of restfulness, wellness, and balance so we can live full and meaningful lives. Each week I will have a conversation with experts in various fields that share their wisdom to help us begin to cultivate this practice in our own lives. We'll uncover wisdom in areas of rest, renewal, sleep, spiritual disciplines, finances, wellness, and more. The show comes from a Christian worldview and will be most enjoyed by other followers of Christ.

Hosted by Matt Heffner founder of Our Daily Rest. More than a decade ago he was diagnosed with a chronic disease that began his journey to jump out of the fast lane, slow down, and live more fully each day. And now he'd like to take you along on that journey. Get more resources at www.ourdailyrest.net.

Our Daily Rest Matt Heffner

    • Religion & Spirituality

Each week I bring you useful and thoughtful ways to cultivate a life of restfulness, wellness, and balance so we can live full and meaningful lives. Each week I will have a conversation with experts in various fields that share their wisdom to help us begin to cultivate this practice in our own lives. We'll uncover wisdom in areas of rest, renewal, sleep, spiritual disciplines, finances, wellness, and more. The show comes from a Christian worldview and will be most enjoyed by other followers of Christ.

Hosted by Matt Heffner founder of Our Daily Rest. More than a decade ago he was diagnosed with a chronic disease that began his journey to jump out of the fast lane, slow down, and live more fully each day. And now he'd like to take you along on that journey. Get more resources at www.ourdailyrest.net.

    Battling the Unknown of Anxiety with the Known of God's Character with Heather Dixon

    Battling the Unknown of Anxiety with the Known of God's Character with Heather Dixon

    How do you battle the anxious fear of the unknown? The foundation is to meditate on the known character of who God is (his character). Join me as I chat with Heather Dixon on this and more. **We cover:**

    - Heather's story of dealing with a chronic disease - Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
    - How to overcome the fear of the unknown with the known of God's character
    - Simple techniques to breathe well while feeling anxious
    - Where to start if you're living in constant anxiety
    - How she's finding rest right now
    **![](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/heather_dixon.jpg)Heather Dixon** writes over at [The Rescued Letters](http://therescuedletters.com/about/about-trl/) equipping women to trust in God, face their greatest fears, and choose life, especially when life presents its most difficult circumstances. [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button] The first part of the conversation the audio is a little fuzzy. But stick with us because we got it sorted out further in.
    ### Links & Quotes Mentioned in the Show
    Heather has a full series on [battling anxiety with biblical truth HERE.](http://therescuedletters.com/battling-anxiety-biblical-truth/) Learn [more about Heather](http://therescuedletters.com/about/about-heather/) and [her full story.](http://therescuedletters.com/heathers-story/) Here's information on [Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.](http://therescuedletters.com/about/about-vascular-ehlers-danlos-syndrome/) Learn one of the breathing techniques she me mentions [at the bottom of this page.](http://therescuedletters.com/the-real-power-behind-the-breath-part-2/) **Scripture she mentioned:**"The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Job 33:4 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Phillipians 4:8 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be an encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 56 min
    How Knowing Yourself Helps You Practice Better Self-Care (through the Enneagram) with Abby Buter

    How Knowing Yourself Helps You Practice Better Self-Care (through the Enneagram) with Abby Buter

    How do you practice self-care well? Not just "take a walk to relax" kind of self-care but the "building healthy habits that steward ourselves well over the long-term" kind. The first step is knowing yourself well. Really well. And, my guest today - Abby Buter, Personal Growth Coach - uses the Enneagram assessment to begin that journey. She shares what the Enneagram is, the impact it can have, and why it's really good at helping you practice self-care over the long haul. **![](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/buter_abby75-150x150.jpg)**[Abby Buter](https://www.abbybuter.com/) is a Personal Growth Coach. She helps people understand themselves better and take steps to cultivating health and wholeness in their life. Learn more. [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button]

    ### Links Mentioned in the Show

    - [Enneagram Institute](https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/)
    - [The Enneagram Nine Type Description](https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-descriptions)
    - The Road Back to You - [Book](http://amzn.to/2qil5v3) / [AudioBook](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR)
    - [Abby's Coaching](https://www.abbybuter.com/coaching/)

    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be an encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 48 min
    Cultivating Practices of Reflection in Daily Life

    Cultivating Practices of Reflection in Daily Life

    I talk with Dr. Robert Woodcock on how cultivating practices of reflection help us to grow in our relationship with God and all areas of our life. We talk about: Why regular practice of silence and solitude are so important to a healthy soul but why it is so difficult for many of us. The role of a spiritual director or companion in that journey, the qualities to look for, and the places to find someone. The fruit of these practices over the long-term. And, the simple practice you can begin for just a few minutes each day. **![](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/rw-242x300.jpg)Dr. Robert Woodcock** provides integrative guidance to those serious about their spiritual journey. A deep dive into your unique purpose and pathway—into the truth of who you are, who God is, and what you are called to do in this world. [Learn more here.](http://www.integrativeguidance.com/what-i-do/) [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button]

    ### Links Mentioned in the Show

    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be an encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 1 hr 9 min
    What a Mexican Fisherman Can Teach Us About Contentment

    What a Mexican Fisherman Can Teach Us About Contentment

    A short parable of a Mexican fisherman and American businessman has a few truths for us as we seek to cultivate an attitude of contentment in our lives. [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button] **The short parable...** An American businessman was taking a much-needed vacation in a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. The boat had several large, fresh fish in it. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish. “How long it took you to catch them?” The American asked. “Only a little while.” The Mexican replied. “Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?” The American then asked. “I have enough to support my family’s immediate needs.” The Mexican said. “But,” The American then asked, “What do you do with the rest of your time?” The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor.” The American scoffed, “I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds you buy a bigger boat, and with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats.” “Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the consumers, eventually opening your own can factory. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise.” The Mexican fisherman asked, “But senor, how long will this all take?” To which the American replied, “15-20 years.” “But what then, senor?” The American laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO (Initial Public Offering) and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.” “Millions, senor? Then what?” The American said slowly, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos…” Most believe this was originally written by [Heinrich Boll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_B%C3%B6ll).

    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 10 min
    Choosing an Attitude of Thankfulness

    Choosing an Attitude of Thankfulness

    Being thankful throughout our day and during hard seasons is a truly difficult thing. But the fruit it brings is worth it. We briefly talk about the effect that thankfulness has on our lives and simple ways to begin practicing it even today. [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button] **Links and Quotes From This Episode**

    > "Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; BUT to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow." - Edward Sandford Martin "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18) "We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction." Harry A. Ironside
    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 17 min
    The Gift of Sabbath Rest and How to Plan It Wisely with Katie Bennett - Part 2

    The Gift of Sabbath Rest and How to Plan It Wisely with Katie Bennett - Part 2

    In part 2 Katie and I discuss how to plan your Sabbath well such as:

    - The importance of defining "your why"
    - Why you should give yourself boundaries on what you won't do
    - How to help yourself focus on the important things during the day
    - How to begin the practice of the Sabbath even if you haven't done it before (starting simply!)
    - And lot's more
    If you missed part 1 of our conversation [then you can find that here.](http://ourdailyrest.net/gift-sabbath-and-how-to-plan-it-wisely-with-katie-bennett-part-1/) [su\_button url="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-daily-rest/id1209722194" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe on iTunes[/su\_button] [su\_button url="/renewing-library-signup/" target="blank" style="flat" background="#717c6b" size="6" radius="0"]Subscribe by Email[/su\_button] **![](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/kbennett-200x300.jpg)Katie Bennett** is a writer and blogger at [Embracing a Simpler Life](http://www.embracingasimplerlife.com/). A blog written to moms and homemakers about what it means to live deeply, intentionally and joyfully. You’ll find encouragement to peel away the noise, clutter and busyness of life to find contentment, trust in God and live with an eternal focus. **Links and Quotes From This Episode**
    - You can find Katie's blog here: [Embracing a Simpler Life](http://www.embracingasimplerlife.com/)
    - Also, you can get her free [Sabbath Planning resource here.](http://embracing-a-simpler-life.teachable.com/p/sabbath-planning-guide)

    ### **This Episode is Brought to You By**
    _ **Audible** _ For listeners of the Our Daily Rest podcast, Audible is offering a FREE audiobook download along with a free 30-day trial of their service. They have a selection of more than 180,000 titles to choose from. To learn more and download your free audio book visit [audibletrial.com/ODR](http://www.audibletrial.com/ODR). _ **Red Oak Collective** _ This episode is also brought to you by the Red Oak Collective shop. A collection of goods designed to be encouragement for your soul. You can [learn more here.](https://theredoakcollective.com/) Be sure to use code **ODR5OFF** for $5 off your first order of $25 or more. [![odr_store_feature](http://ourdailyrest.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/odr_store_feature.png)](https://theredoakcollective.com/)
    ### How to Listen to the Podcast
    [Here's a short guide](http://ourdailyrest.net/podcast-faq/) on how to easily listen to the podcast each week or how to leave a review on iTunes (very much appreciated!).

    • 31 min

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