3 min


    • Politics

I believe as many do that God’s Love is the ultimate TRUTH. That aside, consider the possibility of another TRUTH…The TRUTH that FREEDOM is intricately connected to LIFE, not as an ethereal concept, rather literal. We have the FREEDOM to create our LIFE!

Personally I believe before birth we chose essentially who we were, and created a vision of what our life might become. However, for the purpose of our discussion today, let’s take this concept from the moment of birth, and look at the connection FREEDOM has had to create our world step by step, and minute by minute.

As a newborn we chose to cry and chose to be comforted. We chose to connect to those around us, and rejected things as a matter of choice that created who we became, and the world we lived into. In a real sense we have the FREEDOM to make these choices and create our world as we go along.

As young people we decide what we believe and continue making choices every minute of every day. Those choices are freely made and create our lives. Literally. As adults this continues in our vocation, lifelong mates and everything we interact with. We choose.

Some might argue that we didn’t get to choose the circumstance to which we were born into, the wealth or lack thereof our parents provided, us and the language we ultimately call our native tongue. True, and yet within all circumstances of life we choose what we do with the circumstances we are given.

The argument could be made that some were born into abject poverty, and surely have no FREEDOM of choice in the matter. And yet, countless people throughout time have experienced just that, and freed themselves, created fortunes and chose to live a life arguably out of their reach, and impossible. Yet they did. They freely created their life and lived into it.

What of those who didn’t free themselves from the bonds of prison, re-education camps, or domestic violence? Are they somehow to blame for their life? The answer is no, and again ancient accounts of whole civilizations became powerful even in the worst imaginable situations. They chose to be free from within the walls of captivity, and in doing so created their world of FREEDOM.

If we then are looking for the TRUTH, we must look at what we create from our circumstances and the life we create from the moment of our first cry until the day we take our last breath. FREEDOM to create our life is what we have been given, I believe from God, to create our life in a very real way. We all do, and yet do we recognize how powerful this actually is?

FREEDOM is the LIFE created by you. You are free…Go create!


#allenhughes #realfreedom

I believe as many do that God’s Love is the ultimate TRUTH. That aside, consider the possibility of another TRUTH…The TRUTH that FREEDOM is intricately connected to LIFE, not as an ethereal concept, rather literal. We have the FREEDOM to create our LIFE!

Personally I believe before birth we chose essentially who we were, and created a vision of what our life might become. However, for the purpose of our discussion today, let’s take this concept from the moment of birth, and look at the connection FREEDOM has had to create our world step by step, and minute by minute.

As a newborn we chose to cry and chose to be comforted. We chose to connect to those around us, and rejected things as a matter of choice that created who we became, and the world we lived into. In a real sense we have the FREEDOM to make these choices and create our world as we go along.

As young people we decide what we believe and continue making choices every minute of every day. Those choices are freely made and create our lives. Literally. As adults this continues in our vocation, lifelong mates and everything we interact with. We choose.

Some might argue that we didn’t get to choose the circumstance to which we were born into, the wealth or lack thereof our parents provided, us and the language we ultimately call our native tongue. True, and yet within all circumstances of life we choose what we do with the circumstances we are given.

The argument could be made that some were born into abject poverty, and surely have no FREEDOM of choice in the matter. And yet, countless people throughout time have experienced just that, and freed themselves, created fortunes and chose to live a life arguably out of their reach, and impossible. Yet they did. They freely created their life and lived into it.

What of those who didn’t free themselves from the bonds of prison, re-education camps, or domestic violence? Are they somehow to blame for their life? The answer is no, and again ancient accounts of whole civilizations became powerful even in the worst imaginable situations. They chose to be free from within the walls of captivity, and in doing so created their world of FREEDOM.

If we then are looking for the TRUTH, we must look at what we create from our circumstances and the life we create from the moment of our first cry until the day we take our last breath. FREEDOM to create our life is what we have been given, I believe from God, to create our life in a very real way. We all do, and yet do we recognize how powerful this actually is?

FREEDOM is the LIFE created by you. You are free…Go create!


#allenhughes #realfreedom

3 min