38 min

#0050 - Apple Vision Pro, the GRAMMY Awards, Enhanced Games, Disney’s Holotile, and More Somewhat Frank

    • Entrepreneurship

On this episode of the Somewhat Frank Podcast, Frank Gruber (@FrankGruber), John Guidos (@JohnGuidos), and Jen Consalvo (@Noreaster) dive headfirst into the future of technology and societal trends, starting with our hands-on experience with the newly launched Apple Vision Pro. This cutting-edge headset, resembling a MacBook Pro for your face, promises an immersive experience unlike any other. We discuss its coolest features, from the ability to project multiple screens to its clear view of the surrounding environment, and weigh these against its less appealing aspects, such as its public perception and hefty price tag.
We also chat again about the Established House, which is scheduled to take place on March 10, 2024 in Austin, TX. It will be a networking and collaboration space for startups, investors, and entrepreneur support organizations. For more details, you can visit the official website: https://house.established.us 
But that's not all – we also bring you the latest from the GRAMMY Awards. Our reading list is just as intriguing, featuring discussions on the Enhanced Games concept, where performance-enhancing drugs are not just allowed but celebrated, and the pivotal role Toby Keith played in launching Taylor Swift’s career. Plus, we explore the rise of the Introvert Economy in post-pandemic America, a shift that's reshaping our social landscape and economic activities.
And for our tech enthusiasts, we delve into Disney’s VR Treadmill Holotile, a project by Lanny Smoot, Disney's most prolific inventor. This innovation could revolutionize virtual reality, offering a level of immersion previously unattainable.
As always, thank you for listening and feel free to reach out and let us know what you think at: somewhatfrank@est.us
Get updates like this in your inbox before they hit the web by subscribing to the newsletter here: https://frankgruber.me/newsletter/ 

On this episode of the Somewhat Frank Podcast, Frank Gruber (@FrankGruber), John Guidos (@JohnGuidos), and Jen Consalvo (@Noreaster) dive headfirst into the future of technology and societal trends, starting with our hands-on experience with the newly launched Apple Vision Pro. This cutting-edge headset, resembling a MacBook Pro for your face, promises an immersive experience unlike any other. We discuss its coolest features, from the ability to project multiple screens to its clear view of the surrounding environment, and weigh these against its less appealing aspects, such as its public perception and hefty price tag.
We also chat again about the Established House, which is scheduled to take place on March 10, 2024 in Austin, TX. It will be a networking and collaboration space for startups, investors, and entrepreneur support organizations. For more details, you can visit the official website: https://house.established.us 
But that's not all – we also bring you the latest from the GRAMMY Awards. Our reading list is just as intriguing, featuring discussions on the Enhanced Games concept, where performance-enhancing drugs are not just allowed but celebrated, and the pivotal role Toby Keith played in launching Taylor Swift’s career. Plus, we explore the rise of the Introvert Economy in post-pandemic America, a shift that's reshaping our social landscape and economic activities.
And for our tech enthusiasts, we delve into Disney’s VR Treadmill Holotile, a project by Lanny Smoot, Disney's most prolific inventor. This innovation could revolutionize virtual reality, offering a level of immersion previously unattainable.
As always, thank you for listening and feel free to reach out and let us know what you think at: somewhatfrank@est.us
Get updates like this in your inbox before they hit the web by subscribing to the newsletter here: https://frankgruber.me/newsletter/ 

38 min