45 min

Reframing Our Thoughts About Sex - with Laura Froyen, PHD | Ep. 02 Doing It Together: Making Sense of Low Libido, Sex, and Intimacy in Marriage.

    • Sexuality

1. Why media is so damaging when it comes to our understanding of sex.

2. How cultural expectations define our expectations for sex and what the intentions can be instead.

3. The major problem with mainstream advice for low libido.

4. The magic ingredient essential to a wonderful sex life that so many professionals ignore.

5. The most important mindset shift to go from having duty sex to having sex for pleasure and enjoyment.

*Please note that this conversation includes real experiences that are sometimes traumatic in nature. This may be triggering for some listeners.


For this week's episode on The Wanting it More podcast, I speak with my close friend, colleague and alum of my program, Laura Froyen, PhD. Laura is a Marriage and Family Therapist who not only took sex therapy classes in graduate school but worked with couples in their sexual relationships and recieved sex therapy herself. In her professional life, she now helps individuals, partners, and co-parents become the parents they are longing to be.


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Janna's Program: Wanting It More

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1. Why media is so damaging when it comes to our understanding of sex.

2. How cultural expectations define our expectations for sex and what the intentions can be instead.

3. The major problem with mainstream advice for low libido.

4. The magic ingredient essential to a wonderful sex life that so many professionals ignore.

5. The most important mindset shift to go from having duty sex to having sex for pleasure and enjoyment.

*Please note that this conversation includes real experiences that are sometimes traumatic in nature. This may be triggering for some listeners.


For this week's episode on The Wanting it More podcast, I speak with my close friend, colleague and alum of my program, Laura Froyen, PhD. Laura is a Marriage and Family Therapist who not only took sex therapy classes in graduate school but worked with couples in their sexual relationships and recieved sex therapy herself. In her professional life, she now helps individuals, partners, and co-parents become the parents they are longing to be.


Connect with Laura:  Podcast l Website l Instagram

Janna's Program: Wanting It More

Join the Waitlist for the next round of Doing It Together. ​Join Now.​
Leave a podcast review: We'd so appreciate your ​rating and review​ to help the podcast reach more women.
Learn about Doing It Together: Program details, schedules, testimonials, and Q&A. ​Visit now.

45 min