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Question Of The Week - Episode 62 Question Of The Week

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Welcome to the Arcade Repair Tips Question Of The Week. This week, we answer a question from Salvador who is having some geometry issues with his flat CRT monitor. Enjoy!

Question: Hello! First of all, your site is great! Thanks for it! I have a problem with a flat monitor I was given recently. The geometry is not okay. It's stretched in the corners, as you can see in the pictures. I tried moving the 3rd set of convergence rings (the farthest to the neck) but it didn't help. Could you please let me know how to fix it? Best! Salvador

Welcome to the Arcade Repair Tips Question Of The Week. This week, we answer a question from Salvador who is having some geometry issues with his flat CRT monitor. Enjoy!

Question: Hello! First of all, your site is great! Thanks for it! I have a problem with a flat monitor I was given recently. The geometry is not okay. It's stretched in the corners, as you can see in the pictures. I tried moving the 3rd set of convergence rings (the farthest to the neck) but it didn't help. Could you please let me know how to fix it? Best! Salvador

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