300 episodes

WTF @ TFW is a Podcast by Transformers fans from fan site TFW2005.com. Features topics related to everything in the Transformers universe. Includes news round-ups and discussion on the new Transformers movie, Transformers toys, talk and discussion on TFW2005's 2005 Boards, and more!

WTF @ TFW – The TFW2005 Transformers Podcast WTF @ TFW – The TFW2005 Transformers Podcast

    • TV & Film

WTF @ TFW is a Podcast by Transformers fans from fan site TFW2005.com. Features topics related to everything in the Transformers universe. Includes news round-ups and discussion on the new Transformers movie, Transformers toys, talk and discussion on TFW2005's 2005 Boards, and more!

    WTF @ TFW – 644 – April 19 2024

    WTF @ TFW – 644 – April 19 2024

    From the depths of space comes the Transformers: One trailer... and like maybe 12 minutes of actual discussion! Instead? TJ makes a poorly-timed promise while Vangelus tries and bait Aaron out from the Pandora's Box he opened last episode. Will he ever escape from the grasp of Diaclone, or will he drag someone else into the abyss with him? Find out as the Diaclone Saga of WTF@TFW Continues!

    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts on BlueSky and Elon's nightmare social media platform under the names @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. They'll also appear if you say their names in the mirror three times.

    * Month four is wrapping up for our team's Extra Life Fundraising, and so far we're at over $1,185 raised for various children's hospitals! Vangelus' continues to do his deathless Elden Ring adventure, Aaron's been doing his usual thing with the in-person grind, and even your friendly neighborhood editor Bees is bouncing between ideas. I've been informed that not donating is a thought crime, which is punishable by something that's only been described as "Jail 2".

    [*]Hey, sorry about the delay in this episode! Work went crazy as hell again. The good news is now that this episode is out that means I'm sure they'll record a new one within ten minutes of the episode being finished. C'est la vie, etc.[/LIST]


    Timothy Stamps, Esquire:

    [0:00:00] -- [INTRO] An Important PSA

    [0:00:47] -- [NEWS] The Transformers: One Trailer ain't Spoilers, Guys

    [0:15:54] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Goin' Against The Grain

    [0:33:29] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Origin Wheeljack

    [0:40:31] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Some sort of Silverbolt?

    [0:46:23] -- [REVISITING] Generations 2013 Voyager Springer

    [0:48:26] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Toy Shadow Drops & You

    [1:04:37] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Voyager Class Cybertron Starscream

    [1:10:50] -- [REVISITING] 2007 Leader Nightwatch Optimus Prime

    [1:20:28] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Skynet Toy Experiment

    [1:31:34] -- [ACQUISITIONS] SS86 Sludge

    [1:38:32] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Star Toys Commander/Blitzwing

    [1:46:14] -- [ACQUISITIONS] SS86 Snarl

    [1:59:28] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] hOw dO yoU fEeL aBouT diAcLoNe

    [2:10:46] -- [DI-A-CLOOONE] Diaclone Tactical Carrier + Tactical Movers

    [2:21:16] -- [OFF-TOPIC] TMNT Mutatin' Ninja Turtle Reissues

    [2:36:47] -- [DI-A-CLOOONE] Grand Dion, Dia Guardian and Robot Base Machine Set

    [2:49:50] -- [OFF-TOPIC] Rock Lords count as On-Topic, Dammit!

    [3:02:26] -- [DI-A-CLOOONE] BATTLE BUFFALO

    [3:20:42] -- [OUTRO] The Blood Machine remains Unused.

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here! Please remember that the only acceptable review score is a 5/5, anything else is imperfection:

    iTunes Store

    • 3 hrs 22 min
    WTF @ TFW – 643 – April 15 2024

    WTF @ TFW – 643 – April 15 2024

    As the Eclipse comes and goes, Vangelus and TJ bear witness to an event only hinted at in the spreadsheets of yore: Aaron has finally fallen down the darkest of rabbit holes with no way to come out. At least he's able to record a couple of podcast episodes from down there.

    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts on BlueSky and Elon's nightmare social media platform under the names @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. Some say they roam ever corner of the internet, nomadic in their ways.

    * Aaron's Diaclone adventure hasn't been split up and specifically timestamped like typical haul gets, solely because I legit couldn't keep up with when he transitioned from one toy to the next.

    * Jesus CHRIST, Aaron.

    * Malunis posted their Shard creations over on Musksite! Check them out here and here!

    * Month four is wrapping up for our team's Extra Life Fundraising, and so far we're at over $1,185 raised for various children's hospitals! Vangelus' continues to do his deathless Elden Ring adventure, Aaron's been doing his usual thing with the in-person grind, and even your friendly neighborhood editor Bees is playin' Game Roulette. You should probably donate to help the children. They would donate to you if you were sick and also had a job. Except Derek. That kid's a jerk.


    Timestamps, you little scamps:

    [0:00:00] -- [INTRO] Bark At The Moon

    [0:02:18] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Transformers Legacy United Voyager Class Animated Universe Optimus Prime (Transformers: Generations)

    [0:22:28] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Voyager Legacy United Cybertron Starscream

    [0:36:56] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] The Collector Market Shift

    [0:51:56] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Leader Legacy United Sandstorm

    [1:13:11] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Deluxe Legacy United Shard

    [1:29:47] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Voyager Legacy United Silverbolt

    [1:39:47] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Core Legacy United Cheetor + Tazmania Kid

    [1:43:36] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Less-Than-Ideal Headcanons

    [1:50:47] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Deluxe Legacy United Gears

    [1:56:36] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Diaclone Polsche 935 Turbo?!

    [2:00:39] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Voyager Legacy United Thundertron

    [2:05:40] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Gamer Voyager Starscream

    [2:15:13] -- [INTERMISSION] IT BEGINS

    [2:15:49] -- [DI-A-CLOOONE] Aaron's Magical Diaclone Reboot Adventure

    [3:10:14] -- [OUTRO] guh

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here! Please remember that the only acceptable review score is a 5/5, anything else is imperfection:

    iTunes Store

    • 3 hrs 16 min
    WTF @ TFW – 642 – March 3 2024

    WTF @ TFW – 642 – March 3 2024

    We don't need John Cena anymore, folks! As Vangelus becomes the newest champion of the world of Lao Gan Ma, Aaron enters the incredible world of Garbage Disposal repair while TJ's continuing adventure into the world of Brave has him going face-to-face with the King himself.


    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts on BlueSky and Elon's nightmare social media platform under the names @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. They're probably on other places, too. I dunno I'm just the editor, not their manager. You find it.

    * Three months are in the books for our team's Extra Life Fundraising, and so far we're at over $770 raised for various children's hospitals! Vangelus' reputation has been Tarnished as he goes through his Elden Ring adventure, Aaron's been doing his usual thing with the in-person grind, and even your friendly neighborhood editor Bees has been trying to tackle the most Serious House on Serious Earth. You should probably donate. It doesn't matter to who, as either way sick kids gets the help they need. Unless you're some sort of monster that LIKES kids to be sick? But you wouldn't be like that, right? Hmm?


    Timestamps! Timestamps! Get ya timestamps here!:

    [0:00:00] -- [INTRO] Explosions (Non-Gas Related)

    [0:02:02] -- [CHATTER] Explosions (Potentially Gas Related)

    [0:05:05] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Fun Stories about Broken Dreams

    [0:19:34] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series ROTB Scorponok

    [0:26:11] -- [ACQUISITIONS] Stranger Things Code Red

    [0:33:24] -- [LISTENER QUESTION] Question Triple Threat

    [1:09:46] -- [OFF-TOPIC] Garbage Disposal Adventure Time

    [1:22:03] -- [ACQUISITIONS] DX ChoRyuuJin (GaoGaiGar)

    [1:32:15] -- [LISTENER QUESTION]

    [1:57:54] -- [ACQUISITIONS] WTF @ TFW @ MTG @ TCG @ BYOB @ G2G

    [2:21:14] -- [ACQUISITIONS] DX King J-Der (GaoGaiGar)

    [2:32:12] -- [OUTRO] Wrap-Up

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here! Please remember that the only acceptable review score is a 5/5, anything else is imperfection:

    iTunes Store

    Zune (Memorial) user- You can still subscribe here, our lone stalwart champion.


    The RSS feed can be found here, with a link to the show file:

    [URL='http://wtf.tfw2005.com/feed/podcast]WTF @ TFW Transformers Podcast - TFW2005.com[/URL]

    Or you can click below. But please subscribe to us, it's more professional that way!

    a class="externalLink" href="https://www.tfw2005.net/podcast/WTF_TFW2005_-_642_-_Mar_3_2024.

    • 2 hrs 33 min
    WTF @ TFW – 641 – February 11 2024

    WTF @ TFW – 641 – February 11 2024

    Vangelus is trapped within a mind palace of Ross headcanons this week, so it's up to TJ and Aaron to keep the ship afloat. Join us on this episode of WTF @ TFW as we talk about things that could have been, conspiracies, SUPERBOWLS and a post-Detolf trip to IKEA.


    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts over on Twitter at @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. They're also on BlueSky! You can easily find them under the same names, and avoid Elon Musk's midlife crisis as a result.

    * The MDLX thing that Vangelus got also has a review. It's here.

    * TJ's two off-topic hauls also got reviewed! You can find the Shin Universe Nightmare Megazord over here, and you can Become Brave as well and check out Thunder Baron

    * A new year has begun for Extra Life! Aaron and Vangelus have a new link to raise money and you can find it right over here. You should probably donate to them, they're raising money for sick kids. You don't like children being sick do you? Hmmmmmm???


    Vangelus made my brain hurt, here's the timestamps I think:


    [0:03:55] - [LISTENER QUESTION] Oh, what could have been...

    [0:18:31] - [ACQUISITIONS] Legacy United Magneous

    [0:27:35] - [ACQUISITIONS] Legacy United Tigerhawk

    [0:38:18] - [REVISITING] Masterpiece Megatron 2.0

    [0:42:16] - [LISTENER QUESTION] The Headcanon Conspiracy

    [0:55:33] - [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series Concept Blue Tape Man

    [0:59:04] - [ACQUISITIONS] Legacy United Animated Optimus Prime

    [1:09:27] - [ACQUISITIONS] Legacy United Thundertron

    [1:19:44] - [ACQUISITIONS] That Second Jurassic Park Pack

    [1:36:05] - [CHATTER] FOOBAH!

    [1:37:19] - [LISTENER QUESTION] The Ross Nightmare

    [1:48:53] - [ACQUISITIONS] Reactivate Starscream & Bumblebee

    [1:58:32] - [ACQUISITIONS] Aaron Knows His ABCs

    [2:05:26] - [ACQUISITIONS] TJ is Brave

    [2:13:13] - [OFF-TOPIC] The Return to IKEA

    [2:22:32] - [OFF-TOPIC] MDLX Dango (Kokone Link)

    [2:27:40] - [OFF-TOPIC] S.J.H.U. Project Shin Universe Robo

    [2:40:49] - [OFF-TOPIC] Aaron's LEGO Adventure

    [2:50:53] - [CHATTER] Outro

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here:

    iTunes Store

    Zune (Memorial) user - You can still subscribe here, I think:


    The RSS feed can be found here, with a link to the show file:

    WTF @ TFW Transformers Podcast - TFW2005.com

    Or you can click below. But please subscribe to us, it's more professional that way!


    • 2 hrs 52 min
    WTF @ TFW – 640 – January 14 2024

    WTF @ TFW – 640 – January 14 2024

    The year may have just begun, but there's hauls to be had. There's just... so many toys out there- both real and fictional -and the WTF @ TFW crew is here to talk about them.


    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts over on Twitter at @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. They're also on BlueSky! You can easily find them under the same names.


    Vangelus isn't allowed to name the Timestamps:

    [0:00:00] - Ice, Ice, Maker

    [0:01:35] - Opening and Int- Wait, are they still talking about ice?!

    [0:03:42] - [QUESTION] Should things scale back?

    [0:16:49] - [QUESTION] GHOST (toy) HUNTIN'

    [0:24:31] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Core Energon Megatron

    [0:33:02] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Core Bouldercrash

    [0:39:17] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Core Tasmania Kid/Snarl

    [0:44:03] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Deluxe Magneous

    [0:51:30] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Deluxe Bumbleboi, The Smol

    [1:05:09] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Deluxe Chase

    [1:14:11] - [ACQUISITIONS] United Deluxe Windblade

    [1:18:55] - [NEWS] Let's talk about Gears, I guess?

    [1:24:24] - [ACQUISITIONS] Legacy Evo Deluxe Bombshell

    [1:28:56] - [ACQUISITIONS] Reactivate Optimus Prime + Soundwave

    [1:46:12] - [ACQUISITIONS] Gamer Edition Voyager Optimus

    [1:52:11] - [ACQUISITIONS] HasLab Deathsaurus

    [2:07:38] - [ACQUISITIONS] Kura Kara Kuri Jazz

    [2:14:56] - [ACQUISITIONS] ThreeZero MDLX Starscream

    [2:19:32] - [ACQUISITIONS] EarthSpark Cyber Combiners

    [2:30:48] - [ACQUISITIONS] Transformers Manga Set

    [2:31:37] - [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series Airazor

    [2:33:03] - [OFF-TOPIC] Aaron's LEGO Christmas

    [2:41:18] - [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series Noah Diaz

    [2:42:25] - [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series Nightbird

    [2:45:08] - [ACQUISITIONS] Studio Series Optimus Primal

    [2:47:29] - [ACQUISITIONS] 40th Anniversary Soundwave Reissue

    [2:54:15] - [ACQUISITIONS] Ending + Outro

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here:

    iTunes Store

    Zune (Memorial) user - You can still subscribe here, I think:


    The RSS feed can be found here, with a link to the show file:

    WTF @ TFW Transformers Podcast - TFW2005.com

    Or you can click below. But please subscribe to us, it's more professional that way!


    • 2 hrs 55 min
    WTF @ TFW – 639 – December 3 2023

    WTF @ TFW – 639 – December 3 2023

    The powers that be have informed me that despite my love of the term "Droop Snoot", I'm not allowed to just have the description of this episode be the words "Droop Snoot" repeated over and over again. The lack of ability to spam "Droop Snoot" on the front page wasn't a decision of Vangelus', who particularly enjoys the words "Droop Snoot". The "Droop Snoot" discussion was specifically the cause of "Droop Snoot" expert Aaron, who brought the "Droop Snoot" to the table, and the constant use of the words "Droop Snoot" was not impeded by TJ this month either. Droop Snoot.


    Notes from the Hive:

    * As always, you can find our hosts over on Twitter at @Vangelus, @TJOmega and @aksmth. They're also on BlueSky! You can easily find them under the same names.

    * Awww, hell. I don't have any notes on this episode. They talked a lot about toys, and hey spoilers for 640? They talk a lot about toys there too.

    * Fine. Here's a link to a bookshelf they talked about. And also the other one.


    Vangelus isn't allowed to name the Timestamps:

    [0:00:00] - Absolute Filthy Opening

    [0:03:57] - [QUESTION] Media Making and Spending Habits

    [0:15:31] - [ACQUSITIONS] ROTB Core Series Deluxe Mirage

    [0:21:22] - [ACQUSITIONS] Legacy Evo Deluxe Shrapnel

    [0:28:03] - [ACQUSITIONS] SS86 Voyager Ratchet

    [0:30:55] - [QUESTION] Legacy as a TV show?

    [0:45:03] - [ACQUSITIONS] Beast Wars Again

    [0:54:16] - [ACQUSITIONS] Legacy Evo Deluxe Detritus

    [1:02:46] - [ACQUSITIONS] Buzzworthy Scorponok & Sandspear

    [1:08:42] - [ACQUSITIONS] Masterpiece Bonecrusher

    [1:25:28] - [ACQUSITIONS] Legacy Evo Deluxe Strongarm

    [1:33:35] - [ACQUSITIONS] Toxitron Collection G2 Laser Cycle

    [1:36:04] - [ACQUSITIONS] Legacy Evo Shadowstriker

    [1:46:54] - [OFF-TOPIC] Zord Ascension Project Astro Megazord

    [2:01:54] - [OFF-TOPIC] The Detolf Saga

    [2:14:35] - [OFF-TOPIC] LEGO Concord

    [2:20:49] - [OFF-TOPIC] TCGs @ WTF @ TFW

    [2:32:12] - [IN MEMORIUM] Remembering Peter Spellos

    iTunes users - You can subscribe to and review the podcast here:

    iTunes Store

    Zune (Memorial) user - You can still subscribe here, I think:


    The RSS feed can be found here, with a link to the show file:

    WTF @ TFW Transformers Podcast - TFW2005.com

    Or you can click below. But please subscribe to us, it's more professional that way!


    • 2 hrs 36 min

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