65 episodes

MV is alllll about that dirty d... Democracy.

Majority Villain Gregory Haddock

    • News

MV is alllll about that dirty d... Democracy.

    #MarchforScience Denver

    #MarchforScience Denver

    There is no planet B. So what’s the plan once we destroy this one?
    Enter: SCIENCE! New and improved, “Science” has the answer. The only catch? It’s up to us to give a crap. Take a virtual walk of Denver’s March for Science with Gregory and Andi.
    Music recorded live at Denver’s Civic Center Park: Papa Juke,

    Majority Villain will be taking a summer break, but the show is not going away!!! We will be using this time to improve the show Please stay involved by remaining subscribed and submitting your comments to greg@majorityvillain.com. We want to hear from you, so get in touch.

    • 55 min


    This episode of the Majority Villain podcast has some pretty adult themes. If you’re a sensitive listener, you may want to have a friend proof-listen the show. Otherwise, we feel the topics here need to be discussed again and again, and we welcome heartily your sincere feedback. As always, you can email me your thoughts, concerns and input: greg@majorityvillain.com.
    Please consider following up with more of this content and the nationwide protests that have taken place around gun violence under the hashtag #Marchforourlives.
    A look back at three horrific tragedies and the vastly different responses by governments following them:
    Columbine, Colorado, United States, 1999 Hungerford, England, 1987 Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia, 1996 All music, art, and show clips were taken via the Free Music Archive, Flickr, and Youtube under Fair Use and Creative Commons Licensing. Today’s show image by sari_dennise, with music provided by Evil Bear Boris, Blue Dot Sessions, and Kai Engel.
    If you found value in today’s show, please consider doing two things: Share the show with a friend, and tell them why you liked it. And please leave a review for us on Apple Podcasts or on the device you’re already using. It takes a few minutes, but its impact on the work we are doing will be felt for years. Thank you very much for taking these actions.
    As usual, you can find us @MajorityVillain on Twitter and Facebook, and you can always send me an email: greg@majorityvillain.com. We read every single email we get, and promise you a thoughtful response.
    Until next time… Status quos are for suckers. 
    National Center for Health Statistics,
    -Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury
    -Assault or Homicide
    -National Vital Statistics Reports
    Open Secrets, Profile for 2016 Election Cycle:
    National Rifle Assn
    Mass shootings and gun control (6/2/2010)
    How Many Gun Bills Pass After Mass Shootings? (9/13/2013)
    Massacre Energized gun debate not lawmakers (Article from 2000) http://extras.denverpost.com/news/col0419g.htm 
    What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer
    Mass Shooters Are All Different. Except for One Thing: Most Are Men.
    Australian Gun Stats
    “Statistics do not demonstrate that crime rates in Australia have increased substantially since the government instituted a gun buy-back program in 1997.”
    Just 3% of Americans own more than half the country's guns
    United States — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law

    • 30 min
    Bagging Georgie!

    Bagging Georgie!

    For over a year now, much of the world has been watching the United States. With Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States, and an investigation being opened into his campaign shortly after his inauguration, many of us, including all of us here at Majority Villain, have been watching with a healthy mix of shock and curiosity to see what will REALLY come of the allegations of collusion with Russia. Every day, we open our preferred 'fake news' branded site to see what car accident we get to watch in slow motion today.
    From an outside perspective, it seems as if Robert Mueller, the former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is producing results and untangling the interwoven threads that make up the 2016 Trump Pence campaign. To date, criminal proceedings have been initiated against 19 people. Out of the 19, five of them are United States citizens, and four of them worked for the Trump Campaign itself.
    Robert Mueller and his team are on a mission, and they are producing results. But, this begs the question: Who are these people that have been charged? How did they get themselves into such a predicament? Let's go ahead and start with number one. The first man to be indicted: George Papadopoulos. The man that started it all. But… I think that I may be ill equipped to launch into this by myself. I think we need a little help from some of my better known friends… The Obstruction of Justice League of America! Aggregate!
    Greg: Oh, hold on I gotta take this… Hello?
    Ethan: Dude, I was just listening to the intro - and uh, yeah you can’t say that.
    G: Oh hi Ethan. What do you mean? You’re too late. I just said it. Everybody literally just heard me do it.
    E: Yeah, but Stephen Colbert did this already.
    G: What are you talking about?
    E: On the Late Show, Stephen Colbert did the Justice League thing. Back in July.
    G: I don’t understand the words that you’re using.
    E: He made the same joke.
    G: A joke like our joke?
    E: The SAME joke.
    G: But that’s our thing. We made the Obstruction of Justice League.
    G: What? No, that’s not possible…
    E: See what I mean? You gotta change it.
    G: Yeah, I mean, yeah. I see what you mean. I’m glad you said something before...
    E: Ok good. I just didn’t want to see you make an ass out of yourself or anything.
    G: Yeah, sure sure. Just let me, real quick.

    E: I’m glad we could see eye to eye on this one. It would have been a real shame if we—
    G: Uh, hey Ethan.
    E: Yeah?
    E: That’s not even how it goes…
    The Justice League Starring...
    Robert Mueller's All-Star Team with Longest serving FBI director since J Edgar Hoover and former vietnam marine, Robert “Superman” Mueller…. As Muellerman!
    Former FBI director James “Martian Manhunter” Comey…. As Martian Manhunter Comey!
    Trump Campaign pawn, and federally prosecuted, George “Brainiac” Papadopoulos…. As the Legion of Doom’s Brainiopoulos!
    Hillary “Giganta” Clinton as Hilganta Sam Clovis as Himself Paul “Toyman” Manafort…. As Toymanafort Rick “Gorilla Grodd” Gates…. As Gorilla Gates Vladmir “Bizarro” Putin…. As Vladmirro Olga “The Cheetah” Polonskaya…. As The Cheetah And Starring Professor Joseph Mifsud as Professor Joseph Mifsud AND
    Donald J. Trump as Lex Luthor…. As LEXALD J. LUTHOR!
    Join our band of heroes as they work together for good against the tyranny of treason as the Obstruction of Justice League of America!!!
    Lexald J. Luthor plans his attack on Giganta Hillary Clinton.
    Campaign staffer Sam Clovis sends recruit George Brainiopoulos on a secret mission to improve relations between the United States and Russia. While in his secret London lair, the Brainiopoulos is approached by Professor Joseph Mifsud - a man with known connections to Russia and Vladmirro himself.
    Brainiopoulos a

    • 12 min
    John Candy's 2018 Olympics

    John Candy's 2018 Olympics

    As the 2018 Winter Olympics come to a close The Majority Villain Podcast presents to you the villain’s review: our version of events, validating various vignettes of valor - the victor’s view from the vertex. Vamoose vagabonds! Vanish you valley voyagers vibrant only in vanilla vagary! Vended and verified be the vanquisher.
    Today’s music brought to you by Napoleon Bonaparte.
    Please help the show by leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts.
    The Nigerian Women's bobsled team becomes the first ever African bobsled team to qualify for the winter Olympics.
    This of course revitalized once again the conversation that predominantly black nations from warmer regions can in fact have bobsled teams. Jamaican Bobsled documentarian John Candy explains:
    (John Candy, Cool Runnings)
    Nigeria is one of only 8 participating African countries in the 2018 Winter Olympics. The team is comprised of Seun Adigun, Ngozi Onwumere and Akuoma Omeoga. The Houston based women are trained track and field athletes. Adigun competed in the 2012 Summer Olympics in the 100-meter hurdles and Onwumere competed in the All-African Games.
    Despite previous successes, when Lagos-based writer Emmanuel Dairo spoke with Nigerian freelance reporter Linus Unah, Dairo said of the team, "Very few even know there is a winter games going on, and even fewer care.” Nevertheless, it was Seun Adigun who launched a GoFundMe page in 2016 to help raise money for their trip to the games, and after raising $150,000 she helped to establish the Bobsled & Skeleton Federation of Nigeria. The team eventually competed with a slew of sponsors as part of team Visa. Even if winning wasn’t in the cards… perhaps it wasn’t the point…"Our objective (now) is to be the best representation of Africa that the Winter Olympics have ever witnessed,” Adigun said.
    North and South Korea competed as a United Korea this year in hockey, despite being technically still at war! This was the first time some of the South Koreans have met North Koreans. North Korea brought more than 180 cheerleaders (a reminder of how weird shit is over there), and were accompanied during all events by minders that sat with them, disputing any semblance to freedom there might have been. The cheerleaders acted as a stark reminder to how far the two countries have grown apart, including mixed reactions from the women at a moment when a Kim Jong Un impersonator walked in front of them. Awkward shiiiiii…
    (Audio, John Candy)
    For more on North Korea peruse the Majority Villain podcasts on the device you’re already using. (That means subscribing to the show!) I recommend the January episode, “North Korea Could Be Anywhere” http://www.majorityvillain.com/thepodcast/northkorea.
    Teen Olympian snowboarder, Red Gerard, overslept and then won gold in slopestyle after late night binging on Netflix in which Gerard stated that he was watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine - which appears to be available only on overseas Netflix - so it’s pretty understandable, Red. Get it while you can. We dig it. After being woken up by his roommate, Gerard realized soon that he couldn't find his coat and ended up taking his roommate's which was too big. As his family spent the morning shotgunning South Korean beer, the clearly overwhelmed 17 year old clinched gold, cursing on television, ”What the fuck? Hoooly shit”. In related news, Gerard has promised his Olympic roommate either one of his kidneys whenever it is needed.
    (Audio, John Candy)
    The United States National Hockey League did not participate these Olympic games. The decision was announced on April 4th of 2017, stating they would not be allowing their players to participate in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, because the games take place directly in the middle of the NHL's regular season, causing issues with tickets and other operations. Another factor was injuries. With athletes going to the Olympics, injuries are always a fear that players may miss out on regular seas

    • 9 min
    Tales From The Crypto

    Tales From The Crypto

    Please help the show by leaving a 5 star review on iTunes

    Cryptocurrency may just seem like the latest fad for throwing your money away. It is, at least, what one man would classify as (Ethan: fake internet points). And to a degree, he’s right, isn’t he? Think about it. The internet age is a millennial specialty for our throw-away culture — like swiping right and most of the rules of grammar.
    Proponents of cryptocurrency, sometimes called digital currency, like it for its more democratic ends based on the very fact that the currency belongs to no one entity. It’s decentralized from a banking system which means it remains in the public commons and is, in essence, unbound by traditional rules of economics.
    That doesn’t mean that cryptocurrencies are without their struggle. Far from it. With volatile market fluctuations, cyber crime and hacking, cryptocurrencies have more than traditionally government-backed currency and regulations to contend with. They and consumers are navigating unforeseen obstacles everyday to see if they will become a major player in the future of finance or if they will become just another footnote in internet history alongside grumpy cat memes, duck lip selfies, Charlie Sheen and the mannequin challenge (shudder).
    Despite the uphill battle, even the hardest of the hardcore crypto-haters out there will admit that in the face of major obstacles like record-breaking price-drops in value over the month of January 2018, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are unlikely to disappear altogether. Like it or not, we are tech-bound for the duration of our stay on Earth. Cryptocurrency is ipso facto, here to stay.
    So, if you’re anything like me, you probably have one gnawing question:
    (audio - what the fuck are we talking about?)
    Yes. What is cryptocurrency?
    Yeah, I’m going to need some help with this one. (I’m Ethan Braine with Majority Villain)
    The drop in Bitcoin is actually $7915.01, as of the recording of this message, though days ago it was nearly $6000. The volatility is violent.
    While many cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin allow access to a public ledger, the trails for these funds can be astoundingly complicated and drowned out in the process. Hackers may have numerous “wallets” where questionable transactions are mixed in with clean funds and then sold off at a later date when the money in question is digitally mixed enough through a process called “tumbling”. Think of it as the money laundering of the future!!!
    There are plenty of reasons cryptocurrency is a good idea. The elimination of a central government - means no government or company can control the currency or directly manipulate interest rates. There are also no limits on how much money can be transferred so banks are a non-factor, and the fees are almost non-existent. Best yet, they can be used anywhere! So a Bitcoin in Bulgaria is a Bitcoin in Burkina Faso, and a Bitcoin in Belarus is a Bitcoin in Boston and a Bitcoin in Bolivia is a Bitcoin in Bangladesh and a Bitcoin in Bermuda is a Bitcoin in…
    The Dark Web makes all kinds of things possible. It’s dark, because it is all the seediest activities humans aren’t typically willing to do in overwhelmingly public, well-lit areas. The following is a re-enactment of one type of seedy dark-web behavior. Listeners be warned as this audio clip contains adult content taken from a real-life dark web incident.
    Man 1: Why hello there sir. How do you do?
    Man 2: I do. And you?
    Man 1: I do too. Thank you. Now, tell me my good man. Where might I purchase some drugs?
    Man 2: Why why, my good man. I would be happy to accommodate your drug request by providing said drugs to you, hereby to be referred to simply as “drugs”.
    Man 1: Bully! Naturally it would be poor form to simply hand you paper currency, hereby to be referred to as “cash money” for said “drugs”.
    Man 2: Understandably so. Let us then conduct our cash money for drugs transaction via a cryptocurrency d

    • 21 min
    2 Minutes to Midnight

    2 Minutes to Midnight

    The Doomsday Clock is now two minutes to irrevocable worldwide destruction; the closest it has been since 1953, when the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists wrote, “Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization.”
    The Bulletin, a group accredited by the membership of its 15 Nobel laureates, began with former Manhattan Project scientists who could, “not remain aloof to the consequences of their work.” Their warning to the human species came as humankind entered the age of nuclear war, and the tense relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union quickly deteriorated.
    The clock, a metaphor of humanity’s countdown to midnight, coarsely whispers the warning to our species if we are unable to change our trajectory. The minute hand has only moved 22 times in that 73 years, and since 2007 it has also reflected the effects of climate change.
    Citing the Trump administration’s outright rejection of the scientific community’s consensus on climate change, and President Trump’s disturbing comments toward North Korea, Iran and Pakistan in January of this year, the Bulletin saw the need to move the minute hand a half-minute closer to global catastrophe, stating the current situation is as dangerous as it has ever been since World War II.
    Tragic irony rings deep echoes in noting that it was Barack Obama who was the first US President to call for a “nuclear-free world”, but it was also Obama who announced a trillion dollar investment to modernize the nuclear-weapons program — and it was another first when he visited Hiroshima, and then offered no official apology when it was the healing power of reconciliation they truly needed.
    There is no doubt that the times we live in are hectic, dangerous and absurd, but the answer to the question of what one could do with two minutes should be all we need to hear: not much.
    I’m Gregory Haddock. This is Majority Villain.
    Status quos are for suckers.
     Show Image: Trinity Bomb Test, July 16, 1945, New Mexico
    Obama’s Russian Rationale for $1 Trillion Nuke Plan Signals New Arms Race Trump Taunts Kim: My 'Nuclear Button' Is 'Much Bigger' Than Yours Doomsday Clock Moves Closer To Midnight, We're 2 Minutes From World Annihilation Obama to make historic visit to Hiroshima It is now two minutes to midnight The Doomsday Clock is now just 2 minutes to ‘midnight,’ the symbolic hour of the apocalypse

    • 2 min

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