39 min

019 | Digestive Wellness with Morgan Lewis Go Play in the Dirt

    • Nutrition

Gut health is foundational to our overall health. You are not what you eat, you are what you digest. My guest today is Morgan Lewis, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Yoga Teacher, and believer in wellness. She utilizes holistic nutrition and lifestyle support for women experiencing IBS and digestive issues. Morgan shares how she navigated chronic gut issues, bloating, an IBS diagnosis, and a recent Lyme diagnosis. Morgan shares her expertise on digestive wellness so we can understan...

Gut health is foundational to our overall health. You are not what you eat, you are what you digest. My guest today is Morgan Lewis, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Yoga Teacher, and believer in wellness. She utilizes holistic nutrition and lifestyle support for women experiencing IBS and digestive issues. Morgan shares how she navigated chronic gut issues, bloating, an IBS diagnosis, and a recent Lyme diagnosis. Morgan shares her expertise on digestive wellness so we can understan...

39 min