It's a Hard Rock Life

Kevin Joseph Keene
Подкаст «It's a Hard Rock Life»

Covering life from A - Z. A podcast like no other. Live performances, heated debates, interviews, the brutal and sometimes uncomfortable truth all held together with the humility of humor. Tune in for a respectful open dialogue of different perspectives, educate and expand your mind with sick humor, sarcastic wit, lots of laughter chatter. You very well may belt out a cackle or two.

Об этом подкасте

Covering life from A - Z. A podcast like no other. Live performances, heated debates, interviews, the brutal and sometimes uncomfortable truth all held together with the humility of humor. Tune in for a respectful open dialogue of different perspectives, educate and expand your mind with sick humor, sarcastic wit, lots of laughter chatter. You very well may belt out a cackle or two.

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