6 episodes

We are in the business of saving lives one person at a time. Believing in the fact that Life Stories are Life Savers! Share your story with us. You just might save a LIFE!
Website: https://connectingthroughm.wixsite.com/2020

Connecting Through Memoirs Connecting Through Memoirs

    • Society & Culture

We are in the business of saving lives one person at a time. Believing in the fact that Life Stories are Life Savers! Share your story with us. You just might save a LIFE!
Website: https://connectingthroughm.wixsite.com/2020

    Season 1 Episode #004 Ioana explains how certain colleges in her country, Romania, is practically giving college degrees away risking the safety of the people.

    Season 1 Episode #004 Ioana explains how certain colleges in her country, Romania, is practically giving college degrees away risking the safety of the people.

    Welcome Everyone.

    You are about to listen to an amazing interview with host, Ameera Groeneveldt, and guest Ioana, speaking about the topic;
    Would you be open minded enough to listen to someone with more experience than education?

    Below, I will give you my takeaways (Gold Nuggets) from the interview. Feel free to comment, Share, Like, Subscribe and all that good stuff.

    Soooooooooooo good. 7 hours ahead. Amazing. She was so nice and kind. Loved her accent. How to pronounce he name: eewanna. But it is spelt IOANA. According to her, in Romania there is a big problem with the fact that getting a degree is as easy as 123. Now this does not apply to all schools but many schools. Resulting in poorly being prepared for the chosen field they are working in.  

    Can you imagine having a doctor tend to you with no clue what he was doing and that he only got his degree because he either paid for it or had connections. Ummmmmm scary indeed. Think about it. What other professions are there that you would rather be helped by a highly educated person specialized in that specific area?

    She explained how she felt slightly depressed when she lost a job, that she was qualified for, to a person who she knew paid for it under the table. Understandable. That can crush anyone. Love the fact that even though getting through to the government was difficult, she started a support group for persons to educate the youth about this situation in an attempt to hopefully activate change in the future. She joked that most of the time it is much harder to teach an old dog new tricks.  

    She herself went through 5 years of self-discovery and phycological help to learn how to accept herself for who she is and how to deal with life's difficulties. She meditates and believes in God for His help. amazing. She has been a single mother of a 12 year old son since he was 8 months old. Going through divorce is not easy but she did it. A strong woman. She lovingly said that she raises her son like a friend and not like a child. 

    (CLICK HERE to read the rest of her story)

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    • 25 min
    Season 1 Episode #003 Jamol openly speaks about his difficulties with pornography and masturbation admitting that a relationship with God saved his life.

    Season 1 Episode #003 Jamol openly speaks about his difficulties with pornography and masturbation admitting that a relationship with God saved his life.

    (Attention; Adult Content)
    Welcome Everyone.

    You are about to listen to an amazing interview with host, Ameera Groeneveldt, and guest Jamol, speaking about the topic;What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge in Life, And How Did You Overcome It?

    Below, I will give you my takeaways (Gold Nuggets) from the interview. Feel free to comment, Share, Like, Subscribe and all that good stuff.

    From the moment we started to speak I could hear he was a bit nervous. For this reason, I always want to make sure have a 5-minute warm up talk with my guests to get them comfortable before diving into such a deep conversation. He is from Grenada and I loved his accent indeed. Shows how creative God is with giving His children different sounds.

    Even though there was connection issues and background noises, we did not let that stop us from having an amazing conversation filled with openness and transparency.

    So, his topic truly hit home with him and he was ready to go. He is now 25 years old. Between the ages of 5 and 16, he struggled with self-acceptance because his father did not want him to be born and asked his mother to have an abortion. He was having a hard time believing that he was meant to be born and that he has value. Who wouldn’t right? So, he had to find his true self, joy and happiness. Along the way he started partaking in masturbation and pornography. He said he had control but at the same time was not able to stop. The stresses of life, his dad not being in his life, the masturbation and pornography, and his feeling of worthlessness took a toll on his body. He started having health issues and chest pains.

    He knew God but he did not have a personal relationship with Him. Wrong decision after wrong decision concluded that he needed help and could not do it alone because it was not working. He is the only male in the house with his sisters and his mother. So, he has always been around females. He was also in several relationships. Some toxic. But in the end, they were not like minded to where he wanted to go and his walk with the Lord. So, he had to cut off whom needed to be cut off for his sake and get back to where he needed to be. Walking the right way with Jesus. He truly believes God saved his life and helped him to overcome his difficulties and struggles in life.

    (CLICK HERE to read the rest of his story)

    Gold Nugget Quote; His message for anyone going through this is: Try and find God. Talk to Him. He will listen and help guide you down the right path. Put your life in his hands. Amen

    Click to visit/follow my pages for even more information:
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    • 26 min
    Season 1 Episode #002 Rhyanna speaks about how depression did not stop her from being the "Happiness Guru" she is today.

    Season 1 Episode #002 Rhyanna speaks about how depression did not stop her from being the "Happiness Guru" she is today.

    Welcome Everyone.

    You are about to listen to an amazing interview with host, Ameera Groeneveldt, and guest Rhyanna, speaking about the topic;
    What Is The Difference Between Living And Existing?

    Below, I will give you my takeaways (Gold Nuggets) from the interview. Feel free to comment, Share, Like, Subscribe and all that good stuff.

    So, the internet decided to stop working in the first part of our interview.

    Unbelievable. Thank goodness I decided to do a part two interview. At first, I thought that the 2nd part ended up the only part of the interview that was recorded. Funny how life happens. Low and behold, I found the recording for part one thankfully. So, we are all good.  
    The Topic of discussion was: What is the difference between living and existing?

    Man, oh man this 19-year-old girl has lived indeed. She calls herself the Happiness Guru. Such a sweet smile and personality. She volunteers and gives back to her community. She lives with her fiancé and is currently working. Living in Philadelphia must be exciting. She then told me that at the age of 10, she was diagnosed with depression by a psychiatrist. 10 years old, unbelievable. She was traumatized after being told that the father she was living with was not her biological father and now there was a tug of war between her, her biological dad and her mother and the man she thought was her biological father. She was also told some traumatizing things and unfortunately that spiraled into a depression at such a young age. She then had to go on medication. 6 medications per day to be exact. Can you imagine? Unbelievable!
    Taking all these medications turned her into someone she no longer recognized. She stated that she could no longer feel her soul and needed something feed it. She felt like she was just existing and not living. Amazing to realize that at such a young age. She moved in with her now faience. She imagined how it would be to finally be on her own living her life. Expecting adult life to be gilts and glam. Only to then realize that it was not all that she hoped and expected it to be. Sadly, a year ago she witnessed her mother passing away. OMG!
     (CLICK HERE to read the rest of her story)

    Allow it to teach you and NOT to break you. I even opened up about my experience with the traumatic birth of my child and how I was knocking on deaths door. Her final words:  

    Click to visit/follow my pages for even more information:
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    (Disclaimer; I do not own the rights to the music used in my podcasts. It belongs to Free Music Archives Click Link)    


    • 38 min
    Season 1 Episode #001 April speaks about how her nursing degree prepared her for her passion in Graphic Design.

    Season 1 Episode #001 April speaks about how her nursing degree prepared her for her passion in Graphic Design.

    Welcome Everyone.

    You are about to listen to an amazing interview with host, Ameera Groeneveldt, and guest April, speaking about the topic;
    Do you believe your years of education prepared you for the real world?

    But first I asked her the question who is April?
    I am a design and marketing consultant, helping business with branding, content creation, web design and development, research and marketing through developed strategies and techniques for over 9 years.

    Below, I will give you my takeaways (Gold Nuggets) from the interview. Feel free to comment, Share, Like, Subscribe and all that good stuff.

    So what was my take away? I noticed that she definitely seemed like a nurturer. Her family is very important to her. She loved helping people and that the nursing degree she earned was more about the lessons learned in Compassion and Empathy than books. She understood that dealing with the fact that someone died, after no matter how hard you tried to save them, knowing that there are other patients there waiting to be helped, made her have to snap back quickly in order to help them.

    How those situations and many others prepared her for the hardships of dealing with the beginning stages of business as an entrepreneur.

    The fact that the $300 she was not paid from a job she did, now looking back, she sees that as an investment into learning business. "It was like dealing with the loss of a patient". Deal with it but get back up and go. The next one is waiting.

    (CLICK HERE to read the rest of her story)

    BONUS: April has agreed to give all Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast listeners a Special on ALL her services. (Limited Time Offer)

    Use CODE 15CTM for 15% off.

    Here is April's information:
    Business page is www.facebook.com/dawndesignsph
    Logo Design
    Banner Design
    Invitation Design
    Brochure Design
    Photo Enhancements and Manipulation
    Website Design
    Social Media Branding
    Business Branding
    Business Presentation Design

    Click to visit/follow my pages for even more information:
    Facebook,  Facebook Group, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Website

    (Disclaimer; I do not own the rights to the music used in my podcasts. It belongs to Free Music Archives Click Link)

    • 30 min
    Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast Episode #2 Feeling Frustrated

    Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast Episode #2 Feeling Frustrated

    Hello everyone :) 

    Welcome to Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast Episode #2 Feeling Frustrated  As of next week I will be posting a brand new episode with my first guest. For now it is me, Ameera, home alone on St. Maarten.  

    By the look on my face you can already see that something is up. I am feeling frustrated indeed. You see, I live on a small island called St. Maarten located in the Caribbean. Our main source of income is Tourism. Yup that's right. Tourism. So can you guess what is happening now to our economy with this crisis? Exactly. ZERO  Now everyone is forcing the community to go ONLINE. Seriously? Online. In a country where we are more likely to Stand In Line than Go Online. What makes me even more steamed is that the senior citizens here have not at all been properly educated to go online.  There is a huge illiteracy problem on our island also. Now schools are online?   

    Problem #1: Schools going online from 1 day to the next. The stress caused affects children, teachers and parents. Why? Because we had ZERO transition into it. EVERRRR. So now almost everyone is on ZOOM and still figuring out what is ZOOM. Stressssss.  

    Problem #2: With everywhere shutting down and no one can leave or enter the country and schools being closed, what will happen to us as a people? Our mindset? No possibility to socialise other than online when online was never a strong avenue of communicating on a small island.   

    Problem #3: Small businesses and start up entrepreneurs. What will happen to us? Unlike America and other places with more possibilities, we do not have online payment options for our business to attract clients. We do not have access to Western Union Online or Money Gram. A variety of apps do not work in our country. All we have is bank Wire Transfers with High Fees. Not to mention that Uber, Craigslist, Classifieds, Walmart all are non existent here. With no online option for payment, how can we make money overseas?  

    I can go on and on (trust me). That is just some of the frustrations we face living on an Island with limited possibilities and resources. People can come here and make money because they are not from here. They are using their resources and connections. We, on the other hand, can't even do that in our own country unless we HAVE A CONNECTION. Sad but true.  

    So yes. I AM FRUSTRATED!!!!!!  

    Please like, follow, share. Thank you 

    Click to visit/follow my pages for even more information:
    Facebook,  Facebook Group, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Website

    (Disclaimer; I do not own the rights to the music used in my podcasts. It belongs to Free Music Archives Click Link)  


    • 8 min
    Introduction Video of DAY 1 from Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast platform

    Introduction Video of DAY 1 from Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast platform

    Hello everyone and welcome.

    Even though I can't see you, I truly appreciate you even opening this video to watch it.  This video shows you how you do not need excuses to start. Just start with what you have and build and grow as you progress forward.  

    Connecting Through memoirs is a Podcast that started purely through the need to remind everyone that their Life Matters and everyone has a Story to Tell. We all can learn from one another, so why not start now while we are in that process right?  

    My name is Ameera and I am a Great Listener (bet you never heard a title description like that one before haha). However yes. I am that. I love hearing stories, giving encouragement when possible and even putting together an action plan if needed. What I realised is that most of the time, people do not want you to solve their problem. They just want to be listened to, have someone show them that they are valuable and feel appreciated.   

    For this reason on March 30, 2020 Connecting Through memoirs Podcast started. The time to do so was more vital than ever before. More and more people are scared, lost, lonely, depressed and angry. Now mind you. I am not saying we are in the problem solving business. Nor am I saying that we are here for everyone. That would be ridiculous.   However, we are here for those few who wish to open up to a complete stranger simply because THEY CAN! Not only will this make those persons feel better and free, this Podcast platform will also allow others to listen to those stories and know that they are not alone.   

    So we have not figured out as yet how many times a week we will be posting up anything. Nor have we done any marketing as yet. All we do know is that we made sure to set up our social media platforms for you to follow us on and we have a list of names to contact for FREE interviews in exchange to share their story.  If you love what you see and hear then please send a message, like all our pages, follow us also and share what you have learned. If you wish to be a guest on our podcast simply send us a message also. We would love to hear from you.   

    Click to visit/follow my pages for even more information:
    Facebook,  Facebook Group, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Website

    (Disclaimer; I do not own the rights to the music used in my podcasts. It belongs to Free Music Archives Click Link)


    • 9 min

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