31 episodes

Originated from the “Nanyang Radio Station: An Audio Guide for 228 Peace Memorial Park” during Petamu Project in 2018, both as a radio installation & an audio tour. While encountered in the digitalized media milieu, Nusantara Archive will explore the potential space of the intersection between this audio technical media & the historical context of Southeast Asia or Global South monthly. (Ch/En)

南洋放送局Nanyang Radio Podcast Nusantara Archive群島資料庫

    • Arts

Originated from the “Nanyang Radio Station: An Audio Guide for 228 Peace Memorial Park” during Petamu Project in 2018, both as a radio installation & an audio tour. While encountered in the digitalized media milieu, Nusantara Archive will explore the potential space of the intersection between this audio technical media & the historical context of Southeast Asia or Global South monthly. (Ch/En)




    「南方宇宙生存指南」最後一集(11月26日中午播出),為根據廖卓豪「Keelung Diaries」原文中譯的「基隆日記」。通過作者第一人稱視角真實到訪這個位於帝國南方的港市,並回顧其於人類與非人歷史的機遇,所創造具有行星視野的地景書寫;由於華語和英語不相容的屬性,而在劇場演員鄭尹真、策展人許修豪等人詮釋下,再現港口似曾相識的聲音景觀。


    • 24 min
    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe: Keelung Diaries

    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe: Keelung Diaries

    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe project is supported by Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab.  The third episode of A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe is scripted and recorded based on Keelung Diaries written by the collaborative researcher of the project, Liew Zhou Hau (Malaysia). Adopting a first-person perspective, he visits this harbour city located in the south of the Japanese Empire, and reviews its encounters with human and non-human histories, thus creating a travelogue informed by a planetary vision (and the sonic narrative extended from the writing). Combining archive, image, and text, he explores travel beyond the human, in order to generate environmental connections beyond resource extraction. Liew Zhou Hau is now an assistant professor at the International PhD Program in Taiwan and Transcultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University.

    Voiceover: (English) John Stephenson, Cheung Han, Candice Jee; Script: Liew Zhou Hau; Recording/ Sound effect: Feng Chih-ming.

    • 24 min
    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe: The Southern Universe Archives

    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe: The Southern Universe Archives

    A Field Guide to Getting Lost in the Southern Universe project is supported by Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab. This project aims to create a fictional Field Guide in the form of radio drama by integrating writings of western explorers in the 19th and early 20th century who “discovered” colonies, science fiction texts (e.g., radio drama The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), first-person writings such as travelogues or reports, and particular economic landscapes during the colonial periods of Taiwan and Malaya. Aside from reading literature and images, study groups, and interviews, four podcast episodes of interviews and the Field Guide will be broadcasted during the residency at C-LAB. (Keywords: Southeast Asia, Ecocolonialisation, Plantation, Opium, Harbour, Sandbox).

    The first and the second episodes are respectively titled The Southern Universe Archives (conducted in English) and 南方宇宙檔案館 (conducted in Mandarin). With the guided English / Mandarin tour of the fictional "Archives'', as well as the real colonial archives in the Southern Sphere, the audience may go through the Exposition, harbor, monopoly, coal mine, and the rest material or non material documents in the colonies, and feel like walking through the scenes of the Southern Universe. 

    Voiceover: (English) John Stephenson, Cheung Han, Candice Jee; Script: Rikey Tenn. Recording/ Sound effect: Feng Chih-ming.

    • 21 min


    由2022年臺灣當代文化實驗場CREATORS創作/研發支持計劃支持,「南方宇宙生存指南:遊記、未來書寫與殖民地」為鄭文琦、吳其育、柯念璞所共同發起的研究計畫,運用常見於19到20世紀初西方探險家「發現」殖民地的書寫及科幻類型文本(如《銀河便車指南》廣播劇);融合臺灣與馬來亞殖民時期具代表性的經濟地景、第一人稱書寫(遊記或報導)和「廣播劇」形式的虛構「生存指南」(Field Guide),通過不同成員合作的文獻與圖像研讀、讀書會、實體訪談與語音導覽等方法,最終將於CREATORS計畫研究期間,製作播出四集南方宇宙生存指南Podcast。(關鍵字:東南亞、生態殖民、植育場、鴉片、港口、沙盒)

    第一集、第二集分別為英文導覽的「The Southern Universe Archives」和中文導覽的「南方宇宙檔案館」。藉由導覽虛構的南方宇宙檔案館以及真實南方圈殖民歷史的文獻,帶領聽眾漫遊南方殖民地的博覽會、港口、苗圃、專賣、煤礦,還有其他基礎設施的物質或非物質檔案,必定讓聽眾感到有如置身於南方宇宙。


    • 21 min


    (Music: Theme II, commissioned by pluggedintheruins.com; curator: Feng Hsin / Guest: Li Tze-mei / Host: Rikey Tenn; recorded by Rikey Tenn@ET@T)

    • 47 min
    旁觀他人之「正義」:致穎談documenta 15與他在巴黎的新作

    旁觀他人之「正義」:致穎談documenta 15與他在巴黎的新作



    (Guest: Musquiqui Chihying / host: Rikey Tenn; recorded by Feng Chih-ming@ET@T)

    • 40 min

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