46 min

TS&TT: Voddie Baucham | It's Not Like Being Black: The Sexual Activists Hijacking of Civil Rights The Sword & The Trowel

    • Christianity

Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden talk with Dr. Voddie Baucham about his newest book "It's Not Like Being Black: How Sexual Activists Hijacked the Civil Rights Movement". They discuss why this book is important, especially while we are in Pride Month. Listen to the show and then go buy a copy today!
BUY Voddie's book: https://itsnotlikebeingblack.com/
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2025 National Founders Conference: https://founders.org/conference
Register for the 2024 SBC event: https://centerforbaptistleadership.org/sbc2024-lunch/
Sponsor a free copy of Joe Rigney's book at the SBC: https://app.dimegiving.com/founders/donation_intents/new?campaign=sbc-giveaway
Family Life in The Negative World - 2024 Regional Founders Conference : https://founders.org/familylife/
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Today on The Sword & The Trowel podcast, Tom Ascol and Graham Gunden talk with Dr. Voddie Baucham about his newest book "It's Not Like Being Black: How Sexual Activists Hijacked the Civil Rights Movement". They discuss why this book is important, especially while we are in Pride Month. Listen to the show and then go buy a copy today!
BUY Voddie's book: https://itsnotlikebeingblack.com/
Join the FAM: https://press.founders.org/fam/
2025 National Founders Conference: https://founders.org/conference
Register for the 2024 SBC event: https://centerforbaptistleadership.org/sbc2024-lunch/
Sponsor a free copy of Joe Rigney's book at the SBC: https://app.dimegiving.com/founders/donation_intents/new?campaign=sbc-giveaway
Family Life in The Negative World - 2024 Regional Founders Conference : https://founders.org/familylife/
Support Founders Ministries: http://founders.org/give
Find out more about The Institute of Public Theology: https://www.instituteofpublictheology.org
Founders Church Search: https://church.founders.org
Founders Sermon Podcast Stream: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sermons-by-founders-ministries/id1613963681
Follow Founders Ministries:
Website: https://founders.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoundersMin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoundersMin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foundersministries/
All Founders Ministries resources are copyrighted and any use and distribution must be approved by Founders Ministries.

46 min