21 min

#052 Super New Moon in Aquarius Healing Laughter

    • Mental Health

January 21, 2023: Aquarius New Moon | 12:53 PM Pacific | 1°, 32”

This a Super New Moon - meaning it’s not just a new moon, but the new moon will occur when the moon is closer to Earth than normal, so the moon’s pull will be greater, the energy may be more intense.

And when I started to look closer at the aspects, the energy at play here, I do think this will be a potent and powerful New Moon. Meaning those who take the time to use this energy to their advantage may be pleasantly surprised when the Aquarius Super Full Moon occurs this August.

At the time of the Aquarius Super New Moon, both the sun and moon will be at 1°, 32 minutes of Aquarius. This is actually the fourth of five New Moons in a row all happening at 1 degree.

What I find so poetic about New Moons at these early degrees like 1 degree is that Aries is the leader of the zodiac, Aries season represents the astrological new year; so although Aries has this tough reputation, this association with being a warrior, it’s also the energy of going out in the dark, of finding something new, taking a new path.

And that actually really compliments the energy of Aquarius quite well because Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. Being a rebel can sometimes have a bad connotation, so think of it this way - Aquarian energy tends to be more rebellious because Aquarians are usually thinking about the future, about communities, and when you’re thinking light years ahead, you can sometimes rub people the wrong way especially when you have a vision in mind and you’re not letting anyone get in your way of bringing this vision to fruition.

Aquarians tend to be eccentric, spontaneous, and original. And this is not just in how an Aquarian thinks, they tend to dress more eccentrically, wear brighter colors, perhaps pair together patterns or materials that you wouldn’t normally think go together, so sometimes Aquarian energy appears more confident than it really is.

Aquarius is a fixed, air sign, and the natural ruler of the 11th house of community and networking, so many Aquarians can sometimes come off as if they are very logical, scientific in thought, much more logical than they are emotional, but that’s just how they appear. Under the surface, Aquarians are really not that conservative because they are so involved and constantly thinking about others and how to build more communities that work for everyone. So in that sense they are very social justice minded they’re just a little quieter, more reserved sometimes than other signs, including fellow air sign Gemini.

Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign, which tricks some people because Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, and even the zodiac symbol for Aquarius looks like waves, but alas it’s an air sign. So with an air sign, some people can take this energy as you’re not necessarily being emotionally aware or sensitive, perhaps they feel you rub them the wrong way because the energy of Aquarius can sometimes appear demanding, critical, much more logically based than emotionally intuitive, but again, it’s usually because they are working to bring some sort of social and humanitarian ideal into their reality; the harshness of Aquarian energy is sometimes confusing even for Aquarians themselves because the water bearer energy is an energy that absorbs and collects the energy, the desires, the limiting beliefs of those around them. Almost like an empath, there’s this innate ability to read the energy of the social community and determine what needs to be done, what needs to change, what needs to be released in order to bring more harmony, love, and peace to the planet.

The Aquarius Super Full Moon will occur on Aug. 1, 2023, so think about the area of your life being illuminated by this Aquarius New Moon. What would you like to see happen in that area of your life by August 2023?

Meditate, write it down and start working toward those goals

January 21, 2023: Aquarius New Moon | 12:53 PM Pacific | 1°, 32”

This a Super New Moon - meaning it’s not just a new moon, but the new moon will occur when the moon is closer to Earth than normal, so the moon’s pull will be greater, the energy may be more intense.

And when I started to look closer at the aspects, the energy at play here, I do think this will be a potent and powerful New Moon. Meaning those who take the time to use this energy to their advantage may be pleasantly surprised when the Aquarius Super Full Moon occurs this August.

At the time of the Aquarius Super New Moon, both the sun and moon will be at 1°, 32 minutes of Aquarius. This is actually the fourth of five New Moons in a row all happening at 1 degree.

What I find so poetic about New Moons at these early degrees like 1 degree is that Aries is the leader of the zodiac, Aries season represents the astrological new year; so although Aries has this tough reputation, this association with being a warrior, it’s also the energy of going out in the dark, of finding something new, taking a new path.

And that actually really compliments the energy of Aquarius quite well because Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. Being a rebel can sometimes have a bad connotation, so think of it this way - Aquarian energy tends to be more rebellious because Aquarians are usually thinking about the future, about communities, and when you’re thinking light years ahead, you can sometimes rub people the wrong way especially when you have a vision in mind and you’re not letting anyone get in your way of bringing this vision to fruition.

Aquarians tend to be eccentric, spontaneous, and original. And this is not just in how an Aquarian thinks, they tend to dress more eccentrically, wear brighter colors, perhaps pair together patterns or materials that you wouldn’t normally think go together, so sometimes Aquarian energy appears more confident than it really is.

Aquarius is a fixed, air sign, and the natural ruler of the 11th house of community and networking, so many Aquarians can sometimes come off as if they are very logical, scientific in thought, much more logical than they are emotional, but that’s just how they appear. Under the surface, Aquarians are really not that conservative because they are so involved and constantly thinking about others and how to build more communities that work for everyone. So in that sense they are very social justice minded they’re just a little quieter, more reserved sometimes than other signs, including fellow air sign Gemini.

Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign, which tricks some people because Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, and even the zodiac symbol for Aquarius looks like waves, but alas it’s an air sign. So with an air sign, some people can take this energy as you’re not necessarily being emotionally aware or sensitive, perhaps they feel you rub them the wrong way because the energy of Aquarius can sometimes appear demanding, critical, much more logically based than emotionally intuitive, but again, it’s usually because they are working to bring some sort of social and humanitarian ideal into their reality; the harshness of Aquarian energy is sometimes confusing even for Aquarians themselves because the water bearer energy is an energy that absorbs and collects the energy, the desires, the limiting beliefs of those around them. Almost like an empath, there’s this innate ability to read the energy of the social community and determine what needs to be done, what needs to change, what needs to be released in order to bring more harmony, love, and peace to the planet.

The Aquarius Super Full Moon will occur on Aug. 1, 2023, so think about the area of your life being illuminated by this Aquarius New Moon. What would you like to see happen in that area of your life by August 2023?

Meditate, write it down and start working toward those goals

21 min