24 мин.

Maintaining Physician Quality and the Provincial College – Featuring Dr. Patrick Rowe, Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC‪)‬ Qualitycast North

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One of the most important aspects of quality in healthcare is patient safety. We often read or hear media reports of healthcare failures in patient safety, system errors and patients falling between the gaps but there is another piece to patient and public safety which is ensuring that our licensed physicians are safe to practice medicine in the first place. This role usually falls to the Provincial and Territorial Colleges and is a crucial one when it comes to protecting the public. In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Patrick Rowe, who has practiced emergency medicine in Northern BC and provided leadership for emergency medicine and trauma programs in Northern Health for many years before recently taking on a new role as the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. Dr. Rowe provides some insights into what the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC does to protect the safety of patients accessing medical care in BC, the various quality programs it oversees, and the upcoming initiatives the CPSBC is engaged in to maintain and improve the quality of care in BC.

One of the most important aspects of quality in healthcare is patient safety. We often read or hear media reports of healthcare failures in patient safety, system errors and patients falling between the gaps but there is another piece to patient and public safety which is ensuring that our licensed physicians are safe to practice medicine in the first place. This role usually falls to the Provincial and Territorial Colleges and is a crucial one when it comes to protecting the public. In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Patrick Rowe, who has practiced emergency medicine in Northern BC and provided leadership for emergency medicine and trauma programs in Northern Health for many years before recently taking on a new role as the Registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC. Dr. Rowe provides some insights into what the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC does to protect the safety of patients accessing medical care in BC, the various quality programs it oversees, and the upcoming initiatives the CPSBC is engaged in to maintain and improve the quality of care in BC.

24 мин.