636 episodes

In-depth Bible Teaching from Derek & Hilary Walker, Pastors of Oxford Bible Church, Oxford, England.

Oxford Bible Church - Living in the Last Days The Oxford Bible Church

    • Religion & Spirituality

In-depth Bible Teaching from Derek & Hilary Walker, Pastors of Oxford Bible Church, Oxford, England.

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    The Value of a Soul - Peter Hockley

    The Value of a Soul - Peter Hockley

    Mark 8:34-37: “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny (ownership of) himself (his soul), and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life (his independent soul-life) will lose it, but whoever loses his life (his independent soul-life) for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

    (A) The DIGNITY of HAVING a SOUL. (1) The soul is created by God (Genesis 2:7). (2) The soul is created in God’s image (Gen 1:27, Psalm 8:4-5). (3) The soul is created to be eternal (immortal). (4) The soul is created for fellowship with God (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

    (B) The DANGER of WASTING your SOUL (Luke 12:15, 2 Chronicles 1:15, 9:20,22-23, Mark 10:21-22, Ecclesiastes 9:3). (1) You can never gain the whole world anyway. (2) What we do gain, we can’t keep. (3) Even if you could gain the world and keep hold of it, it would never satisfy.

    (C) The DISASTER of LOSING your SOUL (Ezekiel 18:4, Mark 8:36-37)
    (1) When the soul is lost, its true value becomes clear.
    (2) Once the soul is lost, it is irreversible (Hebrews 9:27).
    (3) Once the soul is lost, it is lost forever (Mark 9:48).
    (4) What we accumulate on earth has no value towards eternity.

    (D) The DELIGHT of SURRENDERING your SOUL (John10:10, Romans 5:8, Isaiah 53:6,
    2Corinthians 5:17, Romans 10:9-10). Matthew 11:28-29: "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

    • 28 min
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    PSALM 13: Overcoming the enemy (Psalm 13:1-6)

    PSALM 13: Overcoming the enemy (Psalm 13:1-6)

    David gave us this Psalm as a model for how to respond when suffering in soul and body. He turned his sufferings into songs and left them for us to use. What do we do with our negative feelings? We are not to be controlled by them, for they do not necessarily tell us the truth. Storm clouds make it seem there is no sun, but the sun is still there, shining. However, feelings are real, so we cannot just ignore them. David shows us that we can bring our negative feelings to the Lord and express them to Him. So, he starts with a LAMENT, where he MOURNS the apparent absence of God, and seeks more of His Presence in his heart and life, 4 times crying out 'how long?' (v1,2). This is the first step of faith, which is to turn to the Lord and look to Him as our Source, our Helper and Healer. By mourning before God in a submissive way, expressing our feelings of loss (of God's Presence), and looking to Him, we open ourselves up to God, for Him to comfort us by His Presence. As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4). David had spent many days wrestling with his own thoughts, struggling in his own strength, but this did not help his depression (v2), because only God can restore us. Faith begins when we come to Him and seek Him.

    In this situation, David was facing a particular enemy, that was exalting itself over him (v2,4), possibly a sickness, that was threatening his life (v3), as well as people who troubled him, who would rejoice at his death. The Bible calls death an enemy (1Corinthians 15:26), and sickness is incipient death. Having come to God (v1-2), David then takes the next step of faith by making a petition to God, a prayer of faith to receive his deliverance from death and restoration of body and soul (v3-4). David's motivation and basis for his prayer is the glory of God, that he would not die too soon, before he had accomplished God's will for his life, for then his enemies (and God's enemies) would prevail. We also discuss whether the SLEEP of DEATH refers to the body or the soul (Psalm 7:5, Daniel 12:2, 1Thessalonians 4:13-14, John 11:11-13, Isaiah 14:18, 1Corinthians 11:30, 15:51). Through this petition, David put his trust in God for the healing of his body and soul (v5). Thus (1) having come to God in his deep need through a lament (v1-2), he (2) believed he received his restoration of health through a petition of faith (v3-4).

    His final step of faith, was to confidently declare his faith, giving thanks to God for His salvation, knowing that God was good and was dealing bountifully with him (v5-6). David's rejoicing was not based on a sudden change in his circumstances or manifestation of healing, but because he was confident that God had heard his prayer and that therefore the answer was assured. He was now trusting in God's covenant love, fully assured that what God promised He would bring to pass. Likewise, when we come to God and believe we receive His promise, we should then express our faith by giving Him thanks, that He has heard and answered our prayer, so that now He is working bountifully and powerfully in our life and restoring our soul and body according to His promise. God releases His answer in the Spirit, so that its manifestation in the natural normally takes place over a period of time. During this time, we should stand in faith, trusting in His love, faithfulness and power toward us, continually giving thanks that He is at work, bringing His promise to pass. For example, when we have put our trust in God for our healing (Exodus 15:26), we should then express our faith by thanking God that His healing power is continually working in our body, driving out all sickness and making us strong and whole.

    • 55 min
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    Total Freedom - Peter Hockley

    Total Freedom - Peter Hockley

    Jesus preached that He was the fulfilment of the Year of Jubilee. He has come to set us free from all bondage and captivity: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord... And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:18-21). "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

    The Dictionary defines FREEDOM as: (1) The power to act, speak or think as one wants.
    (2) The absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.
    (3) The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
    (4) The state of being unrestricted; able to move freely.

    John 8:31-36: "Jesus said:“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” They answered Him: “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin, and a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if theSon makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

    TOTAL FREEDOM means: (1) Freedom for ANYONE (John 6:37, Romans 10:13).
    (2) Freedom from ANYTHING (Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:10-11).
    (3) Freedom from EVERYTHING (John 7:23, 1Thessalonians 5:23).
    (4) Freedom FOREVER (Exodus 14:13, Galatians 5:1).
    Jesus asks you: “Do you want to be made well (made whole)?” (John 5:6).

    • 28 min
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    PSALM 12: The words of men v the WORDS of GOD (Psalm 12:1-8)

    PSALM 12: The words of men v the WORDS of GOD (Psalm 12:1-8)

    David cries to the Lord for help, because he is surrounded by faithless, ungodly people, whose speech is just idle chatter, empty gossip, flattery and two-faced lying (v1-2). He asks God to judge those who speak wickedly, using their words to deceive and manipulate others to get their own way; unrestrained by the truth or by any authority, they proudly speak as if they are their own gods, with the right to define and create their own reality, believing that they will prevail (v3-4). When you bring your problems to God, He will respond, and so the Lord answers David by personally promising that He will arise to protect and preserve the poor and needy ones, especially the believers, who are being oppressed by these evil-speakers (v5). These destructive talkers spoke as they pleased, but they could not stop the LORD God from speaking as He pleased.

    Having received this PROMISE of God, David declares that all of God's WORDS are pure, precious and perfect: “The WORDS of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times" (v6). The picture is taken from the process of purifying silver in a furnace or oven built of clay. The clay furnace represents the human element. The silver represents the Divine message, which is to be conveyed through the human channel. The fire, which ensures the absolute purity of the silver, its accuracy as the Word of God, represents the Holy Spirit. The ‘7 times’ indicates the absolute perfection of the Holy Spirit’s work. Each time the silver is heated more purities are removed, so that after 7 times the result is pure silver – the pure Word of God produced through a clay vessel. Thus, this passage assures us that the complete accuracy of the Divine Message in the Scriptures is due to the perfect operation of the Holy Spirit, overruling all the frailty of human clay and purging all the dross of human error from the flawless silver of God’s message to man. Thus, David teaches us that we are to value God's words far above the words of men, and hold fast to them and embrace them, rejecting all the evil words of men, which contradict God's Word, for God's words are fully tested, true and reliable. His words are more precious than all the silver and gold (Psalm 19:10-11, 119:14,72,89, 127,160,162). Moreover, God will PRESERVE His WORDS forever: “You shall keep THEM (His WORDS), O Lord, You shall preserve THEM” (v7), which is why we know the Bible we possess is the Word of God. His providential hand has protected the existence and integrity of His Word through the centuries (Matthew 24:35). Some translations say: “You shall keep US, O Lord, You shall preserve US” (v7). This is the response of God's people to His promise in v5. Both translations are true. God will keep both His WORDS and His PEOPLE. In fact, the means by which God preserves His PEOPLE is by their faith in His incorruptible WORD, which endures forever (1Peter 1:23,25), for His people are those who love and trust His Word, and are thereby united to it by faith, so that they are preserved (saved) by the power of His Word (2Peter 1:4, 1John 2:17). The Psalm ends with a reminder that although God has given us His precious words, we have to continue for a time in an evil world, that exalts foolishness and devalues His Word, which makes it all the more needful for us to hold fast to His Word, which saves our soul and sets us apart from the corrupt community surrounding us.

    • 55 min
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    The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (2) - Hilary Walker

    The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (2) - Hilary Walker

    Jesus is the Baptiser in the Holy Spirit. John 1:33: “I did not know Him (John did not know that Jesus was the Messiah), but He who sent me to baptise with water said to me: ‘Upon whom you see the SPIRIT descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who BAPTISES with the HOLY SPIRIT.’”

    The Holy Spirit is vital in our fellowship with the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

    *1. The HOLY SPIRIT is the Spirit of POWER. He enables us to receive and fulfil God’s Plan and Purpose for our life.

    *2. The HOLY SPIRIT is our wonderful COMFORTER.

    *3. The HOLY SPIRIT is the One who ENABLES us to RECEIVE God’s LOVE.

    *4. The HOLY SPIRIT is the One who STRENGTHENS us, when we are weak and weary.

    *5. The HOLY SPIRIT is the One who opens our heart to believe and receive God’s amazing, extravagant, eternal love, which heals our wounded hearts.

    *6. The HOLY SPIRIT is the One who FELLOWSHIPS with us (2 Corinthians 13:14).

    *7. The HOLY SPIRIT is here on earth to HELP us in our weaknesses, and to HELP us PRAY God’s will into the earth. Romans 8:26-27: “The SPIRIT also HELPS (sun-anti-lambano = ‘takes hold together with us’) in our WEAKNESSES. For we do not know what we should PRAY for as we ought, but the SPIRIT Himself makes INTERCESSION for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered... He makes INTERCESSION for the saints according to the WILL of GOD.”

    • 28 min
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    The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (1) - Hilary Walker

    The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (1) - Hilary Walker

    1Corinthians 12:1: “Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.” 1Cor 12:31, 14:1: “Earnestly DESIRE the best gifts... Pursue love and DESIRE spiritual GIFTS.” We need to KNOW what God’s Word teaches about these gifts, and this will cause us to DESIRE these gifts to operate in our lives, so that the Spirit may flow through us to bless others. When we DESIRE to be used in the gifts, we will make ourselves AVAILABLE to the Spirit, for Him to manifest Himself through us. “The Manifestation of the SPIRIT is given to EACH ONE for the profit of all. To one is given (1) the WORD of WISDOM through the Spirit, to another (2) the WORD of KNOWLEDGE through the same Spirit, to another (3) FAITH by the same Spirit, to another (4) GIFTS of HEALINGS by the same Spirit, to another (5) the WORKING of MIRACLES, to another (6) PROPHECY, to another (7) DISCERNING of SPIRITS, to another (8) different kinds of TONGUES, to another (9) the INTERPRETATION of TONGUES. The SPIRIT works all these things, distributing to each one individually as HE WILLS” (v7-11).

    *The 3 REVELATION GIFTS (Spirit of knowing): (1) The WORD of WISDOM, (2) the WORD of KNOWLEDGE, and (3) DISCERNING of SPIRITS. These involve supernaturally KNOWING things by the Spirit, that we could not know otherwise. *The 3 POWER GIFTS (Spirit of doing): (1) Special FAITH, (2) GIFTS of HEALINGS, and (3) WORKING of MIRACLES. These involve doing things by the supernatural power of the Spirit, that we could not do by our own faith or ability. *The 3 VOCAL, INSPIRATION or UTTERANCE GIFTS (Spirit of speaking): (1) Different kinds of TONGUES, (2) the INTERPRETATION of TONGUES, and (3) PROPHECY, when the Spirit speaks supernaturally thru someone, a message from God, under the Spirit’s inspiration.

    CESSATIONISM is a false teaching that says these supernatural gifts are no longer for today, for God stopped giving them once all the apostles died and Scripture was completed. But the Bible says these gifts will continue until Jesus’ Return. 1Cor 1:4-8: “you were enriched in everything by Him in all UTTERANCE (the utterance gifts) and all KNOWLEDGE (the revelation gifts), even as the testimony of Christ was CONFIRMED in (among) you (by the power gifts in signs, wonders and miracles), so that you come short in no GIFT, eagerly waiting for the Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thus, all the GIFTS will continue to enrich the Church until the END of the Church Age, when JESUS will be REVEALED to us in the Rapture. Jesus said: “these (supernatural) SIGNS will follow those who BELIEVE: in My Name they will cast out demons (a POWER gift); they will speak with new tongues (an UTTERANCE gift); they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover (all examples of POWER gifts)” (Mark 16:17-18). He also said: “he who BELIEVES in ME, the WORKS that I DO he will DO also; and greater works than these he will do” (John 14:12-13). He promises as we go in obedience to fulfil the Great Commission, He will be WITH US providing supernatural confirmation of the Gospel, and will continue to do this until the END of the CHURCH AGE (Matt 28:18-20). The Last Days started at Christ’s Resurrection and continue throughout the Church Age into the Millennium. Acts 2:16-19: “This (outpouring of the Spirit) was spoken by Joel: “It shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS, says God, that I will POUR out of My SPIRIT on ALL FLESH; your sons and daughters shall PROPHESY (an UTTERANCE gift), your young men shall SEE VISIONS, your old men shall DREAM DREAMS (these are REVELATION gifts). And on My menservants and maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall PROPHESY. I will show WONDERS in Heaven above and SIGNS in the earth beneath (POWER gifts).” The purpose of this outpouring and associated supernatural Signs is given in Acts 2:21. He then explained how Joel’s Prophecy came into fulfilment in Acts 2:32-33, and how they could receive this

    • 28 min

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