Tales of the Fantastic Podcast - Episode 5 Tales of the Fantastic Podcast

    • Science Fiction

The Return! Joe and Matt come back from a brief hiatus and continue the
goods! After a brief discussion about what has happened during the past
year (!?), we dive back into the stuff that we love. This episode begins a
3 or, possibly 4, part discussion of Science Fiction Inspirations.

Covered in this episode: What is Science Fiction? / SciFi is here! /
Runaway (1984) / Bradbury 13 (1983 - 1984) / The Veldt (1950) / The Fox &
the Forest (1955) / Star Trek et al / A Taste for Armegaddon (1967) / The
Holodeck is Broken Podcast / The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) / A Piece of the
Action (1968) / The City on the Edge of Forever (1967) / Doctor Who - The
Key to Time (1978) / Blink (2007) / The Martian Chronicles (1950) & Tulsa's
Louis Meyer Bookstore / John Carter of Mars (1912) & Carson of Venus (1938)
/ The Space Trilogy by CS Lewis (1938) / Fahrenheit 451 (1953) / The Small
Assassin (1946) / Brazil (1985) / Day of the Triffids (1951) / Issac Asimov
- The Robot Novels (1940) & Foundation (1942) / A Canticle for Leibowitz

Practices - Submitting Your Work to Markets / Fright Club Writer's Workshop
- Moaner Lawrence / Duotrope / Literarium / Ralan / Writer's Market

Narrated Fiction - A Nano-tech Samsara by J.N. Cameron (Published in the
Weirdbook Annual Zombie Themed issue 2021)

The Return! Joe and Matt come back from a brief hiatus and continue the
goods! After a brief discussion about what has happened during the past
year (!?), we dive back into the stuff that we love. This episode begins a
3 or, possibly 4, part discussion of Science Fiction Inspirations.

Covered in this episode: What is Science Fiction? / SciFi is here! /
Runaway (1984) / Bradbury 13 (1983 - 1984) / The Veldt (1950) / The Fox &
the Forest (1955) / Star Trek et al / A Taste for Armegaddon (1967) / The
Holodeck is Broken Podcast / The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) / A Piece of the
Action (1968) / The City on the Edge of Forever (1967) / Doctor Who - The
Key to Time (1978) / Blink (2007) / The Martian Chronicles (1950) & Tulsa's
Louis Meyer Bookstore / John Carter of Mars (1912) & Carson of Venus (1938)
/ The Space Trilogy by CS Lewis (1938) / Fahrenheit 451 (1953) / The Small
Assassin (1946) / Brazil (1985) / Day of the Triffids (1951) / Issac Asimov
- The Robot Novels (1940) & Foundation (1942) / A Canticle for Leibowitz

Practices - Submitting Your Work to Markets / Fright Club Writer's Workshop
- Moaner Lawrence / Duotrope / Literarium / Ralan / Writer's Market

Narrated Fiction - A Nano-tech Samsara by J.N. Cameron (Published in the
Weirdbook Annual Zombie Themed issue 2021)